blob: c82d042e7acb84fe91a3e3621ccb0382c44ed91c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.16
// +build go1.16
package pkgdoc
import (
// TestIgnoredGoFiles tests the scenario where a folder has no .go or .c files,
// but has an ignored go file.
func TestIgnoredGoFiles(t *testing.T) {
packagePath := ""
packageComment := "main is documented in an ignored .go file"
fs := fstest.MapFS{
"src/" + packagePath + "/ignored.go": {Data: []byte(`// +build ignore
// ` + packageComment + `
package main`)},
d := NewDocs(fs)
pInfo := Doc(d, "/src/"+packagePath, packagePath, ModeAll, "linux", "amd64")
if pInfo.PDoc == nil {
t.Error("pInfo.PDoc = nil; want non-nil.")
} else {
if got, want := pInfo.PDoc.Doc, packageComment+"\n"; got != want {
t.Errorf("pInfo.PDoc.Doc = %q; want %q.", got, want)
if got, want := pInfo.PDoc.Name, "main"; got != want {
t.Errorf("pInfo.PDoc.Name = %q; want %q.", got, want)
if got, want := pInfo.PDoc.ImportPath, packagePath; got != want {
t.Errorf("pInfo.PDoc.ImportPath = %q; want %q.", got, want)
if pInfo.FSet == nil {
t.Error("pInfo.FSet = nil; want non-nil.")
func TestIssue5247(t *testing.T) {
const packagePath = ""
fs := fstest.MapFS{
"src/" + packagePath + "/p.go": {Data: []byte(`package p
//line notgen.go:3
// F doc //line 1 should appear
// line 2 should appear
func F()
//line foo.go:100`)}, // No newline at end to check corner cases.
d := NewDocs(fs)
pInfo := Doc(d, "/src/"+packagePath, packagePath, 0, "linux", "amd64")
if got, want := pInfo.PDoc.Funcs[0].Doc, "F doc //line 1 should appear\nline 2 should appear\n"; got != want {
t.Errorf("pInfo.PDoc.Funcs[0].Doc = %q; want %q", got, want)