blob: 02c0e4ea885a021635bf2f2ab4b5981ac319f4a5 [file] [log] [blame]
GET /doc/
body contains an introduction to using modules in a simple project
GET /conduct
body contains Project Stewards
GET /doc/devel/release
body ~ go1\.14\.2\s+\(released 2020-04-08\)\s+includes\s+fixes to cgo, the go command, the runtime,
GET /doc/devel/release.html
redirect == /doc/devel/release
GET /doc/faq
body contains What is the purpose of the project
GET /pkg/
body contains Package tar
GET /pkg/os/
body contains func Open
GET /pkg/net/http/
body contains title="Added in Go 1.11"
GET /robots.txt
body contains Disallow: /search
body !contains UA-
GET /change/75944e2e3a63
code == 302
redirect contains bdb10cf
body contains bdb10cf
body !contains UA-
GET /dl/
body contains href="/dl/"
GET /dl/?mode=json
body contains .windows-amd64.msi
body !contains UA-
GET /s/go2design
code == 302
body ~ proposal.*Found
body !contains UA-
POST /compile
body=package main; func main() { print(6*7); }
body == {"compile_errors":"","output":"42"}
POST /compile
body contains expected 'package', found 'EOF'
body !contains UA-
POST /compile
body=package main; import ("fmt"; "time"); func main() {fmt.Print("A"); time.Sleep(time.Second); fmt.Print("B")}
body == {"Errors":"","Events":[{"Message":"A","Kind":"stdout","Delay":0},{"Message":"B","Kind":"stdout","Delay":1000000000}]}
POST /share
package main
body !contains UA-
GET /x/net
code == 200
body contains <meta name="go-import" content=" git">
body !contains UA-
GET /project
body contains <li><a href="/doc/go1.14">Go 1.14</a> <small>(February 2020)</small></li>
GET /project/
redirect == /project
GET /project/notexist
code == 404