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title: Comments
This is just a placeholder page for enabling a test.
In the deployed site it is overwritten with the content of
Every package should have a package comment. It should immediately precede the ` package ` statement in one of the files in the package. (It only needs to appear in one file.) It should begin with a single sentence that begins "Package _packagename_" and give a concise summary of the package functionality. This introductory sentence will be used in godoc's list of all packages.
Subsequent sentences and/or paragraphs can give more details. Sentences should be properly punctuated.
// Package superman implements methods for saving the world.
// Experience has shown that a small number of procedures can prove
// helpful when attempting to save the world.
package superman
Nearly every top-level type, const, var and func should have a comment. A comment for bar should be in the form "_bar_ floats on high o'er vales and hills.". The first letter of _bar_ should not be capitalized unless it's capitalized in the code.
// enterOrbit causes Superman to fly into low Earth orbit, a position
// that presents several possibilities for planet salvation.
func enterOrbit() os.Error {
All text that you indent inside a comment, godoc will render as a pre-formatted block. This facilitates code samples.
// fight can be used on any enemy and returns whether Superman won.
// Examples:
// fight("a random potato")
// fight(LexLuthor{})
func fight(enemy interface{}) bool {
// This is testing proper escaping in the wiki.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {