blob: 444e3331b75572ff26ee89e06716eb072b1f6dcc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import {
} from 'vscode';
import path = require('path');
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { outputChannel } from '../goStatus';
import { getModFolderPath } from '../goModules';
import { getCurrentGoPath } from '../util';
import { getGoConfig } from '../config';
import { dispose, disposeIfEmpty, FileSystem, GoTest, GoTestKind, isInTest, Workspace } from './utils';
import { walk, WalkStop } from './walk';
export type ProvideSymbols = (doc: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken) => Thenable<DocumentSymbol[]>;
const testFuncRegex = /^(?<name>(?<kind>Test|Benchmark|Example)($|\P{Ll}.*))/u;
const testMethodRegex = /^\(\*(?<type>[^)]+)\)\.(?<name>(?<kind>Test)($|\P{Ll}.*))$/u;
const runTestSuiteRegex = /^\s*suite\.Run\(\w+,\s*(?:&?(?<type1>\w+)\{\}|new\((?<type2>\w+)\))\)/mu;
interface TestSuite {
func?: TestItem;
methods: Set<TestItem>;
export class GoTestResolver {
public readonly all = new Map<string, TestItem>();
public readonly isDynamicSubtest = new WeakSet<TestItem>();
public readonly isTestMethod = new WeakSet<TestItem>();
public readonly isTestSuiteFunc = new WeakSet<TestItem>();
private readonly testSuites = new Map<string, TestSuite>();
private readonly workspace: Workspace,
private readonly ctrl: TestController,
private readonly provideDocumentSymbols: ProvideSymbols
) {
ctrl.resolveHandler = async (item) => {
try {
await this.resolve(item);
} catch (error) {
if (isInTest()) throw error;
const m = 'Failed to resolve tests';
outputChannel.appendLine(`${m}: ${error}`);
await vscode.window.showErrorMessage(m);
get items() {
return this.ctrl.items;
async resolve(item?: TestItem) {
// Expand the root item - find all modules and workspaces
if (!item) {
// Dispose of package entries at the root if they are now part of a workspace folder
this.ctrl.items.forEach((item) => {
const { kind } = GoTest.parseId(;
if (kind !== 'package') {
if (this.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(item.uri)) {
dispose(this, item);
// Create entries for all modules and workspaces
for (const folder of this.workspace.workspaceFolders || []) {
const found = await walkWorkspaces(this.workspace.fs, folder.uri);
let needWorkspace = false;
for (const [uri, isMod] of found.entries()) {
if (!isMod) {
needWorkspace = true;
await this.getModule(Uri.parse(uri));
// If the workspace folder contains any Go files not in a module, create a workspace entry
if (needWorkspace) {
await this.getWorkspace(folder);
const { kind } = GoTest.parseId(;
// The user expanded a module or workspace - find all packages
if (kind === 'module' || kind === 'workspace') {
await walkPackages(this.workspace.fs, item.uri, async (uri) => {
await this.getPackage(uri);
// The user expanded a module or package - find all files
if (kind === 'module' || kind === 'package') {
for (const [file, type] of await this.workspace.fs.readDirectory(item.uri)) {
if (type !== FileType.File || !file.endsWith('_test.go')) {
await this.getFile(Uri.joinPath(item.uri, file));
// The user expanded a file - find all functions
if (kind === 'file') {
const doc = await this.workspace.openTextDocument(item.uri);
await this.processDocument(doc);
// TODO(firelizzard18): If uri.query is test or benchmark, this is where we
// would discover sub tests or benchmarks, if that is feasible.
// Find test items related to the given resource
find(resource: Uri): TestItem[] {
const findStr = resource.toString();
const found: TestItem[] = [];
function find(items: TestItemCollection) {
items.forEach((item) => {
const itemStr = item.uri.toString();
if (findStr === itemStr) {
} else if (findStr.startsWith(itemStr)) {
return found;
get allItems() {
function* it(coll: TestItemCollection): Generator<TestItem> {
const arr: TestItem[] = [];
coll.forEach((x) => arr.push(x));
for (const item of arr) {
yield item;
yield* it(item.children);
return it(this.items);
// Create or Retrieve a sub test or benchmark. The ID will be of the form:
// file:///path/to/mod/file.go?test#TestXxx%2fA%2fB%2fC
getOrCreateSubTest(item: TestItem, label: string, name: string, dynamic?: boolean): TestItem {
const { kind } = GoTest.parseId(;
let existing: TestItem | undefined;
item.children.forEach((child) => {
if (child.label === name) existing = child;
if (existing) return existing;
item.canResolveChildren = true;
const sub = this.createItem(label, item.uri, kind, name);
if (dynamic) {
if (this.shouldSetRange(item)) {
sub.range = item.range;
return sub;
// Processes a Go document, calling processSymbol for each symbol in the
// document.
// Any previously existing tests that no longer have a corresponding symbol in
// the file will be disposed. If the document contains no tests, it will be
// disposed.
async processDocument(doc: TextDocument, ranges?: Range[]) {
const seen = new Set<string>();
const item = await this.getFile(doc.uri);
const symbols = await this.provideDocumentSymbols(doc, null);
const testify = symbols.some((s) =>
(sym) => sym.kind === SymbolKind.Namespace && === '""'
for (const symbol of symbols) {
await this.processSymbol(doc, item, seen, testify, symbol);
item.children.forEach((child) => {
const { name } = GoTest.parseId(;
if (!seen.has(name)) {
dispose(this, child);
if (ranges?.some((r) => !!child.range.intersection(r))) {
item.children.forEach((x) => dispose(this, x));
disposeIfEmpty(this, item);
public updateGoTestContext() {
const items = [];
for (const item of this.allItems) {
vscode.commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'go.tests', items);
/* ***** Private ***** */
private shouldSetRange(item: TestItem): boolean {
const config = getGoConfig(item.uri);
return config.get<boolean>('testExplorer.showDynamicSubtestsInEditor');
// Create an item.
private createItem(label: string, uri: Uri, kind: GoTestKind, name?: string): TestItem {
const id =, kind, name);
const item = this.ctrl.createTestItem(id, label, uri.with({ query: '', fragment: '' }));
this.all.set(id, item);
return item;
// Retrieve an item.
private getItem(parent: TestItem | undefined, uri: Uri, kind: GoTestKind, name?: string): TestItem {
return (parent?.children || this.ctrl.items).get(, kind, name));
// Create or retrieve an item.
private getOrCreateItem(
parent: TestItem | undefined,
label: string,
uri: Uri,
kind: GoTestKind,
name?: string
): TestItem {
const existing = this.getItem(parent, uri, kind, name);
if (existing) return existing;
const item = this.createItem(label, uri, kind, name);
(parent?.children || this.ctrl.items).add(item);
return item;
// If a test/benchmark with children is relocated, update the children's
// location.
private relocateChildren(item: TestItem) {
item.children.forEach((child) => {
if (!this.isDynamicSubtest.has(child)) return;
if (!this.shouldSetRange(child)) return;
child.range = item.range;
// Retrieve or create an item for a Go module.
private async getModule(uri: Uri): Promise<TestItem> {
const existing = this.getItem(null, uri, 'module');
if (existing) {
return existing;
// Use the module name as the label
const goMod = Uri.joinPath(uri, 'go.mod');
const contents = await this.workspace.fs.readFile(goMod);
const modLine = contents.toString().split('\n', 2)[0];
const match = modLine.match(/^module (?<name>.*?)(?:\s|\/\/|$)/);
const item = this.getOrCreateItem(null,, uri, 'module');
item.canResolveChildren = true;
return item;
// Retrieve or create an item for a workspace folder that is not a module.
private async getWorkspace(ws: WorkspaceFolder): Promise<TestItem> {
const existing = this.getItem(null, ws.uri, 'workspace');
if (existing) {
return existing;
// Use the workspace folder name as the label
const item = this.getOrCreateItem(null,, ws.uri, 'workspace');
item.canResolveChildren = true;
return item;
// Retrieve or create an item for a Go package.
private async getPackage(uri: Uri): Promise<TestItem> {
let item: TestItem;
const nested = getGoConfig(uri).get('testExplorer.packageDisplayMode') === 'nested';
const modDir = Uri.file(await getModFolderPath(uri, true)); // TODO support non-file schemes
const wsfolder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(uri);
if (modDir) {
// If the package is in a module, add it as a child of the module
let parent = await this.getModule(modDir);
if (uri.path === parent.uri.path) {
return parent;
if (nested) {
const bits = path.relative(parent.uri.path, uri.path).split(path.sep);
while (bits.length > 1) {
const dir = bits.shift();
const dirUri = uri.with({ path: path.join(parent.uri.path, dir), query: '', fragment: '' });
parent = this.getOrCreateItem(parent, dir, dirUri, 'package');
const label = uri.path.startsWith(parent.uri.path)
? uri.path.substring(parent.uri.path.length + 1)
: uri.path;
item = this.getOrCreateItem(parent, label, uri, 'package');
} else if (wsfolder) {
// If the package is in a workspace folder, add it as a child of the workspace
const workspace = await this.getWorkspace(wsfolder);
const existing = this.getItem(workspace, uri, 'package');
if (existing) {
return existing;
const label = uri.path.startsWith(wsfolder.uri.path)
? uri.path.substring(wsfolder.uri.path.length + 1)
: uri.path;
item = this.getOrCreateItem(workspace, label, uri, 'package');
} else {
// Otherwise, add it directly to the root
const existing = this.getItem(null, uri, 'package');
if (existing) {
return existing;
const srcPath = path.join(getCurrentGoPath(uri), 'src');
const label = uri.path.startsWith(srcPath) ? uri.path.substring(srcPath.length + 1) : uri.path;
item = this.getOrCreateItem(null, label, uri, 'package');
item.canResolveChildren = true;
return item;
// Retrieve or create an item for a Go file.
private async getFile(uri: Uri): Promise<TestItem> {
const dir = path.dirname(uri.path);
const pkg = await this.getPackage(uri.with({ path: dir, query: '', fragment: '' }));
const existing = this.getItem(pkg, uri, 'file');
if (existing) {
return existing;
const label = path.basename(uri.path);
const item = this.getOrCreateItem(pkg, label, uri, 'file');
item.canResolveChildren = true;
return item;
private getTestSuite(type: string): TestSuite {
if (this.testSuites.has(type)) {
return this.testSuites.get(type);
const methods = new Set<TestItem>();
const suite = { methods };
this.testSuites.set(type, suite);
return suite;
// Recursively process a Go AST symbol. If the symbol represents a test,
// benchmark, or example function, a test item will be created for it, if one
// does not already exist. If the symbol is not a function and contains
// children, those children will be processed recursively.
private async processSymbol(
doc: TextDocument,
file: TestItem,
seen: Set<string>,
importsTestify: boolean,
symbol: DocumentSymbol
) {
// Skip TestMain(*testing.M) - allow TestMain(*testing.T)
if ( === 'TestMain' && /\*testing.M\)/.test(symbol.detail)) {
// Recursively process symbols that are nested
if (symbol.kind !== SymbolKind.Function) {
for (const sym of symbol.children) await this.processSymbol(doc, file, seen, importsTestify, sym);
const match = || (importsTestify &&;
if (!match) {
const kind = match.groups.kind.toLowerCase() as GoTestKind;
const suite = match.groups.type ? this.getTestSuite(match.groups.type) : undefined;
const existing =
this.getItem(file, doc.uri, kind, ||
(suite?.func && this.getItem(suite?.func, doc.uri, kind,;
if (existing) {
if (!existing.range.isEqual(symbol.range)) {
existing.range = symbol.range;
return existing;
const item = this.getOrCreateItem(suite?.func || file,, doc.uri, kind,;
item.range = symbol.range;
if (suite) {
if (!suite.func) suite.methods.add(item);
if (!importsTestify) {
// Runs any suite
const text = doc.getText(symbol.range);
if (text.includes('suite.Run(')) {
// Runs a specific suite
// - suite.Run(t, new(MySuite))
// - suite.Run(t, MySuite{})
// - suite.Run(t, &MySuite{})
const matchRunSuite = text.match(runTestSuiteRegex);
if (matchRunSuite) {
const g = matchRunSuite.groups;
const suite = this.getTestSuite(g.type1 || g.type2);
suite.func = item;
for (const method of suite.methods) {
if (GoTest.parseId( !== 'file') {
// Walk the workspace, looking for Go modules. Returns a map indicating paths
// that are modules (value == true) and paths that are not modules but contain
// Go files (value == false).
async function walkWorkspaces(fs: FileSystem, uri: Uri): Promise<Map<string, boolean>> {
const found = new Map<string, boolean>();
await walk(fs, uri, async (dir, file, type) => {
if (type !== FileType.File) {
if (file === 'go.mod') {
// BUG(firelizard18): This does not create a separate entry for
// modules within a module. Thus, tests in a module within another
// module will appear under the top-level module's tree. This may or
// may not be acceptable.
found.set(dir.toString(), true);
return WalkStop.Current;
if (file.endsWith('.go')) {
found.set(dir.toString(), false);
return found;
// Walk the workspace, calling the callback for any directory that contains a Go
// test file.
async function walkPackages(fs: FileSystem, uri: Uri, cb: (uri: Uri) => Promise<unknown>) {
await walk(fs, uri, async (dir, file) => {
if (file.endsWith('_test.go')) {
await cb(dir);
return WalkStop.Files;