internal/worker: combine structured and printf logging

Previously, the worker used structured logging almost completely:
anything that would have been a format string parameter was made a
label instead.

This led to a poor experience with the GCP logging UI.  You could see
the message of each log entry at a glance, but it took two clicks to
look at the labels. For example, when the worker created a GitHub
issue for a CVE, you'd see "created issue", but you wouldn't know the
CVE or number of the issue unless you opened the log entry.

This CL rethinks the log "frontend" -- the API that programmers
actually use to write log messages -- to allow a mix of labels
and printf-style formatting. The previous approach made it easy
to do one or the other, but not to mix both in a single log entry.
You could either write

   log.Info(message, labels...)


    log.Infof(format, args...)

but not both, since you can't have two "..." parameters in a function.
In this CL's design, one can write

    log.With(namesAndValues...).Infof(format, args...)

To further improve the ergonomics, the With function takes key-value
pairs rather than labels. Thus

    event.Int64("limit", int64(limit))


    log.With("limit", limit)

The performance is significantly worse, but for this server it
doesn't matter.

The CL also revisits each log message and makes a choice about whether
to display a value in the message, or to make a label out of it, or
both. As I said, putting the value in the message lets you see it at a
glance. The advantage of a label is you can easily query on it.

Most values only make sense as one or the other. For example, we'd
like to see the number of CVEs added during an update, but it doesn't
seem interesting to query the logs on that field. So that was put into
the message.

Change-Id: Iba2c70a14ea951c4d74335da6ac4e8265d652ded
Trust: Jonathan Amsterdam <>
Run-TryBot: Jonathan Amsterdam <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Reviewed-by: Julie Qiu <>
6 files changed
tree: 756e057609c344b72bc8acfc4be479c1f72b8264
  1. cmd/
  2. deploy/
  3. devtools/
  4. doc/
  5. internal/
  6. reports/
  7. terraform/
  8. .gitignore
  9. all_test.go
  11. checks.bash
  14. go.mod
  15. go.sum
  19. tools_test.go

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This repository contains the reports for the Go Vulnerability Database.

If you are interested accessing data from the Go Vulnerability Database, see x/vuln for information. This repository is only used for adding new vulnerabilities.

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