blob: ee42e52839ad1e5b947b3ae42fa2f95ce271d003 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vulncheck
import (
// TestImportsOnly checks for module and imports graph correctness
// for the Config.ImportsOnly=true mode. The inlined test code has
// the following package (left) and module (right) imports graphs:
// entry/x entry/y entry
// \ / \ / \
// amod/avuln zmod/z amod zmod
// | |
// wmod/w wmod
// | |
// bmod/bvuln bmod
// Packages ending in "vuln" have some known vulnerabilities.
func TestImportsOnly(t *testing.T) {
e := packagestest.Export(t, packagestest.Modules, []packagestest.Module{
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{
"x/x.go": `
package x
import ""
func X() {
"y/y.go": `
package y
import (
func Y() {
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"z/z.go": `
package z
func Z() {}
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"avuln/avuln.go": `
package avuln
import ""
type VulnData struct {}
func (v VulnData) Vuln1() { w.W() }
func (v VulnData) Vuln2() {}
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"bvuln/bvuln.go": `
package bvuln
func Vuln() {}
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"w/w.go": `
package w
import ""
func W() { bvuln.Vuln() }
defer e.Cleanup()
// Load x and y as entry packages.
pkgs, err := loadPackages(e, path.Join(e.Temp(), "entry/x"), path.Join(e.Temp(), "entry/y"))
if err != nil {
if len(pkgs) != 2 {
t.Fatal("failed to load x and y test packages")
cfg := &Config{
Client: testClient,
ImportsOnly: true,
result, err := Source(context.Background(), Convert(pkgs), cfg)
if err != nil {
// Check that we find the right number of vulnerabilities.
// There should be three entries as there are three vulnerable
// symbols in the two import-reachable OSVs.
if len(result.Vulns) != 3 {
t.Errorf("want 3 Vulns, got %d", len(result.Vulns))
// Check that vulnerabilities are connected to the imports
// and requires graph.
for _, v := range result.Vulns {
if v.ImportSink == 0 || v.RequireSink == 0 {
t.Errorf("want ImportSink !=0 and RequireSink !=0 for %v:%v; got %v and %v", v.Symbol, v.PkgPath, v.ImportSink, v.RequireSink)
// Check that module and package entry points are collected.
if got := len(result.Imports.Entries); got != 2 {
t.Errorf("want 2 package entry points; got %v", got)
if got := len(result.Requires.Entries); got != 1 {
t.Errorf("want 1 module entry point; got %v", got)
// The imports slice should include import chains:
// x -> avuln -> w -> bvuln
// |
// y ---->
// That is, z package shoud not appear in the slice.
wantImports := map[string][]string{
"": {""},
"": {""},
"": {""},
"": {""},
if igStrMap := impGraphToStrMap(result.Imports); !reflect.DeepEqual(wantImports, igStrMap) {
t.Errorf("want %v imports graph; got %v", wantImports, igStrMap)
// The requires slice should include requires chains:
// entry -> amod -> wmod -> bmod
// That is, zmod module shoud not appear in the slice.
wantRequires := map[string][]string{
"": {""},
"": {""},
"": {""},
if rgStrMap := reqGraphToStrMap(result.Requires); !reflect.DeepEqual(wantRequires, rgStrMap) {
t.Errorf("want %v requires graph; got %v", wantRequires, rgStrMap)
// Check that the source's modules are returned.
wantMods := []*Module{
{Path: "", Version: "v1.1.3"},
{Path: "", Version: "v0.5.0"},
{Path: ""},
{Path: "", Version: "v0.0.0"},
{Path: "", Version: "v0.0.0"},
gotMods := result.Modules
sort.Slice(gotMods, func(i, j int) bool { return gotMods[i].Path < gotMods[j].Path })
if diff := cmp.Diff(wantMods, gotMods, cmpopts.IgnoreFields(Module{}, "Dir")); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("modules mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
// TestCallGraph checks for call graph vuln slicing correctness.
// The inlined test code has the following call graph
// x.X
// / | \
// / d.D1 avuln.VulnData.Vuln1
// / / |
// c.C1 d.internal.Vuln1
// |
// avuln.VulnData.Vuln2
// --------------------y.Y-------------------------------
// / / \ \ \ \
// / / \ \ \ \
// / / \ \ \ \
// c.C4 c.vulnWrap.V.Vuln1(=nil) c.C2 bvuln.Vuln c.C3 c.C3$1
// | | |
// y.benign e.E
// and this slice
// x.X
// / | \
// / d.D1 avuln.VulnData.Vuln1
// / /
// c.C1
// |
// avuln.VulnData.Vuln2
// y.Y
// |
// bvuln.Vuln
// | |
// e.E
// related to avuln.VulnData.{Vuln1, Vuln2} and bvuln.Vuln vulnerabilities.
func TestCallGraph(t *testing.T) {
e := packagestest.Export(t, packagestest.Modules, []packagestest.Module{
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{
"x/x.go": `
package x
import (
func X(x bool) {
if x {
c.C1().Vuln1() // vuln use: Vuln1
} else {
d.D1() // no vuln use
"y/y.go": `
package y
import (
func Y(y bool) {
if y {
c.C2()() // vuln use: bvuln.Vuln
} else {
w := c.C4(benign)
w.V.Vuln1() // no vuln use: Vuln1 does not belong to vulnerable type
func benign(i c.I) {}
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"c/c.go": `
package c
import (
type I interface {
func C1() I {
v := avuln.VulnData{}
v.Vuln2() // vuln use
return v
func C2() func() {
return bvuln.Vuln
func C3() func() {
return func() {}
type vulnWrap struct {
func C4(f func(i I)) vulnWrap {
return vulnWrap{}
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"d/d.go": `
package d
import (
type internal struct{}
func (i internal) Vuln1() {}
func D1() {
c.C1() // transitive vuln use
var i c.I
i = internal{}
i.Vuln1() // no vuln use
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"avuln/avuln.go": `
package avuln
type VulnData struct {}
func (v VulnData) Vuln1() {}
func (v VulnData) Vuln2() {}
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"bvuln/bvuln.go": `
package bvuln
import (
func Vuln() {
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"e/e.go": `
package e
func E(f func()) {
defer e.Cleanup()
// Load x and y as entry packages.
pkgs, err := loadPackages(e, path.Join(e.Temp(), "entry/x"), path.Join(e.Temp(), "entry/y"))
if err != nil {
if len(pkgs) != 2 {
t.Fatal("failed to load x and y test packages")
cfg := &Config{
Client: testClient,
result, err := Source(context.Background(), Convert(pkgs), cfg)
if err != nil {
// Check that we find the right number of vulnerabilities.
// There should be three entries as there are three vulnerable
// symbols in the two import-reachable OSVs.
if len(result.Vulns) != 3 {
t.Errorf("want 3 Vulns, got %d", len(result.Vulns))
// Check that call graph entry points are present.
if got := len(result.Calls.Entries); got != 2 {
t.Errorf("want 2 call graph entry points; got %v", got)
// Check that vulnerabilities are connected to the call graph.
// For the test example, all vulns should have a call sink.
for _, v := range result.Vulns {
if v.CallSink == 0 {
t.Errorf("want CallSink !=0 for %v:%v; got 0", v.Symbol, v.PkgPath)
wantCalls := map[string][]string{
"": {"", "", ""},
"": {""},
"": {""},
"": {""},
"": {""},
"": {""},
if callStrMap := callGraphToStrMap(result.Calls); !reflect.DeepEqual(wantCalls, callStrMap) {
t.Errorf("want %v call graph; got %v", wantCalls, callStrMap)
func TestFiltering(t *testing.T) {
e := packagestest.Export(t, packagestest.Modules, []packagestest.Module{
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{
"x/x.go": `
package x
import ""
func X() {
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"vuln/vuln.go": `
package vuln
func V() {}
defer e.Cleanup()
client := &mockClient{
ret: map[string][]*osv.Entry{
"": []*osv.Entry{
ID: "V",
Affected: []osv.Affected{{
Package: osv.Package{Name: ""},
Ranges: osv.Affects{{Type: osv.TypeSemver, Events: []osv.RangeEvent{{Introduced: "1.2.0"}}}},
EcosystemSpecific: osv.EcosystemSpecific{
Symbols: []string{"V"},
GOOS: []string{"linux"},
GOARCH: []string{"amd64"},
// Load x as entry package.
pkgs, err := loadPackages(e, path.Join(e.Temp(), "entry/x"))
if err != nil {
if len(pkgs) != 1 {
t.Fatal("failed to load x test package")
cfg := &Config{
Client: client,
ImportsOnly: true,
os.Setenv("GOOS", "linux")
os.Setenv("GOARCH", "amd64")
result, err := Source(context.Background(), Convert(pkgs), cfg)
if err != nil {
if len(result.Vulns) != 1 {
t.Errorf("want 1 Vuln, got %d", len(result.Vulns))
os.Setenv("GOOS", "freebsd")
os.Setenv("GOARCH", "arm64")
result, err = Source(context.Background(), Convert(pkgs), cfg)
if err != nil {
if len(result.Vulns) != 0 {
t.Errorf("want 0 Vulns, got %d", len(result.Vulns))
func TestAllSymbolsVulnerable(t *testing.T) {
e := packagestest.Export(t, packagestest.Modules, []packagestest.Module{
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{
"x/x.go": `
package x
import ""
func X() {
Name: "",
Files: map[string]interface{}{"vuln/vuln.go": `
package vuln
func V1() {}
func V2() {}
func v() {}
type a struct{}
func (x a) foo() {}
func (x *a) bar() {}
defer e.Cleanup()
client := &mockClient{
ret: map[string][]*osv.Entry{
"": []*osv.Entry{
ID: "V",
Affected: []osv.Affected{{
Package: osv.Package{Name: ""},
Ranges: osv.Affects{{Type: osv.TypeSemver, Events: []osv.RangeEvent{{Introduced: "1.2.0"}}}},
EcosystemSpecific: osv.EcosystemSpecific{Symbols: []string{}},
// Load x as entry package.
pkgs, err := loadPackages(e, path.Join(e.Temp(), "entry/x"))
if err != nil {
if len(pkgs) != 1 {
t.Fatal("failed to load x test package")
cfg := &Config{
Client: client,
result, err := Source(context.Background(), Convert(pkgs), cfg)
if err != nil {
if len(result.Vulns) != 5 {
t.Errorf("want 5 Vulns, got %d", len(result.Vulns))
for _, v := range result.Vulns {
if v.Symbol == "V1" && v.CallSink == 0 {
t.Errorf("expected a call sink for V1; got none")
} else if v.Symbol != "V1" && v.CallSink != 0 {
t.Errorf("expected no call sink for %v; got %v", v.Symbol, v.CallSink)