This repo holds content and serving programs for the and web sites.
Content is in _content/ ( and tour/ ( Server code is in cmd/ and internal/.
To run the combined server to preview local content changes, use:
go run ./cmd/golangorg
The supporting programs cmd/admingolangorg and cmd/googlegolangorg are the servers for and (They do not use the _content/ directories.)
Each command directory has its own explaining deployment.
This repository uses eslint to format JS and TS files, and stylelint to format CSS files.
See also:
It is encouraged that all JS, TS, and CSS code be run through formatters before submitting a change. However, it is not a strict requirement enforced by CI.
./npm install
./npx eslint [options] [file] [dir]
./npx stylelint [input] [options]
TypeScript files served from _content are transformed into JavaScript. Reference .ts files in html templates as module code.
<script type="module" src="/ts/filename.ts">
Write unit tests for TypeScript code using the jest testing framework.
./npx jest [TestPathPattern]
Each time a CL is reviewed and submitted, the code is deployed to App Engine. See cmd/golangorg/ for details.
This repository uses Gerrit for code changes. To learn how to submit changes to this repository, see
The main issue tracker for the website repository is located at Prefix your issue with “x/website:” in the subject line, so it is easy to find.