| # Troubleshooting |
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| If you suspect that the Go extension is not working correctly, please follow the troubleshooting steps below. |
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| **NOTE: [Debugging](debugging.md#troubleshooting) has its own troubleshooting documentation.** |
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| ## Make sure your project compiles |
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| Verify that your project is in good shape by working with it at the command line. Running a command like `go build ./...` in the workspace directory will compile everything. For modules, `go mod tidy` is another good check, though it may modify your `go.mod`. |
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| ## Look for serious errors and diagnostics |
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| Check that there aren't any diagnostics that indicate a problem with your workspace. First, check the bottom-center of the VS Code window for any errors. After that, check the package declaration of the any Go files you're working in, and your `go.mod` file. Problems in the workspace configuration can cause many different symptoms. See the [`gopls` workspace setup instructions](https://github.com/golang/tools/blob/master/gopls/doc/workspace.md) for help. |
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| ## Check your extension setup |
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| Check the bottom of the VS Code window for any warnings and notifications. For example, address warnings such as "⚠️ Analysis Tools Missing". |
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| Run the [`Go: Locate Configured Go Tools`](commands.md#go-locate-configured-go-tools) command. The output is split into sections. |
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| In the first indented section, check that at least `gopkgs`, `go-outline`, `dlv`, and `gopls` are installed -- they're necessary for the extension's basic functionality. The other tools [provide optional features](tools.md) and are less important unless you need those features. You can install tools by running the [`Go: Install/Update Tools`](commands.md#go-installupdate-tools) command. |
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| Then, look at the `Workspace Folder` section(s) for the environment in use. Verify that `GOROOT` is set to a valid Go installation; if not, follow the [getting started guide](../README.md#install-go). If `GOPATH` is unset, or surprising, read more about [setting up your `GOPATH`](gopath.md#setting-gopath). Also, `GOMOD` should usually point to your project's `go.mod` file if you're in module mode. (More complicated workspace setups may have a blank `GOMOD`. See the `gopls` [workspace documentation](https://github.com/golang/tools/blob/master/gopls/doc/workspace.md) for more on valid workspace setups.) To change the workspace environment, use settings such as [`go.gopath`](settings.md#go.gopath) and [`go.toolsEnvVars`](settings.md#go.toolsEnvVars). |
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| Finally, take a look at your settings in the JSON form (`Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)`). This is an easier way to quickly see what non-default configurations you have. Consider [reading about](settings.md) any settings you don't understand, or just commenting them out. |
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| ## Update tools |
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| It's possible that you are using an outdated version of a tool, so the bug you are encountering may have already been fixed. You can update all tools at once by running the [`Go: Install/Update Tools`](commands.md#go-installupdate-tools) command. |
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| ## Restart `gopls` |
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| Many of the extension's features are provided by [`gopls`](https://golang.org/s/gopls), the official language server for Go. `gopls` has no persistent state, so restarting it will fix transient problems. This is good and bad: good, because you can keep working, and bad, because you won't be able to debug the issue until it recurs. You can restart `gopls` using the `Go: Restart Language Server` command. |
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| ## Ask for help |
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| After you've done the basic steps above, it's a good time to ask for help. Gophers Slack has a channel for [#vscode](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/C2B4L99RS) that can help debug further. If you're confident the problem is with `gopls`, you can go to [#gopls](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CJZH85XCZ). Invites are [available to everyone](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org). Come prepared with a short description of the issue, and try to be available to answer questions for a while afterward. |
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| ## Collect extension logs |
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| Start off by opening the `View` -> `Output` pane. On the right side, open the drop-down titled "Tasks". Any item that starts with "Go" is related to this extension. Browse through these output channels and make note of any error messages. |
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| You can also look directly in the logs of the Extension Host by selecting `Log (Extension Host)`. These may contain a lot of unrelated information, but they may prove useful. If you are trying to get the logs for a specific operation, like go to definition, clear the logs (Clear Output button on the right side), and perform the operation. |
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| Errors may also be logged to the Developer Tools console. These errors may be more difficult to parse, but you can take a look at them by running the `Developer: Toggle Developer Tools` command from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P). |
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| ## Collect `gopls` information |
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| Enable `gopls` tracing by adding the following to your settings: |
| |
| ```json5 |
| "go.languageServerFlags": [ |
| "-rpc.trace" |
| ] |
| ``` |
| |
| The gopls log can be found by navigating to `View` -> `Output`. There will be a drop-down menu titled `Tasks` in the top-right corner. Select the `gopls (server)` item, which will contain the `gopls` logs. |
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| In special cases, you may want to increase the verbosity further: |
| |
| ```json5 |
| "gopls": { |
| "verboseOutput": true |
| } |
| ``` |
| ## File an issue |
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| We can't diagnose a problem from just a description. When filing an issue, please include as much as possible of the following information: |
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| 1. Your Go version: `go version` |
| 1. Your `gopls` version: `gopls -v version` |
| 1. Your vscode version: `code -v` (The minimum required VS Code version is in the ["engines"](https://github.com/golang/vscode-go/blob/master/package.json#L89) attribute in the package.json file.) |
| 1. Your Go extension version: `Extensions: Show Installed Extensions` |
| 1. Your Go environment: `go env` in the workspace folder |
| 1. Relevant VS Code settings: run `Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)` and include anything in a `[go]` block, and anything that starts with `go.` or `gopls.` |
| 1. Extension and `gopls` logs as seems appropriate for the bug. (Include from the beginning of the logs if possible.) |
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| Once you've collected that information, [file your issue](https://github.com/golang/vscode-go/issues/new/choose). |