_content/fuzz-beta.article: add article for fuzz beta

Change-Id: I10fb5478db02d5a122db910c6f516a51c62e80b6
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/website/+/324789
Trust: Katie Hockman <katie@golang.org>
Run-TryBot: Katie Hockman <katie@golang.org>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <gobot@golang.org>
Reviewed-by: Roland Shoemaker <roland@golang.org>
diff --git a/blog/_content/fuzz-beta.article b/blog/_content/fuzz-beta.article
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+# Fuzzing is Beta Ready
+03 Jun 2021
+Tags: fuzz, testing
+Summary:  Native Go fuzzing is now ready for beta testing in the dev.fuzz development branch.
+Katie Hockman
+Jay Conrod
+We are excited to announce that native fuzzing is ready for beta testing in its
+development branch, [dev.fuzz](https://github.com/golang/go/tree/dev.fuzz)!
+Fuzzing is a type of automated testing which continuously manipulates inputs to
+a program to find issues such as panics or bugs. These semi-random data
+mutations can discover new code coverage that existing unit tests may miss, and
+uncover edge case bugs which would otherwise go unnoticed. Since fuzzing can
+reach these edge cases, fuzz testing is particularly valuable for finding
+security exploits and vulnerabilities.
+for more details about this feature.
+## Getting started
+To get started, you may run the following
+	$ go get golang.org/dl/gotip
+	$ gotip download dev.fuzz
+This builds the Go toolchain from the dev.fuzz development branch, and won’t be
+needed once the code is merged to the master branch in the future. After running
+this, `gotip` can act as a drop-in replacement for the `go` command. You can now
+run commands like
+	$ gotip test -fuzz=FuzzFoo
+There will be ongoing development and bug fixes in the dev.fuzz branch, so you
+should regularly run `gotip download dev.fuzz` to use the latest code.
+For compatibility with released versions of Go, use the gofuzzbeta build tag
+when committing source files containing fuzz targets to your repository. This
+tag is enabled by default at build-time in the dev.fuzz branch. See the [go
+command documentation about build
+tags](https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Build_constraints) if you have questions
+about how to use them.
+	// +build gofuzzbeta
+## Writing a fuzz target
+A fuzz target must be in a \*\_test.go file as a function in the form `FuzzXxx`.
+This function must be passed a` *testing.F` argument, much like a `*testing.T`
+argument is passed to a `TestXxx` function.
+Below is an example of a fuzz target that’s testing the behavior of the [net/url
+	// +build gofuzzbeta
+	package fuzz
+	import (
+		"net/url"
+		"reflect"
+		"testing"
+	)
+	func FuzzParseQuery(f *testing.F) {
+		f.Add("x=1&y=2")
+		f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, queryStr string) {
+			query, err := url.ParseQuery(queryStr)
+			if err != nil {
+				t.Skip()
+			}
+			queryStr2 := query.Encode()
+			query2, err := url.ParseQuery(queryStr2)
+			if err != nil {
+				t.Fatalf("ParseQuery failed to decode a valid encoded query %s: %v", queryStr2, err)
+			}
+			if !reflect.DeepEqual(query, query2) {
+				t.Errorf("ParseQuery gave different query after being encoded\nbefore: %v\nafter: %v", query, query2)
+			}
+		})
+	}
+You can read more about the fuzzing APIs with go doc
+	gotip doc testing
+	gotip doc testing.F
+	gotip doc testing.F.Add
+	gotip doc testing.F.Fuzz
+## Expectations
+This is a beta release in a development branch, so you should expect some bugs
+and an incomplete feature set. Check the [issue tracker for issues labelled
+to stay up-to-date on existing bugs and missing features.
+Please be aware that fuzzing can consume a lot of memory and may impact your
+machine’s performance while it runs. `go test -fuzz` defaults to running fuzzing
+in `$GOMAXPROCS` processes in parallel. You may lower the number of processes
+used while fuzzing by explicitly setting the `-parallel` flag with `go test`.
+Read the documentation for the `go test` command by running `gotip help
+testflag` if you want more information.
+Also be aware that the fuzzing engine writes values that expand test coverage to
+a fuzz cache directory within `$GOCACHE/fuzz` while it runs. There is currently
+no limit to the number of files or total bytes that may be written to the fuzz
+cache, so it may occupy a large amount of storage (ie. several GBs). You can
+clear the fuzz cache by running `gotip clean -fuzzcache`.
+## What’s next?
+This feature will not be available in the upcoming Go release (1.17), but there
+are plans to land this in a future Go release. We hope that this working
+prototype will allow Go developers to start writing fuzz targets and provide
+helpful feedback about the design in preparation for a merge to master.
+If you experience any problems or have an idea for a feature request, please
+[file an
+For discussion and general feedback about the feature, you can also participate
+in the [#fuzzing channel](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CH5KV1AKE) in
+Gophers Slack.
+Happy fuzzing!
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