cmd/govulncheck: package documentation

Change-Id: I46a9acec2b4c8147b5b1eb588072231f072fbe4a
Reviewed-by: Zvonimir Pavlinovic <>
Run-TryBot: Jonathan Amsterdam <>
Reviewed-by: Julie Qiu <>
diff --git a/cmd/govulncheck/doc.go b/cmd/govulncheck/doc.go
new file mode 100644
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+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:build go1.18
+// +build go1.18
+Command govulncheck reports known vulnerabilities that affect Go code. It uses
+static analysis or a binary's symbol table to narrow down reports to only those
+that potentially affect the application. For more information about the API
+behind govulncheck, see
+By default, govulncheck uses the Go vulnerability database at
+ Set the GOVULNDB environment variable to specify a different database.
+The database must follow the specification at
+Govulncheck requires Go version 1.18 or higher to run.
+WARNING: govulncheck is still EXPERIMENTAL and neither its output or the vulnerability
+database should be relied on to be stable or comprehensive.
+# Usage
+To analyze source code, run govulncheck from the module directory, using the
+same package path syntax that the go command uses:
+	$ cd my-module
+	$ govulncheck ./...
+If no vulnerabilities are found, govulncheck produces no output and exits with code 0.
+If there are vulnerabilities, each is displayed briefly, with a summary of a call stack,
+and govulncheck exits with code 3.
+The call stack summary shows in brief how the package calls a vulnerable function.
+For example, it might say
+	mypackage.main calls
+For more detailed call path that resemble Go panic stack traces, use the -v flag.
+To control which files are processed, use the -tags flag to provide a
+comma-separate list of build tags, and the -tests flag to indicate that test
+files should be included.
+To run govulncheck on a compiled binary, pass it the path to the binary file:
+	$ govulncheck $HOME/go/bin/my-go-program
+Govulncheck uses the binary's symbol information to find mentions of vulnerable functions.
+Its output and exit codes are as described above, except that without source it cannot
+produce call stacks.
+# Other Modes
+A few flags control govulncheck's output. Regardless of output, govulncheck
+exits with code 0 if there are no vulnerabilities and 3 if there are.
+The -v flag outputs more information about call stacks when run on source. It has
+no effect when run on a binary.
+The -html flag outputs HTML instead of plain text.
+The -json flag outputs a JSON object with vulnerability information. The output
+corresponds to the type
+# Weaknesses
+Govulncheck uses static analysis, which is inherently imprecise. If govulncheck
+identifies a sequence of calls in your program that leads to a vulnerable
+function, that path may never be executed because of conditions in the code, or
+it may call the vulnerable function with harmless input.
+The call graph analysis that govulncheck performs cannot find calls that use
+Go's reflect or unsafe packages. It is possible for govulncheck to miss
+vulnerabilities in programs that call functions in these unusual ways.
+package main
diff --git a/cmd/govulncheck/main.go b/cmd/govulncheck/main.go
index 545c104..5cfbada 100644
--- a/cmd/govulncheck/main.go
+++ b/cmd/govulncheck/main.go
@@ -5,16 +5,6 @@
 //go:build go1.18
 // +build go1.18
-// Command govulncheck reports known vulnerabilities filed in a vulnerability database
-// (see that affect a given package or binary.
-// It uses static analysis or the binary's symbol table to narrow down reports to only
-// those that potentially affect the application.
-// govulncheck is still experimental and neither its output or the vulnerability
-// database should be relied on to be stable or comprehensive.
 package main
 import (