| --- |
| title: Go Developer Survey 2022 Q2 Results |
| date: 2022-09-08 |
| by: |
| - Todd Kulesza |
| tags: |
| - survey |
| - community |
| summary: An analysis of the results from the 2022 Q2 Go Developer Survey. |
| --- |
| |
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| ## Overview |
| |
| This article shares the results of the 2022 June edition of the Go Developer |
| Survey. On behalf of the Go team, thank you to the 5,752 people who told us |
| about their experience working with new features introduced in Go 1.18, |
| including generics, security tooling, and workspaces. You've helped us better |
| understand how developers are discovering and using this functionality, and as |
| this article will discuss, provided useful insights for additional |
| improvements. Thank you! 💙 |
| |
| ### Key findings |
| |
| - __Generics has seen quick adoption__. A large majority of respondents were |
| aware generics had been included in the Go 1.18 release, and about 1 in 4 |
| respondents said they've already started using generics in their Go code. |
| The most common single piece of generics-related feedback was "thank you!", |
| but it is clear developers are already running into some limitations of the |
| initial generics implementation. |
| - __Fuzzing is new to most Go developers__. Awareness of Go's built-in fuzz |
| testing was much lower than generics, and respondents had much more |
| uncertainty around why or when they might consider using fuzz testing. |
| - __Third-party dependencies are a top security concern__. Avoiding |
| dependencies with known vulnerabilities was the top security-related |
| challenge for respondents. More broadly, security work can often be |
| unplanned and unrewarded, implying that tooling needs to be respectful of |
| developers' time and attention. |
| - __We can do better when announcing new functionality__. Randomly sampled |
| participants were less likely to know about recent Go tooling releases than |
| people who found the survey via the Go blog. This suggests we should either |
| look beyond blog articles to communicate changes in the Go ecosystem, or |
| expand efforts to share these articles more widely. |
| - __Error handling remains a challenge__. Following the release of generics, |
| respondents' top challenge when working with Go shifted to error handling. |
| Overall, however, satisfaction with Go remains very high, and we found no |
| significant changes in how respondents said they were using Go. |
| |
| |
| ### How to read these results |
| |
| Throughout this post, we use charts of survey responses to provide supporting |
| evidence for our findings. All of these charts use a similar format. The title |
| is the exact question that survey respondents saw. Unless otherwise noted, |
| questions were multiple choice and participants could only select a single |
| response choice; each chart's subtitle will tell you if the question allowed |
| multiple response choices or was an open-ended text box instead of a multiple |
| choice question. For charts of open-ended text responses, a Go team member |
| read and manually categorized all of the responses. Many open-ended questions |
| elicited a wide variety of responses; to keep the chart sizes reasonable, we |
| condensed them to a maximum of the top 10 themes, with additional themes all |
| grouped under "Other". |
| |
| To help readers understand the weight of evidence underlying each finding, we |
| include error bars showing the 95% confidence interval for responses; narrower |
| bars indicate increased confidence. Sometimes two or more responses have |
| overlapping error bars, which means the relative order of those responses is |
| not statistically meaningful (i.e., the responses are effectively tied). The |
| lower right of each chart shows the number of people whose responses are |
| included in the chart, in the form "_n = [number of respondents]_". |
| |
| ### A note on methodology |
| |
| Most survey respondents "self-selected" to take the survey, meaning they found |
| it on [the Go blog](/blog), [@golang on |
| Twitter](https://twitter.com/golang), or other social Go channels. A potential |
| problem with this approach is that people who don't follow these channels are |
| less likely to learn about the survey, and might respond differently than |
| people who _do_ closely follow them. About one third of respondents were |
| randomly sampled, meaning they responded to the survey after seeing a prompt |
| for it in VS Code (everyone using the VS Code Go plugin between June 1 - June |
| 21st 2022 had a 10% of receiving this random prompt). This randomly sampled |
| group helps us generalize these findings to the larger community of Go |
| developers. Most survey questions showed no meaningful difference between |
| these groups, but in the few cases with important differences, readers will |
| see charts that break down responses into "Random sample" and "Self-selected" |
| groups. |
| |
| ## Generics |
| |
| <div class="quote">"[Generics] seemed like the only obvious missing feature from the first time I used the language. Has helped reduce code duplication a lot." — A survey respondent discussing generics</div> |
| |
| After Go 1.18 was released with support for type parameters (more commonly |
| referred to as _generics_), we wanted to understand what the initial awareness |
| and adoption of generics looked like, as well as identify common challenges or |
| blockers for using generics. |
| |
| The vast majority of survey respondents (86%) were already aware generics |
| shipped as part of the Go 1.18 release. We had hoped to see a simple majority |
| here, so this was much more awareness than we'd been expecting. We also found |
| that about a quarter of respondents had begun using generics in Go code (26%), |
| including 14% who said they are already using generics in production or |
| released code. A majority of respondents (54%) were not opposed to using |
| generics, but didn't have a need for them today. We also found that 8% of |
| respondents _wanted_ to use generics in Go, but were currently blocked by |
| something. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/generics_awareness.svg" alt="Chart showing most |
| respondents were aware Go 1.18 included generics" class="chart" /> <img |
| src="survey2022q2/generics_use.svg" alt="Chart showing 26% of respondents are |
| already using Go generics" class="chart" /> |
| |
| What was blocking some developers from using generics? A majority of |
| respondents fell into one of two categories. First, 30% of respondents said |
| they hit a limit of the current implementation of generics, such as wanting |
| parameterized methods, improved type inference, or switching on types. |
| Respondents said these issues limited the potential use cases for generics or |
| felt they made generic code unnecessarily verbose. The second category |
| involved depending on something that didn't (yet) support generics---linters |
| were the most common tool preventing adoption, but this list also included |
| things like organizations remaining on an earlier Go release or depending on a |
| Linux distribution that did not yet provide Go 1.18 packages (26%). A steep |
| learning curve or lack of helpful documentation was cited by 12% of |
| respondents. Beyond these top issues, respondents told us about a wide range |
| of less-common (though still meaningful) challenges, as shown in the chart |
| below. To avoid focusing on hypotheticals, this analysis only includes people |
| who said they were already using generics, or who tried to use generics but |
| were blocked by something. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/text_gen_challenge.svg" alt="Chart showing the top |
| generic challenges" class="chart" /> |
| |
| We also asked survey respondents who had tried using generics to share any |
| additional feedback. Encouragingly, one in ten respondents said generics had |
| already simplified their code, or resulted in less code duplication. The most |
| common response was some variation of "thank you!" or a general positive |
| sentiment (43%); for comparison, only 6% of respondents evinced a negative |
| reaction or sentiment. Mirroring the findings from the "biggest challenge" |
| question above, nearly one third of respondents discussed hitting a limitation |
| of Go's implementation of generics. The Go team is using this set of results |
| to help decide if or how some of these limitations could be relaxed. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/text_gen_feedback.svg" alt="Chart showing most generics |
| feedback was positive or referenced a limitation of the current |
| implementation" class="chart" /> |
| |
| ## Security |
| |
| <div class="quote">"[The biggest challenge is] finding time given competing priorities; business customers want their features over security." — A survey respondent discussing security challenges</div> |
| |
| Following the [2020 SolarWinds |
| breach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_federal_government_data_breach#SolarWinds_exploit), |
| the practice of developing software securely has received renewed attention. |
| The Go team has prioritized work in this area, including tools for creating [a |
| software bill of materials (SBOM)](https://pkg.go.dev/debug/buildinfo), [fuzz |
| testing](/doc/fuzz/), and most recently, [vulnerability |
| scanning](/blog/vuln/). To support these efforts, this survey |
| asked several questions about software development security practices and |
| challenges. We specifically wanted to understand: |
| |
| - What types of security tools are Go developers using today? |
| - How do Go developers find and resolve vulnerabilities? |
| - What are the biggest challenges to writing secure Go software? |
| |
| Our results suggest that while static analysis tooling is in widespread use |
| (65% of respondents), a minority of respondents currently use it to find |
| vulnerabilities (35%) or otherwise improve code security (33%). Respondents |
| said that security tooling is most commonly run during CI/CD time (84%), with |
| a minority saying developers run these tools locally during development (22%). |
| This aligns with additional security research our team has conducted, which |
| found that security scanning at CI/CD time is a desired backstop, but |
| developers often considered this too late for a first notification: they would |
| prefer to know a dependency may be vulnerable _before_ building upon it, or to |
| verify that a version update resolved a vulnerability without waiting for CI |
| to run a full battery of additional tests against their PR. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/dev_techniques.svg" alt="Chart showing prevalence of 9 |
| different development techniques" class="chart" /> <img |
| src="survey2022q2/security_sa_when.svg" alt="Chart showing most respondents |
| run security tools during CI" class="chart" /> |
| |
| We also asked respondents about their biggest challenges around developing |
| secure software. The most wide-spread difficulty was evaluating the security |
| of third-party libraries (57% of respondents), a topic vulnerability scanners |
| (such as [GitHub's dependabot](https://github.com/dependabot) or the Go team's |
| [govulncheck](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck)) can help |
| address. The other top challenges suggest opportunities for additional |
| security tooling: respondents said it’s hard to consistently apply best |
| practices while writing code, and validating that the resulting code doesn’t |
| have vulnerabilities. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/security_challenges.svg" alt="Chart showing the most |
| common security challenge is evaluating the security of third-party libraries" |
| class="chart" /> |
| |
| Fuzz testing, another approach for increasing application security, was still |
| quite new to most respondents. Only 12% said they use it at work, and 5% said |
| they've adopted Go's built-in fuzzing tools. An open-ended follow-up question |
| asking what made fuzzing difficult to use found that the main reasons were not |
| technical problems: the top three responses discussed not understanding how to |
| use fuzz testing (23%), a lack of time to devote to fuzzing or security more |
| broadly (22%), and understanding why and when developers might want to use |
| fuzz testing (14%). These findings indicate that we still have work to do in |
| terms of communicating the value of fuzz testing, what should be fuzz tested, |
| and how to apply it to a variety of different code bases. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/fuzz_use.svg" alt="Chart showing most respondents have |
| not tried fuzz testing yet" class="chart" /> <img |
| src="survey2022q2/text_fuzz_challenge.svg" alt="Chart showing the biggest fuzz |
| testing challenges relate to understanding, rather than technical issues" |
| class="chart" /> |
| |
| To better understand common tasks around vulnerability detection and |
| resolution, we asked respondents whether they'd learned of any vulnerabilities |
| in their Go code or its dependencies during the past year. For those who did, |
| we followed up with questions asking how the most recent vulnerability was |
| discovered, how they investigated and/or resolved it, and what was most |
| challenging about the whole process. |
| |
| First, we found evidence that vulnerability scanning is effective. One quarter |
| of respondents said they'd learned of a vulnerability in one of their |
| third-party dependencies. Recall, however, that only about â…“ of respondents |
| were using vulnerability scanning at all---when we look at responses from |
| people who said they ran some sort of vulnerability scanner, this proportion |
| nearly doubles, from 25% → 46%. Besides vulnerabilities in dependencies or in |
| Go itself, 12% of respondents said they learned about vulnerabilities in their |
| own code. |
| |
| A majority of respondents said they learned of vulnerabilities via security |
| scanners (65%). The single most common tool respondents cited was [GitHub's |
| dependabot](https://github.com/dependabot) (38%), making it more frequently |
| referenced than all other vulnerability scanners combined (27%). After |
| scanning tools, the most common method for learning about vulnerabilities were |
| public reports, such as release notes and CVEs (22%). |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/security_found_vuln.svg" alt="Chart showing that most |
| respondents have not found security vulnerabilities during the past year" |
| class="chart" /> <img src="survey2022q2/text_vuln_find.svg" alt="Chart showing |
| that vulnerability scanners are the most common way to learn about security |
| vulnerabilities" class="chart" /> |
| |
| Once respondents learned about a vulnerability, the most common resolution was |
| to upgrade the vulnerable dependency (67%). Among respondents who also |
| discussed using a vulnerability scanner (a proxy for participants who were |
| discussing a vulnerability in a third-party dependency), this increased to |
| 85%. Less than one third of respondents discussed reading the CVE or |
| vulnerability report (31%), and only 12% mentioned a deeper investigation to |
| understand whether (and how) their software was impacted by the vulnerability. |
| |
| That only 12% of respondents said they performed an investigation into whether |
| a vulnerability was reachable in their code, or the potential impact it may |
| have had on their service, was surprising. To understand this better, we also |
| looked at what respondents said was most challenging about responding to |
| security vulnerabilities. They described several different topics in roughly |
| equal proportions, from ensuring that dependency updates didn't break |
| anything, to understanding how to update indirect dependencies via go.mod |
| files. Also in this list is the type of investigation needed to understand a |
| vulnerability's impact or root cause. When we focus on only the respondents |
| who said they performed these investigations, however, we see a clear |
| correlation: 70% of respondents who said they performed an investigation into |
| the vulnerability's potential impact cited it as the most challenging part of |
| this process. Reasons included not just the difficulty of the task, but the |
| fact that it was often both unplanned and unrewarded work. |
| |
| The Go team believes these deeper investigations, which require an |
| understanding of _how_ an application uses a vulnerable dependency, are |
| crucial for understanding the risk the vulnerability may present to an |
| organization, as well as understanding whether a data breach or other security |
| compromise occurred. Thus, [we designed |
| `govulncheck`](/blog/vuln) to only alert developers when a |
| vulnerability is invoked, and point developers to the exact places in their |
| code using the vulnerable functions. Our hope is that this will make it easier |
| for developers to quickly investigate the vulnerabilities that truly matter to |
| their application, thus reducing the overall amount of unplanned work in this |
| space. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/text_vuln_resolve.svg" alt="Chart showing most |
| respondents resolved vulnerabilities by upgrading dependencies" class="chart" /> |
| <img src="survey2022q2/text_vuln_challenge.svg" alt="Chart showing a 6-way |
| tie for tasks that were most challenging when investigating and resolving |
| security vulnerabilities" class="chart" /> |
| |
| ## Tooling |
| |
| Next, we investigated three questions focused on tooling: |
| |
| - Has the editor landscape shifted since our last survey? |
| - Are developers using workspaces? If so, what challenges have they |
| encountered while getting started? |
| - How do developers handle internal package documentation? |
| |
| VS Code appears to be continuing to grow in popularity among survey |
| respondents, with the proportion of respondents saying it's their preferred |
| editor for Go code increasing from 42% → 45% since 2021. VS Code and GoLand, |
| the two most popular editors, showed no differences in popularity between |
| small and large organizations, though hobbyist developers were more likely to |
| prefer VS Code to GoLand. This analysis excludes the randomly sampled VS Code |
| respondents---we'd expect people we invited to the survey to show a preference |
| for the tool used to distribute the invitation, which is exactly what we saw |
| (91% of the randomly sampled respondents preferred VS Code). |
| |
| Following the 2021 switch to [power VS Code's Go support via the gopls |
| language server](/blog/gopls-vscode-go), the Go team has been |
| interested in understanding developer pain points related to gopls. While we |
| receive a healthy amount of feedback from developers currently using gopls, we |
| wondered whether a large proportion of developers had disabled it shortly |
| after release, which could mean we weren't hearing feedback about particularly |
| problematic use cases. To answer this question, we asked respondents who said |
| they preferred an editor which supports gopls whether or not they _used_ |
| gopls, finding that only 2% said they had disabled it; for VS Code |
| specifically, this dropped to 1%. This increases our confidence that we're |
| hearing feedback from a representative group of developers. For readers who |
| still have unresolved issues with gopls, please let us know by <a |
| href="https://github.com/golang/go/issues">filing an issue on GitHub</a>. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/editor_self_select.svg" alt="Chart showing the top |
| preferred editors for Go are VS Code, GoLand, and Vim / Neovim" class="chart" /> |
| <img src="survey2022q2/use_gopls.svg" alt="Chart showing only 2% of |
| respondents disabled gopls" class="chart"/> |
| |
| Regarding workspaces, it seems many people first learned about Go's support |
| for multi-module workspaces via this survey. Respondents who learned of the |
| survey through VS Code's randomized prompt were especially likely to say they |
| had not heard of workspaces before (53% of randomly sampled respondents vs. |
| 33% of self-selecting respondents), a trend we also observed with awareness of |
| generics (though this was higher for both groups, with 93% of self-selecting |
| respondents aware that generics landed in Go 1.18 vs. 68% of randomly sampled |
| respondents). One interpretation is that there is a large audience of Go |
| developers we do not currently reach through the Go blog or existing social |
| media channels, which has traditionally been our primary mechanism for sharing |
| new functionality. |
| |
| We found that 9% of respondents said they had tried workspaces, and an |
| additional 5% would like to but are blocked by something. Respondents |
| discussed a variety of challenges when trying to use Go workspaces. A lack of |
| documentation and helpful error message from the `go work` command top the |
| list (21%), followed by technical challenges such as refactoring existing |
| repositories (13%). Similar to challenges discussed in the security section, |
| we again see "lack of time / not a priority" in this list---we interpret this |
| to mean the bar to understand and setup workspaces is still a bit too high |
| compared to the benefits they provide, potentially because developers already |
| had workarounds in place. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/workspaces_use_s.svg" alt="Chart showing a majority of |
| randomly sampled respondents were not aware of workspaces prior to this |
| survey" class="chart" /> <img src="survey2022q2/text_workspace_challenge.svg" |
| alt="Chart showing that documentation and error messages were the top |
| challenge when trying to use Go workspaces" class="chart" /> |
| |
| Prior to the release of Go modules, organizations were able to run internal |
| documentation servers (such as [the one that powered |
| godoc.org](https://github.com/golang/gddo)) to provide employees with |
| documentation for private, internal Go packages. This remains true with |
| [pkg.go.dev](https://pkg.go.dev), but setting up such a server is more complex |
| than it used to be. To understand if we should invest in making this process |
| easier, we asked respondents how they view documentation for internal Go |
| modules today, and whether that's their preferred way of working. |
| |
| The results show the most common way to view internal Go documentation today |
| is by reading the code (81%), and while about half of the respondents were |
| happy with this, a large proportion would prefer to have an internal |
| documentation server (39%). We also asked who might be most likely to |
| configure and maintain such a server: by a 2-to-1 margin, respondents thought |
| it would be a software engineer rather than someone from a dedicated IT |
| support or operations team. This strongly suggests that a documentation server |
| should be a turn-key solution, or at least easy for a single developer to get |
| running quickly (over, say, a lunch break), on the theory that this type of |
| work is yet one more responsibility on developers' already full plates. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/doc_viewing_today.svg" alt="Chart showing most |
| respondents use source code directly for internal package documentation" |
| class="chart" /> <img src="survey2022q2/doc_viewing_ideal.svg" alt="Chart |
| showing 39% of respondents would prefer to use a documentation server instead |
| of viewing source for docs" class="chart" /> <img |
| src="survey2022q2/doc_server_owner.svg" alt="Chart showing most respondents |
| expect a software engineer to be responsible for such a documentation server" |
| class="chart" /> |
| |
| ## Who we heard from |
| |
| Overall, the demographics and firmographics of respondents did not |
| meaningfully shift since [our 2021 |
| survey](/blog/survey2021-results). A small majority of |
| respondents (53%) have at least two years of experience using Go, while the |
| rest are newer to the Go community. About â…“ of respondents work at small |
| businesses (< 100 employees), ¼ work at medium-sized businesses (100 -- 1,000 |
| employees), and ¼ work at enterprises (> 1,000 employees). Similar to last |
| year, we found that our VS Code prompt helped encourage survey participation |
| outside of North America and Europe. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/go_exp.svg" alt="Chart showing distribution of |
| respondents' Go experience" class="chart" /> <img src="survey2022q2/where.svg" |
| alt="Chart showing distribution of where respondents' use Go" class="chart" /> |
| <img src="survey2022q2/org_size.svg" alt="Chart showing distribution of |
| organization sizes for survey respondents" class="chart" /> <img |
| src="survey2022q2/industry.svg" alt="Chart showing distribution of industry |
| classifications for survey respondents" class="chart" /> <img |
| src="survey2022q2/location_s.svg" alt="Chart showing where in the world survey |
| respondents live" class="chart" /> |
| |
| ## How respondents use Go |
| |
| Similar to the previous section, we did not find any statistically significant |
| year-over-year changes in how respondents are using Go. The two most common |
| use cases remain building API/RPC services (73%) and writing CLIs (60%). We |
| used linear models to investigate whether there was a relationship between how |
| long a respondent had been using Go and the types of things they were building |
| with it. We found that respondents with < 1 year of Go experience are more |
| likely to be building something in the bottom half of this chart (GUIs, IoT, |
| games, ML/AI, or mobile apps), suggesting that there is interest in using Go |
| in these domains, but the drop-off after one year of experience also implies |
| that developers hit significant barriers when working with Go in these areas. |
| |
| A majority of respondents use either Linux (59%) or macOS (52%) when |
| developing with Go, and the vast majority deploy to Linux systems (93%). This |
| cycle we added a response choice for developing on Windows Subsystem for Linux |
| (WSL), finding that 13% of respondents use this when working with Go. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/go_app.svg" alt="Chart showing distribution of what |
| respondents build with Go" class="chart" /> <img src="survey2022q2/os_dev.svg" |
| alt="Chart showing Linux and macOS are the most common development systems" |
| class="chart" /> <img src="survey2022q2/os_deploy.svg" alt="Chart showing |
| Linux is the most common deployment platform" class="chart" /> |
| |
| ## Sentiment and challenges |
| |
| Finally, we asked respondents about their overall level of satisfaction or |
| dissatisfaction with Go during that past year, as well as the biggest |
| challenge they face when using Go. We found that 93% of respondents said they |
| were "somewhat" (30%) or "very" (63%) satisfied, which is not statistically |
| different from the 92% of respondents who said they were satisfied during the |
| 2021 Go Developer Survey. |
| |
| After years of generics consistently being the most commonly discussed |
| challenge when using Go, the support for type parameters in Go 1.18 finally |
| resulted in a new top challenge: our old friend, error handling. To be sure, |
| error handling is statistically tied with several other challenges, including |
| missing or immature libraries for certain domains, helping developers learn |
| and implement best practices, and other revisions to the type system, such as |
| support for enums or more functional programming syntax. Post-generics, there |
| appears to be a very long tail of challenges facing Go developers. |
| |
| <img src="survey2022q2/csat.svg" alt="Chart showing 93% of survey respondents |
| are satisfied using Go, with 4% dissatisfied" class="chart" /> <img |
| src="survey2022q2/text_biggest_challenge.svg" alt="Chart showing a long tail |
| of challenges reported by survey respondents" class="chart" /> |
| |
| ## Survey methodology |
| |
| We publicly announced this survey on June 1st, 2022 via |
| [go.dev/blog](/blog) and [@golang](https://twitter.com/golang) |
| on Twitter. We also randomly prompted 10% of [VS |
| Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) users via the Go plugin between June 1st |
| -- 21st. The survey closed on June 22nd, and partial responses (i.e., people |
| who started but did not finish the survey) were also recorded. We filtered out |
| data from respondents who completed the survey especially quickly (< 30 |
| seconds) or tended to check all of the response choices for multi-select |
| questions. This left 5,752 responses. |
| |
| About â…“ of respondents came from the randomized VS Code prompt, and this group |
| tended to have less experience with Go than people who found the survey via |
| the Go blog or Go's social media channels. We used linear and logistic models |
| to investigate whether apparent differences between these groups were better |
| explained by this difference in experience, which was usually the case. The |
| exceptions are noted in the text. |
| |
| This year we very much hoped to also share the raw dataset with the community, |
| similar to developer surveys from [Stack |
| Overflow](https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey), |
| [JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/devecosystem-2021/), and others. |
| Recent legal guidance unfortunately prevents us from doing that right now, but |
| we're working on this and expect to be able to share the raw dataset for our |
| next Go Developer Survey. |
| |
| ## Conclusion |
| |
| This iteration of the Go Developer Survey focused on new functionality from |
| the Go 1.18 release. We found that generics adoption is well under way, with |
| developers already hitting some limitations of the current implementation. |
| Fuzz testing and workspaces have seen slower adoption, though largely not for |
| technical reasons: the primary challenge with both was understanding when and |
| how to use them. A lack of developer time to focus on these topics was another |
| challenge, and this theme carried into security tooling as well. These |
| findings are helping the Go team prioritize our next efforts and will |
| influence how we approach the design of future tooling. |
| |
| Thank you for joining us in the tour of Go developer research---we hope it's |
| been insightful and interesting. Most importantly, thank you to everyone who |
| has responded to our surveys over the years. Your feedback helps us understand |
| the constraints Go developers work under and identify challenges they face. By |
| sharing these experiences, you're helping to improve the Go ecosystem for |
| everyone. On behalf of Gophers everywhere, we appreciate you! |