internal/worker: handle false positive changes

Add a triage state for false positives. When determining whether
a changed CVE with false-positive state needs an issue, ignore
the reference URLs we already know about.

Here is the scenario this CL is designed to address:

1. A CVE is a known false positive, meaning that although it has a
   reference URL that suggests Go is involved, we know it isn't. We
   initialize the DB with it.

2. In a later commit, the CVE changes. Perhaps references are added.

3. On the next update, the triage algorithm will match the same
   URLs that triggered it the first time, and we will change the state
   to NeedsIssue.

By distinguishing the states NoActionNeeded and FalsePositive, and
remembering the reference URLs that were used when the false positive
was identified, we can avoid this. But if a new, Go-relevant URLs is
added, we'll see that it's not in our list and then, validly, re-label
the CVE as NeedsIssue.

Also, add a HasVuln state for CVEs that are already covered
by existing Go vulnerability reports. Even though we check
the Go vulndb when we triage, we need to represent
these specially because the Go vuln report can mention only
one CVE, so other matching ones must be handled this way.

Change-Id: I3c67a8c8911b261a376a64fcc7f54f387c2bd457
Trust: Jonathan Amsterdam <>
Run-TryBot: Jonathan Amsterdam <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Reviewed-by: Julie Qiu <>
6 files changed
tree: 07d5340ced86b8097d10ad5329ee0fcc1d4a1770
  1. client/
  2. cmd/
  3. devtools/
  4. internal/
  5. osv/
  6. terraform/
  7. vlint/
  8. .gitignore
  9. all_test.go
  11. checks.bash
  14. go.mod
  15. go.sum
  19. triaged-cve-list

Go Vulnerability Database

Go Reference

This repository contains code for hosting the Go Vulnerability Database. The actual reports can be found at x/vulndb.

Neither the code, nor the data, nor the existence of this repository is to be considered stable. See the Draft Design for details on this project.

Accessing the database

The Go vulnerability database is rooted at and provides data as JSON. We recommend using client.Client to read data from the Go vulnerability database.

Do not rely on the contents of the x/vulndb repository. The YAML files in that repository are maintained using an internal format that is subject to change without warning.

The endpoints the table below are supported. For each path:

  • $base is the path portion of a Go vulnerability database URL (
  • $module is a module path
  • $vuln is a Go vulnerabilitiy ID (for example, GO-2021-1234)
$base/index.jsonList of module paths in the database mapped to its last modified timestamp (link).
$base/$module.jsonList of vulnerability entries for that module (example).
$base/ID/index.jsonList of all the vulnerability entries in the database
$base/ID/$vuln.jsonAn individual Go vulnerability report

Note that these paths and format are provisional and likely to change until an approved proposal.


Some of these packages can probably be coalesced, but for now are easier to work on in a more segmented fashion.


Unless otherwise noted, the Go source files are distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.

Database entries available at are distributed under the terms of the CC-BY 4.0 license.