tree: 7a2bac91d0143b95346ab1e3d987a45b091488cd [path history] [tgz]
  1. environment/

Terraform configuration for vuln worker

External variables

Some inputs to this config are not checked into the repo. You can provide them on the terraform command line, or create a terraform.tfvars file in this directory with the information, like this one:

prod_project    = "prod-project"
prod_issue_repo = "org/repo"
prod_client_id  = ""

dev_project    = "dev-project"
dev_issue_repo = "org/dev-repo"
dev_client_id  = ""

terraform.tfvars is in the repo‘s .gitignore file, so it won’t show up in git status. Do not check it into the repo.

Cloud Run image

We use terraform to set up the Cloud Run service, but we deploy in other ways. Our deploy process changes only the Docker image for the service. If we hardcoded a Docker image into the config, our config would often be out of date (since we apply it rarely compared to deploying), and we would risk overwriting a newer image with the old one in the config.

For that reason, the Docker image in the config is obtained from the service itself, by using a data block:

resource "google_cloud_run_service" "worker" {
  template {
    spec {
      containers {
        image = data.google_cloud_run_service.worker.template[0].spec[0].containers[0].image

data "google_cloud_run_service" "worker" {
  name     = "${var.env}-vuln-worker"
  project  = var.project
  location = var.region

This works fine once the service exists, but before it does we have a circularity: to create the service we need to get the image from the service!

So to create the service:

  1. Build and push a Docker image.
  2. Replace the data.google_cloud_run_service.worker expressions (there are two) with the actual image label.
  3. Run terraform apply.
  4. Undo the replacement.