title: Vulnerability Detection For Go layout: article


Writing secure and reliable software requires knowing about vulnerabilities in your dependencies. This page provides an overview of the Go vulnerability detection package, golang.org/x/vuln/vulncheck, which enables Go developers to scan dependencies in their Go projects for public vulnerabilities.

This package is also available as a CLI tool, govulncheck.

Package vulncheck

Package vulncheck delivers support for detection and understanding of how user programs exercise known vulnerabilities. It can detect packages and modules with known vulnerabilities that are transitively imported by the user program. What makes vulncheck unique is that it also tries to find runtime call stacks, sequences of currently active function calls made by the program, demonstrating how user code reaches a vulnerability without actually executing the code. This feature brings several benefits.

Vulnerabilities at the package and function levels

vulncheck is more accurate than standard package-level vulnerability detection: just because a vulnerable symbol (function or method) is imported, this does not mean the symbol is actually used. Consider the following illustrative code.

{{raw ` package main

import "some/third/party/pkg/p"

func main() {

// package some/third/party/pkg/p
package p

// F has a known vulnerability
func F() { … }

// G is safe and does not transitively invoke F
func G() { … }


Package-level vulnerability detection would issue a warning for the above code saying that the package p has some vulnerabilities and that it has been transitively imported by the user package main. This warning is useful, but it does not tell the whole story. Since F never gets called, the above user code is not affected by p's vulnerabilities. Programmers might choose to not address the import of p at all, or postpone the fix until the next release, if they knew that no vulnerabilities of p are in fact exercised. Package-level detection is inherently limited in providing the programmers with such knowledge of vulnerabilities in their code.

Understanding Vulnerabilities

To drive home this point, let us assume we also have an accompanying test code.

{{raw ` package main

import (

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {

func TestBar(t *testing.T) {


Here, the vulnerable symbol F is indeed used by the code, but only in tests. Programmers might be fine with vulnerabilities being potentially triggered in tests or, say, sandboxed environments. Package and module level detection do not provide programmers with the level of detail necessary to make such decisions in an informed manner. vulncheck, on the other hand, is designed precisely for that. vulncheck reports call stacks demonstrating how the vulnerable symbols are reachable by user code. For the above example, vulncheck communicates [TestFoo, p.F] and [TestBar, p.F] call stacks to programmers. If we exclude above tests, vulncheck does not report any call stacks, which the programmers can interpret as no vulnerabilities are in fact reachable.

As shown by the above example, vulncheck's motivation for reporting call stacks to programmers goes beyond just improving the precision of vulnerability detection. Its overarching goal is to help programmers understand vulnerabilities, their impact, and their potential remedies. Although the simplest fix often is just to update the corresponding vulnerable package to its healthy version, if any, there are still some very important open questions:

  • Could my systems have been breached and, if so, where does the breach occur?
  • Do I need to escalate the issue?
  • Do I need to alarm my customers?

Call stacks reported by vulncheck can help programmers answer those questions, because vulnerabilities can be buried deep in unfamiliar places in the code. Package and module level detection on its own is very often not helpful when addressing these questions.

Vulnerability Graphs

The main output of vulncheck are subgraphs of the program call graph, package import graph, and module require graph that lead to vulnerabilities. We refer to such subgraphs as vulnerability graphs. A vulnerability call graph contains only nodes and edges of the original call graph that show how vulnerable symbols are reachable from the program entry points. At the call graph level, entry points are mains, inits, as well as exported functions and methods of user packages. Consider the following example:

{{raw ` package p

import "some/package/q"

type X struct { ... }

func (x X) Foo() { ... } // makes no further calls

func A(x X) {

func B(x X) {

func C(x X) {

// package some/package/q
package q

import "vulnerable/package/vuln"

type I interface {

type Y struct { ... }

func (y Y) Foo() {

func D(i I) {
   y := Y{...}

func E(i I) {

// package vulnerable/package/vuln
package vuln

func V() {...} // known to be vulnerable, makes no further calls


vulncheck's Source function takes this program as input and first constructs its call graph, shown below. We omit package information of each function for brevity.

{{raw A _ B C | \ | | | \ | | D <-- E | | \ \ | | \ \ | | \ \ | Y.Foo -> X.Foo | V}}

The entry points are functions A, B, and C of the input package p. These functions mainly pass X values to exported functions of package q that in turn call X.Foo. D also calls Y.Foo.

The call to Y.Foo is problematic as it itself makes a call to the vulnerable function V of vuln. We thus have a call to a vulnerable function in a dependent package that is not under control of the author of the package p. This can be hard to trace down for programmers by relying on just package-level vulnerability detection. vulncheck detects this and computes the following vulnerability call graph.

{{raw A _ B | \ | | \ | D <-- E | Y.Foo | V}}

Functions C and X.Foo are not in the vulnerability graph as they do not transitively lead to V. In general, all edges not leading to vulnerable symbols are omitted, as well as nodes appearing exclusively along those edges. The same principles are used to create vulnerability graphs of package imports and module require graphs.

Evidence of vulnerability uses

Clients of vulncheck can present the vulnerability graphs, such as the one above, to the programmers as a way of showing how vulnerabilities are reachable in their code. However, vulnerability graphs can get large for big projects, which would make it hard for programmers to manually inspect vulnerabilities. In response, vulncheck also provides CallStacks functionality for extracting call stacks from vulnerability call graphs.

For each pair of a vulnerable symbol and an entry point, CallStacks traverses the vulnerability graph searching for call stacks starting at the entry point and ending with a call to the vulnerable symbol. To avoid exponential explosion, each node is visited at most once. The extracted stacks for a particular vulnerability are heuristically ordered by how easy is to understand them: shorter call stacks with less dynamic call sites appear earlier in the extracted results. For the vulnerability call graph shown earlier, there are two stacks reported for V.

{{raw A B | | D E | | Y.Foo D | | V Y.Foo | V}}

Note that the call stack [A, E, D, Y.Foo, V] is not reported since a shorter extracted stack [A, D, Y.Foo, V] starting at A already goes through D.The clients of vulncheck can present (a subset) of representative calls stacks to programmers as a more succinct evidence of vulnerability uses. For instance, govulncheck by default shows only the first call stack extracted by CallStacks.

Few notes. vulncheck can also analyze Go binaries with some limitations (see Limitations section). Vulnerabilities are modeled using the shared golang.org/x/vuln/osv format and an existing vulnerability database is available at https://vuln.go.dev. For more details on vulncheck data structures and APIs, please see here.

Call Graph Construction

One of the main technical challenges in vulncheck is to statically compute call graph information of a Go program. As this is an undecidable problem, we can only hope for an approximate solution. More precise call graph algorithms will require more execution time. On the other hand, a really fast algorithm could easily be very imprecise, either missing call stacks or often reporting ones that do not appear at runtime. vulncheck strikes the balance between precision and volume of used computational resources with the Variable Type Analysis (VTA) algorithm.

Variable type analysis

VTA is an over-approximate call graph algorithm. VTA does not miss a call stack realizable in practice (see Limitations section for exceptions to this), but it might sometimes report a call stack leading to a vulnerability that cannot be exercised in practice. Our experiments suggest this does not happen too often.

Consider again the program from the previous section. Existing algorithms, such as CHA or RTA, would say that i.Foo() call in E resolves to X.Foo and Y.Foo because types X and Y implement interface I and are used in the program. If vulncheck relied on these two algorithms, it would report vulnerable call stack [B, E, Y.Foo, V] that is in fact not realizable in practice. VTA, as we hinted earlier, correctly resolves that call to only X.Foo that does not lead to V.

VTA works on an abstract representation of a program where variables are represented by their types. The types are then propagated around the program based on variable usage. For the running example, parameter x of B is abstracted via type X which is then propagated to parameter i of E. The values actually stored to the variable are not taken into account, only their types. This can lead to imprecision when types reaching an interface variable depend on valuation of, say, involved conditional statements or complicated aliasing. However, types of concrete variables are always the same, regardless of the complexity of the surrounding logic. For instance, values reaching a variable of type X always have precisely the type X. This rather unique property of Go's type system enables VTA to produce precise call graph information.

Achieving scale

In the current example, VTA propagates type X from B to E because the call E(i) is static. VTA knows what function the identifier E resolves to. But what if that call was dynamic? After all, VTA is supposed to construct the call graph so how can it then propagate types across function boundaries? One solution is to rely on a fix-point where the results of type propagation are also used to establish function call edges on which type propagation then needs to be repeated, and so on. This could be very expensive, so VTA relies on an initial approximation of the call graph to scale. Note that the initial call graph is only used to propagate types over function calls. We choose CHA as the initial call graph. As CHA can be rather imprecise, as shown on the earlier example, it could cause VTA to be overly imprecise as well. To counter that, vulncheck bootstraps VTA by VTA. After computing VTA on top of CHA, we feed the more precise resulting call graph to VTA again, toning down excessive imprecision initially introduced by CHA.

Package VTA can be found at golang.org/x/tools/go/callgraph/vta.


As VTA can produce call stacks that are not realizable in practice, vulncheck can claim that a vulnerable symbol is reachable while in fact it is not. We also note that VTA might miss some call stacks that go through unsafe and reflect packages.

Because binaries do not contain detailed call information, vulncheck cannot compute vulnerability call graphs and call stack witnesses for Go binaries.