Go Vulnerability Database Quickstart


This document is a quick guide our new (evolving) process for handling vulnerability issue triage in the x/vulndb issue tracker.

For the original documentation, which is somewhat outdated, see our old triage docs.



  1. If you haven't already, follow the one-time-setup process.

  2. Sync the vulndb repo, re-install vulnreport and switch to a fresh branch, e.g.:

    $ cd vulndb
    $ git sync
    $ go install ./cmd/vulnreport
    $ git checkout -b reports
  3. Auto-triage the outstanding issues by running

    $ vulnreport triage

    See vulnreport triage for more info and options for this command.

  4. All triaged reports (label: triaged) will need a report, except for duplicates. For all reports marked possible duplicate, determine if the label is correct.

    • If correct: replace the possible duplicate label with the duplicate label, add a comment exactly of the form “Duplicate of #NNN” where #NNN is number of the issue this is a duplicate of, and close the issue.
    • If incorrect: remove the possible duplicate label and ensure the triaged label is present.
  5. For all reports marked possibly not Go, determine if the label is correct by investigating the report to see if the vulnerability affects Go code.

    • If correct: replace the possibly not Go label with the excluded:NOT_GO_CODE label.
    • If incorrect: remove the possibly not Go label and ensure the triaged label is present.

    Once labeled, you can create excluded reports for these using the vulnreport create-excluded command (See the old docs for usage).

    Note: the excluded labels NOT_IMPORTABLE and EFFECTIVELY_PRIVATE are being deprecated. The labels NOT_A_VULNERABILITY and DEPENDENT_VULNERABILITY are still acceptable, but it is also OK to just create an unreviewed report for these types of vulns.

  6. All remaining open issues marked triaged now need standard reports.

Add standard reports

  1. Issues marked high priority need a REVIEWED report, and issues without a priority label need an UNREVIEWED report.

    • To create a reviewed report for issue #NNN, run:

      $ vulnreport create NNN
    • To create an unreviewed report for issue #NNN, run:

      $ vulnreport -unreviewed create NNN
  2. Edit the report if needed. For reviewed reports, this follows the standard process. For unreviewed reports, only edit the report if it has lint/fix errors (which will be populated in the notes section).

  3. Fix the report and add derived files:

    $ vulnreport fix NNN
  4. If fix fails, edit the report until it succeeds.

  5. Commit the report:

    $ vulnreport commit NNN
  6. Mail the CL and add a team member as a reviewer.

One-time setup

  1. Clone the x/vulndb repository: git clone https://go.googlesource.com/vulndb.

  2. Get a GitHub access token with scope repo: public_repo (follow instructions for “personal access token (classic)”).

    Store the token in a file, e.g., ~/.github-token, and run: export VULN_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=`cat ~/.github-token` (you can also store this command in a ~/.bashrc file or similar).

  3. From the repo root, run go install ./cmd/vulnreport to install the latest version of vulnreport tool.

Issue types

There are 4 types of issues on our tracker:

  1. CVEs/GHSAs created automatically by the worker
  2. Direct external reports from community members
  3. Suggested edits from community members
  4. Placeholder issues for first-party reports

The vast majority of issues are of the first type, and this document focuses on handling these.

vulnreport commands

vulnreport triage

Standard usage:

$ vulnreport triage

This command looks at all untriaged issues to find and label:

  • High-priority issues (label: high priority) - issues that affect modules with >= 100 importers
  • Possible duplicates (label: possible duplicate) - issues that may be duplicates of another issue because they share a CVE/GHSA
  • Possibly not Go (label: possibly Not Go) - issues that possibly do not affect Go at all. This is applied to modules for which more than 20% of current reports are marked excluded: NOT_GO_CODE.


The vulnreport triage command also accepts arguments, e.g. vulnreport triage 123 to triage issue #123, but the duplicate search only works properly when applied to all open issues.


  • -dry: don't apply labels to issues
  • -f: force re-triage of issues labeled triaged