[x/go.dev] all: remove use of index.md for single page

Hugo uses both a file-per-page and directory-per-page model.
For example go.dev/about/ is served from _content/about.md
but go.dev/solutions/dropbox/ is served from _content/solutions/dropbox/index.md.
This is needlessly complex.

Hugo then has the concept of a section of pages, which would
naturally correspond with directories, but since directories
are already used for single pages, Hugo defines that a section
is a directory with an _index.md instead of an index.md.

This CL removes all use of index.md for single pages.
Then the directory structure and the section structure can
be defined to match exactly, and then the _index.md can
become plain index.md.

A few images moved their URLs, which should not matter since
no sites should be linking to our images. And many images
were outright deleted, since they were not linked at all
(copies in the images directory are linked instead).

Now there is no confusion about index.md versus _index.md.

Even better, parent and section are easily defined based on the name
of the page's file, instead of being dependent on the content of the
surrounding file tree.

Change-Id: I081d34a26150a550d6fb40d534f0c6befa4901c2
X-GoDev-Commit: 617b6df873f1d3500a3e484233cd51e7fa79c578
79 files changed
tree: c7e22572dd6f9baa76f52d15be10a7369c64a90e
  1. go.dev/
  7. README.md

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