blob: 9426dd76d42de9f278152d8472a1886aea58eb84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.16
// +build go1.16
package godoc
import (
// A Page describes the contents of a webpage to be served.
// A Page's Methods are for use by the templates rendering the page.
type Page struct {
Title string // <h1>
TabTitle string // prefix in <title>; defaults to Title
Subtitle string // subtitle (date for spec, memory model)
SrcPath string // path to file in /src for text view
// Template and Data describe the data to be
// rendered into the overall site frame template.
// If Template is empty, then Data should be a template.HTML
// holding raw HTML to render into the site frame.
// Otherwise, Template should be the name of a template file
// in _content/lib/godoc (for example, "package.html"),
// and that template will be executed
// (with the *Page as its data argument) to produce HTML.
// The overall site template site.html is also invoked with
// the *Page as its data argument. It is what arranges to call Template.
Template string // template to apply to data (empty string when Data is raw template.HTML)
Data interface{} // data to be rendered into page frame
// Filled in automatically by ServePage
GoogleCN bool // page is being served from
GoogleAnalytics string // Google Analytics tag
Version string // current Go version
pres *Presentation
// fullPage returns a copy of page with the “automatic” fields filled in.
func (p *Presentation) fullPage(r *http.Request, page Page) Page {
if page.TabTitle == "" {
page.TabTitle = page.Title
page.Version = runtime.Version()
page.GoogleCN = p.googleCN(r)
page.GoogleAnalytics = p.GoogleAnalytics
page.pres = p
return page
// ServePage responds to the request with the content described by page.
func (p *Presentation) ServePage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, page Page) {
page = p.fullPage(r, page)
applyTemplateToResponseWriter(w, p.Templates.Lookup("site.html"), &page)
// ServeError responds to the request with the given error.
func (p *Presentation) ServeError(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
p.ServePage(w, r, Page{
Title: r.URL.Path,
Template: "error.html",
Data: err,