blob: c28e3c5ab9168b41bfbc1e7082a3a2888bbf0de0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package scan
import (
//lint:file-ignore ST1005 Ignore staticcheck message about error formatting
var (
// ErrVulnerabilitiesFound indicates that vulnerabilities were detected
// when running govulncheck. This returns exit status 3 when running
// without the -json flag.
errVulnerabilitiesFound = &exitCodeError{message: "vulnerabilities found", code: 3}
// errHelp indicates that usage help was requested.
errHelp = &exitCodeError{message: "help requested", code: 0}
// errUsage indicates that there was a usage error on the command line.
// In this case, we assume that the user does not know how to run
// govulncheck and exit with status 2.
errUsage = &exitCodeError{message: "invalid usage", code: 2}
// errGoVersionMismatch is used to indicate that there is a mismatch between
// the Go version used to build govulncheck and the one currently on PATH.
errGoVersionMismatch = errors.New(`Loading packages failed, possibly due to a mismatch between the Go version
used to build govulncheck and the Go version on PATH. Consider rebuilding
govulncheck with the current Go version.`)
// errNoGoMod indicates that a go.mod file was not found in this module.
errNoGoMod = errors.New(`no go.mod file
govulncheck only works with Go modules. Try navigating to your module directory.
Otherwise, run go mod init to make your project a module.
See for more information.`)
// errNoBinaryFlag indicates that govulncheck was run on a file, without
// the -mode=binary flag.
errNoBinaryFlag = errors.New(`By default, govulncheck runs source analysis on Go modules.
Did you mean to run govulncheck with -mode=binary?
For details, run govulncheck -h.`)
type exitCodeError struct {
message string
code int
func (e *exitCodeError) Error() string { return e.message }
func (e *exitCodeError) ExitCode() int { return e.code }
// isGoVersionMismatchError checks if err is due to mismatch between
// the Go version used to build govulncheck and the one currently
// on PATH.
func isGoVersionMismatchError(err error) bool {
msg := err.Error()
// See
return strings.Contains(msg, "This application uses version go") &&
strings.Contains(msg, "It may fail to process source files")