all: use the proxy for report linting

Check the proxy to determine valid versions and canonical module
import paths. This should provent rogue database entries that
do not cleanly apply to real go.mod files.

Change-Id: Iea1b531fe5bed7a0825102c6ac877a515f24c0f5
Reviewed-by: Roland Shoemaker <>
70 files changed
tree: afc402849a4b523652473f4762e5836b482f6754
  1. client/
  2. cmd/
  3. osv/
  4. report/
  5. reports/
  7. go.mod
  8. go.sum
  11. template

This repository contains a handful of prototypes for the Go vulnerability database, as well as a initial set of vulnerability reports. Some of these packages can probably be coalesced, but for now are easier to work on in a more segmented fashion.

  • reports contains TOML security reports, the format is described in
  • report provides a package for parsing and linting TOML reports
  • osv provides a package for generating OSV-style JSON vulnerability entries from a report.Report
  • client contains a client for accesing HTTP/fs based vulnerability databases, as well as a minimal caching implementation
  • cmd/gendb provides a tool for converting TOML reports into JSON database
  • cmd/genhtml provides a tool for converting TOML reports into a HTML website
  • cmd/linter provides a tool for linting individual reports
  • cmd/report2cve provides a tool for converting TOML reports into JSON CVEs