blob: 2f817698d0132bc0b2d9400b89d92fd69617ac42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package redirect
import (
type redirectResult struct {
status int
path string
func errorResult(status int) redirectResult {
return redirectResult{status, ""}
func TestRedirects(t *testing.T) {
var tests = map[string]redirectResult{
"/build": {301, ""},
"/ref": {301, "/doc/#references"},
"/doc/mem": {301, "/ref/mem"},
"/doc/spec": {301, "/ref/spec"},
"/tour": {301, ""},
"/foo": errorResult(404),
"/blog": {301, ""},
"/blog/": {302, "/blog"},
"/blog/go1.16": {302, ""},
"/pkg/asn1": {301, "/pkg/encoding/asn1/"},
"/pkg/template/parse": {301, "/pkg/text/template/parse/"},
"/pkg/C": {301, "/pkg/C/"},
"/pkg/C/": {301, "/cmd/cgo/"},
"/pkg/C/foo": {301, "/cmd/cgo/"}, // historical
"/src/pkg/foo": {301, "/src/foo"},
"/cmd/gofix": {301, "/cmd/fix/"},
// git commits (/change)
// TODO: mercurial tags and LoadChangeMap.
"/change": {301, ""},
"/change/a": {302, ""},
"/issue": {301, ""},
"/issue?": {301, ""},
"/issue/1": {302, ""},
"/issue/new": {301, ""},
"/issue/new?a=b&c=d%20&e=f": {301, ""},
"/issues": {301, ""},
"/issues/1": {302, ""},
"/issues/new": {301, ""},
"/issues/1/2/3": errorResult(404),
"/wiki/foo": {302, ""},
"/wiki/foo/": {302, ""},
"/design": {301, ""},
"/design/": {302, "/design"},
"/design/123-foo": {302, ""},
"/design/text/123-foo": {302, ""},
"/cl/1": {302, ""},
"/cl/1/": {302, ""},
"/cl/267120043": {302, ""},
"/cl/267120043/": {302, ""},
// Verify that we're using the Rietveld CL table:
"/cl/152046": {302, ""},
"/cl/152047": {302, ""},
"/cl/152048": {302, ""},
// And verify we're using the "bigEnoughAssumeRietveld" value:
"/cl/3999999": {302, ""},
"/cl/4000000": {302, ""},
mux := http.NewServeMux()
ts := httptest.NewServer(mux)
defer ts.Close()
for path, want := range tests {
if want.path != "" && want.path[0] == '/' {
// All redirects are absolute.
want.path = ts.URL + want.path
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL+path, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("(path: %q) unexpected error: %v", path, err)
resp, err := http.DefaultTransport.RoundTrip(req)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("(path: %q) unexpected error: %v", path, err)
if resp.StatusCode != want.status {
t.Errorf("(path: %q) got status %d, want %d", path, resp.StatusCode, want.status)
if want.status != 301 && want.status != 302 {
// Not a redirect. Just check status.
out, _ := resp.Location()
if got := out.String(); got != want.path {
t.Errorf("(path: %q) got %s, want %s", path, got, want.path)