minor updates
diff --git a/Home.md b/Home.md
index a3ec167..23d7067 100644
--- a/Home.md
+++ b/Home.md
@@ -33,12 +33,13 @@
- If you prefer to install from source, [read this first](https://golang.org/doc/install/source).
- [InstallFromSource](InstallFromSource) - Additional tips on source installs.
- Windows user? [Install and configure Go, Git and Atom for Windows](https://github.com/abourget/getting-started-with-golang)
+ - Mac user? [How I start - Go](https://howistart.org/posts/go/1) - A step-by-step guide to installing Go and building your first web service.
- Having installation problems? [InstallTroubleShooting](InstallTroubleShooting)
- Make sure you have your [$GOPATH environment variable set correctly](https://golang.org/doc/install/source#gopath)
- If you need additional tips on using [$GOPATH, go here](GOPATH).
- [MultipleGoRoots](MultipleGoRoots) - More advanced information on working with multiple go installations and the `$GOROOT` variable.
- [Go IDEs and Editors](IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins) - Information on how to use your favorite editor with Go.
- - [Tools for working with Go code](CodeTools) - Formatting, linting, vetting, refactoring.
+ - [Tools for working with Go code](CodeTools) - Formatting, linting, vetting, refactoring, navigation and visualization.
- Finding Go Libraries & Tools
- Start here: [Go open source projects](Projects).
- Search for Go packages: [godoc.org](http://godoc.org)