blob: bfc88daa457ce975ba9bb9118a38989c0e1fbba3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.16
// +build go1.16
package web
import (
// Example renders the examples for the given function name as HTML.
// The current package is deduced from p.Data, which must be a *pkgdoc.Page.
func (p *Page) Example(funcName string) template.HTML {
info := p.Data.(*pkgdoc.Page)
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, eg := range info.Examples {
name := pkgdoc.TrimExampleSuffix(eg.Name)
if name != funcName {
// print code
cnode := &printer.CommentedNode{Node: eg.Code, Comments: eg.Comments}
code := string(p.Node(cnode))
out := eg.Output
wholeFile := true
// Additional formatting if this is a function body.
if n := len(code); n >= 2 && code[0] == '{' && code[n-1] == '}' {
wholeFile = false
// remove surrounding braces
code = code[1 : n-1]
// unindent
code = replaceLeadingIndentation(code, strings.Repeat(" ", tabWidth), "")
// remove output comment
if loc := exampleOutputRx.FindStringIndex(code); loc != nil {
code = strings.TrimSpace(code[:loc[0]])
// Write out the playground code in standard Go style
// (use tabs, no comment highlight, etc).
play := ""
if eg.Play != nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
eg.Play.Comments = filterOutBuildAnnotations(eg.Play.Comments)
if err := format.Node(&buf, info.FSet, eg.Play); err != nil {
} else {
play = buf.String()
// Drop output, as the output comment will appear in the code.
if wholeFile && play == "" {
out = ""
t :="example.html")
if t == nil {
return ""
newPage := *p
newPage.Data = struct {
Name, Doc, Code, Play, Output string
eg.Name, eg.Doc, code, play, out,
err := t.Execute(&buf, &newPage)
if err != nil {
return template.HTML(buf.String())
// replaceLeadingIndentation replaces oldIndent at the beginning of each line
// with newIndent. This is used for formatting examples. Raw strings that
// span multiple lines are handled specially: oldIndent is not removed (since
// go/printer will not add any indentation there), but newIndent is added
// (since we may still want leading indentation).
func replaceLeadingIndentation(body, oldIndent, newIndent string) string {
// Handle indent at the beginning of the first line. After this, we handle
// indentation only after a newline.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if strings.HasPrefix(body, oldIndent) {
body = body[len(oldIndent):]
// Use a state machine to keep track of whether we're in a string or
// rune literal while we process the rest of the code.
const (
codeState = iota
searchChars := []string{
"'\"`\n", // codeState
`\'`, // runeState
`\"`, // interpretedStringState
"`\n", // rawStringState
// newlineState does not need to search
state := codeState
for {
i := strings.IndexAny(body, searchChars[state])
if i < 0 {
c := body[i]
body = body[i+1:]
switch state {
case codeState:
switch c {
case '\'':
state = runeState
case '"':
state = interpretedStringState
case '`':
state = rawStringState
case '\n':
if strings.HasPrefix(body, oldIndent) {
body = body[len(oldIndent):]
case runeState:
switch c {
case '\\':
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(body)
body = body[size:]
case '\'':
state = codeState
case interpretedStringState:
switch c {
case '\\':
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(body)
body = body[size:]
case '"':
state = codeState
case rawStringState:
switch c {
case '`':
state = codeState
case '\n':
return buf.String()
var exampleOutputRx = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)//[[:space:]]*(unordered )?output:`)
func filterOutBuildAnnotations(cg []*ast.CommentGroup) []*ast.CommentGroup {
if len(cg) == 0 {
return cg
for i := range cg {
if !strings.HasPrefix(cg[i].Text(), "+build ") {
// Found the first non-build tag, return from here until the end
// of the slice.
return cg[i:]
// There weren't any non-build tags, return an empty slice.
return []*ast.CommentGroup{}