blob: 977ad140d262b0dfa776b63d89653ed1b5a90475 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cve5
import (
const (
// ProdEndpoint is the production endpoint
ProdEndpoint = ""
// TestEndpoint is the test endpoint
TestEndpoint = ""
// DevEndpoint is the dev endpoint
DevEndpoint = ""
// WebURL is the URL to view production CVE records on the web.
WebURL = ""
// TestWebURL is the URL to view test CVE records on the web.
TestWebURL = ""
// Client is a MITRE CVE Services API client,
// as described at
type Client struct {
c *http.Client
// WebURL returns the URL that can be used to view a published
// CVE record on the web.
func (c *Client) WebURL(cveID string) string {
baseURL := WebURL
if c.Config.Endpoint == TestEndpoint {
baseURL = TestWebURL
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/CVERecord?id=%s", baseURL, cveID)
// Config contains client configuration data.
type Config struct {
// Endpoint is the endpoint to access when making API calls. Required.
Endpoint string
// Org is the shortname for the organization that is authenticated when
// making API calls. Required.
Org string
// Key is the user's API key. Required.
Key string
// User is the username for the account that is making API calls. Required.
User string
// NewClient returns an initialized client configured via cfg.
func NewClient(cfg Config) *Client {
return &Client{cfg, http.DefaultClient}
// AssignedCVE contains information about an assigned CVE.
type AssignedCVE struct {
ID string `json:"cve_id"`
Year string `json:"cve_year"`
State State `json:"state"`
CNA string `json:"owning_cna"`
Reserved time.Time `json:"reserved"`
RequestedBy RequestedBy `json:"requested_by"`
// RequestedBy indicates the requesting user and organization for a CVE.
type RequestedBy struct {
CNA string `json:"cna"`
User string `json:"user"`
func (c AssignedCVE) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: state=%s, cna=%s, requester=%s", c.ID, c.State, c.CNA, c.RequestedBy.User)
// AssignedCVEList is a list of AssignedCVEs.
type AssignedCVEList []AssignedCVE
// ShortString outputs a formatted string of newline-separated CVE IDs.
func (cs AssignedCVEList) ShortString() string {
strs := []string{}
for _, c := range cs {
strs = append(strs, c.ID)
return strings.Join(strs, "\n")
// String outputs a formatted string of newline-separated CVE data.
func (cs AssignedCVEList) String() string {
strs := []string{}
for _, c := range cs {
strs = append(strs, c.String())
return strings.Join(strs, "\n")
// ReserveOptions contains the configuration options for reserving new
// CVE IDs.
type ReserveOptions struct {
// NumIDs is the number of CVE IDs to reserve. Required.
NumIDs int
// Year is the CVE ID year for new IDs, indicating the year the
// vulnerability was discovered. Required.
Year int
// Mode indicates whether the block of CVEs should be in sequence.
// Relevant only if NumIDs > 1.
Mode RequestType
// RequestType is the type of CVE ID reserve request.
type RequestType string
const (
// SequentialRequest requests CVE IDs be reserved in a sequential fashion.
SequentialRequest RequestType = "sequential"
// NonsequentialRequest requests CVE IDs be reserved in a nonsequential fashion.
NonsequentialRequest RequestType = "nonsequential"
func (o *ReserveOptions) urlParams(org string) url.Values {
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("amount", fmt.Sprint(o.NumIDs))
if o.Year != 0 {
params.Set("cve_year", strconv.Itoa(o.Year))
params.Set("short_name", org)
if o.NumIDs > 1 {
params.Set("batch_type", string(o.Mode))
return params
func (c *Client) createReserveIDsRequest(opts ReserveOptions) (*http.Request, error) {
req, err := c.createRequest(http.MethodPost,
c.requestURL(cveIDTarget), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.URL.RawQuery = opts.urlParams(c.Org).Encode()
return req, err
type rejectReason struct {
Container container `json:"cnaContainer"`
type container struct {
Reasons []Description `json:"rejectedReasons"`
func (c *Client) Reject(id, reason string) error {
reqBody := rejectReason{
Container: container{
Reasons: []Description{{
Lang: "en",
Value: reason,
var resp CVERecord
return c.queryAPI(http.MethodPost, c.requestURL(cveTarget, id, rejectTarget), reqBody, &resp)
type reserveIDsResponse struct {
CVEs AssignedCVEList `json:"cve_ids"`
// ReserveIDs sends a request to the CVE API to reserve a block of CVE IDs.
// Returns a list of the reserved CVE IDs and their associated data.
// There may be fewer IDs than requested if, for example, the organization's
// quota is reached.
func (c *Client) ReserveIDs(opts ReserveOptions) (AssignedCVEList, error) {
req, err := c.createReserveIDsRequest(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var assigned reserveIDsResponse
checkStatus := func(s int) bool {
return s == http.StatusOK || s == http.StatusPartialContent
err = c.sendRequest(req, checkStatus, &assigned)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return assigned.CVEs, nil
// Quota contains information about an organizations reservation quota.
type Quota struct {
Quota int `json:"id_quota"`
Reserved int `json:"total_reserved"`
Available int `json:"available"`
// RetrieveQuota queries the API for the organizations reservation quota.
func (c *Client) RetrieveQuota() (q *Quota, err error) {
err = c.queryAPI(http.MethodGet, c.requestURL(orgTarget, c.Org, quotaTarget), nil, &q)
// RetrieveID requests information about an assigned CVE ID.
func (c *Client) RetrieveID(id string) (cve *AssignedCVE, err error) {
err = c.queryAPI(http.MethodGet, c.requestURL(cveIDTarget, id), nil, &cve)
// RetrieveRecord requests a CVE record.
func (c *Client) RetrieveRecord(id string) (cve *CVERecord, err error) {
err = c.queryAPI(http.MethodGet, c.requestURL(cveTarget, id), nil, &cve)
func (c *Client) cveRecordEndpoint(cveID string) string {
return c.requestURL(cveTarget, cveID, cnaTarget)
type recordRequestBody struct {
CNAContainer CNAPublishedContainer `json:"cnaContainer"`
type createResponse struct {
Created CVERecord `json:"created"`
func (c *Client) CreateRecord(id string, record *Containers) (*CVERecord, error) {
requestBody := recordRequestBody{
CNAContainer: record.CNAContainer,
var response createResponse
err := c.queryAPI(http.MethodPost, c.cveRecordEndpoint(id), requestBody, &response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &response.Created, nil
type updateResponse struct {
Updated CVERecord `json:"updated"`
func (c *Client) UpdateRecord(id string, record *Containers) (*CVERecord, error) {
requestBody := recordRequestBody{
CNAContainer: record.CNAContainer,
var response updateResponse
err := c.queryAPI(http.MethodPut, c.cveRecordEndpoint(id), requestBody, &response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &response.Updated, nil
type Org struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ShortName string `json:"short_name"`
UUID string `json:"UUID"`
// RetrieveOrg requests information about an organization.
func (c *Client) RetrieveOrg() (org *Org, err error) {
err = c.queryAPI(http.MethodGet, c.requestURL(orgTarget, c.Org), nil, &org)
// ListOptions contains filters to be used when requesting a list of
// assigned CVEs.
type ListOptions struct {
State State
Year int
ReservedBefore *time.Time
ReservedAfter *time.Time
ModifiedBefore *time.Time
ModifiedAfter *time.Time
func (o ListOptions) String() string {
var s []string
if o.State != "" {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("state=%s", o.State))
if o.Year != 0 {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("year=%d", o.Year))
if o.ReservedBefore != nil {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("reserved_before=%s", o.ReservedBefore.Format(time.RFC3339)))
if o.ReservedAfter != nil {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("reserved_after=%s", o.ReservedAfter.Format(time.RFC3339)))
if o.ModifiedBefore != nil {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("modified_before=%s", o.ModifiedBefore.Format(time.RFC3339)))
if o.ModifiedAfter != nil {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("modified_after=%s", o.ModifiedAfter.Format(time.RFC3339)))
return strings.Join(s, ", ")
func (o *ListOptions) urlParams() url.Values {
params := url.Values{}
if o == nil {
return params
if o.State != "" {
params.Set("state", string(o.State))
if o.Year != 0 {
params.Set("cve_id_year", strconv.Itoa(o.Year))
if o.ReservedBefore != nil {
params.Set("", o.ReservedBefore.Format(time.RFC3339))
if o.ReservedAfter != nil {
params.Set("", o.ReservedAfter.Format(time.RFC3339))
if o.ModifiedBefore != nil {
params.Set("", o.ModifiedBefore.Format(time.RFC3339))
if o.ModifiedAfter != nil {
params.Set("", o.ModifiedAfter.Format(time.RFC3339))
return params
type listOrgCVEsResponse struct {
CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
NextPage int `json:"nextPage"`
CVEs AssignedCVEList `json:"cve_ids"`
func (c Client) createListOrgCVEsRequest(opts *ListOptions, page int) (req *http.Request, err error) {
req, err = c.createRequest(http.MethodGet, c.requestURL(cveIDTarget), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params := opts.urlParams()
if page > 0 {
params.Set("page", fmt.Sprint(page))
req.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode()
// ListOrgCVEs requests information about the CVEs the organization has been
// assigned. This list can be filtered by setting the fields in opts.
func (c *Client) ListOrgCVEs(opts *ListOptions) (AssignedCVEList, error) {
var cves []AssignedCVE
page := 0
for {
req, err := c.createListOrgCVEsRequest(opts, page)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result listOrgCVEsResponse
err = c.sendRequest(req, nil, &result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cves = append(cves, result.CVEs...)
if result.NextPage <= result.CurrentPage {
page = result.NextPage
return cves, nil
func (c *Client) queryAPI(method, url string, requestBody any, response any) error {
req, err := c.createRequest(method, url, requestBody)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.sendRequest(req, nil, response)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var (
headerApiUser = "CVE-API-USER"
headerApiOrg = "CVE-API-ORG"
headerApiKey = "CVE-API-KEY"
// createRequest creates a new HTTP request and sets the header fields.
func (c *Client) createRequest(method, url string, body any) (*http.Request, error) {
var r io.Reader
if body != nil {
b, err := json.Marshal(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r = bytes.NewReader(b)
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set(headerApiUser, c.User)
req.Header.Set(headerApiOrg, c.Org)
req.Header.Set(headerApiKey, c.Key)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
return req, nil
// sendRequest sends an HTTP request, checks the returned status via
// checkStatus, and attempts to unmarshal the response into result.
// if checkStatus is nil, checks for http.StatusOK.
func (c *Client) sendRequest(req *http.Request, checkStatus func(int) bool, result any) (err error) {
resp, err := c.c.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not send HTTP request: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if checkStatus == nil {
checkStatus = func(s int) bool {
return s == http.StatusOK
if !checkStatus(resp.StatusCode) {
return fmt.Errorf("HTTP request %s %q returned error: %v", req.Method, req.URL, extractError(resp))
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, result); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var (
cveTarget = "cve"
cveIDTarget = "cve-id"
orgTarget = "org"
quotaTarget = "id_quota"
cnaTarget = "cna"
rejectTarget = "reject"
func (c *Client) requestURL(targets ...string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/%s", c.Endpoint, strings.Join(targets, "/"))
type apiError struct {
Error string `json:"error"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Detail apiErrorDetail `json:"details"`
type apiErrorDetail struct {
Errors []apiErrorInner `json:"errors"`
type apiErrorInner struct {
InstancePath string `json:"instancePath"`
Message string `json:"message"`
// extractError extracts additional error messages from the HTTP response
// if available, and wraps them into a single error.
func extractError(resp *http.Response) error {
errMsg := resp.Status
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: could not read error data: %s", errMsg, err)
var apiErr apiError
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &apiErr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: could not unmarshal error: %s", errMsg, err)
// Append the error and message text if they add extra information
// beyond the HTTP status text.
statusText := strings.ToLower(http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
for _, errText := range []string{apiErr.Error, apiErr.Message} {
if errText != "" && strings.ToLower(errText) != statusText {
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", errMsg, errText)
for _, detail := range apiErr.Detail.Errors {
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n %s: %s", errMsg, detail.InstancePath, detail.Message)
return fmt.Errorf(errMsg)