_content/doc: fix module and tutorial bugs and clean up flow

For golang/go#44241

- Fix issues 2, 3, 8, 16, 17, 18 from golang/go#44241

Other changes in multiple topics:

- In markdown, replace HTML anchor tags with {#anchor} tags.
- In a few places, add content to clarify that module path must
  be a location from which the module can be downloaded.
- Where it was missing, add example.com domain to example module
  paths. Hopefully, this will reinforce the idea that the module
  path should typically include a domain. Docs will use
  something that looks like a domain name for module path.
- Add more cross-references from tutorial to references for
  packages and commands.
- Rewrite a few links so that they include the topic title,
  rather than simply inline text. Left those links whose
  destinations are references -- the item's name seems to
  suggest that a reference is at the destination.
- Remove domain name from golang.org doc links, leaving root
  directory. Such as /cmd/go/* or /doc/modules/*
- Add path up to root for all links in the same domain.
  Some were linking by file name only.
- Change standard library links from golang.org to pkg.go.dev.

Changes in the module tutorial:

- Add text to help clarify that there should be a hello and
  greetings directory as siblings in their directory hierarchy.
  Some users thought one should be subordinate to the other.
- Where needed, reorder steps so that `go mod init` is run before
  code is added. This is intended to reinforce the importance of
  the module's presence.
- In require/replace steps, have the user use `go mod edit`
  rather than editing the go.mod file in an editor. The tools
  are more likely to yield a functioning result.
- Where possible/appropriate, change module directive link
  destinations from "Modules reference" to go.mod reference.
- Change "run the code" steps so that they all use `go run .`
  rather than `go build` or `go run <filename>`. This removes
  the impedance of explanation and more commands, while
  moving the explanation of `go build` and `go install` to
  a separate topic where they share a clearer context.
- Add a "Conclusion" topic with a few links. The tutorial ended
  rather abruptly before.
- Minor edits to remove some redundant language.

Change-Id: I93055035d73c362ba73edea458fc53bc45e66512
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/website/+/297531
Trust: Steve Traut <straut@google.com>
Run-TryBot: Steve Traut <straut@google.com>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <gobot@golang.org>
Reviewed-by: Jay Conrod <jayconrod@google.com>
19 files changed
tree: 13085d9e3c6b067ff0aa923aabcd93c5dc7975b3
  1. _content/
  2. cmd/
  3. internal/
  4. .prettierrc
  6. codereview.cfg
  7. content.go
  10. go.mod
  11. go.sum
  14. README.md

Go website

Go Reference

This repo holds content and serving programs for the golang.org web site.

Content is in _content/. Server code is in cmd/ and internal/.

To run the server to preview local content changes, use:

go run ./cmd/golangorg

The supporting programs cmd/admingolangorg and cmd/googlegolangorg are the servers for admin.golang.org and google.golang.org. (They do not use the _content/ directory.)

Each command directory has its own README.md explaining deployment.

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The version of prettier used is 1.18.2.

It is encouraged that all JS and CSS code be run through this before submitting a change. However, it is not a strict requirement enforced by CI.

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