blob: da455958ed1b22b5441474c65a38d3c4cb22a295 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package log
import (
// NewGCPJSONLogger returns a handler which logs events in a format that is
// understood by Google Cloud Platform logging.
func NewGCPJSONHandler(w io.Writer, traceID string) event.Handler {
return &gcpJSONHandler{w: w, traceID: traceID}
type gcpJSONHandler struct {
traceID string
mu sync.Mutex // ensure a log line is not interrupted
w io.Writer
// Event implements event.Handler.Event.
// It handles Log events and ignores all others.
// See
// for treatment of special fields.
func (h *gcpJSONHandler) Event(ctx context.Context, ev *event.Event) context.Context {
if ev.Kind != event.LogKind {
return ctx
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, `{"time": %q`, ev.At.Format(time.RFC3339))
if h.traceID != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, `, "": %q`, h.traceID)
gcpLabels := map[string]string{}
for _, l := range ev.Labels {
var key string
switch l.Name {
case "msg":
key = "message"
case "level":
key = "severity"
gcpLabels[l.Name] = l.String() // already quoted, regardless of label kind
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, ", %q: ", key)
switch {
case !l.HasValue():
fmt.Fprint(h.w, "null")
case l.IsInt64():
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, "%d", l.Int64())
case l.IsUint64():
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, "%d", l.Uint64())
case l.IsFloat64():
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, "%g", l.Float64())
case l.IsBool():
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, "%t", l.Bool())
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, "%q", l.String())
if len(gcpLabels) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, `, "": {`)
first := true
for k, v := range gcpLabels {
if !first {
fmt.Fprint(h.w, ", ")
first = false
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, "%q: %q", k, v)
fmt.Fprint(h.w, "}")
fmt.Fprint(h.w, "}\n")
return ctx