blob: b1d3994a31dfec1cb2fdcd2482f53f812b62045d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import fs = require('fs');
import path = require('path');
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { isModSupported } from './goModules';
import { getImportPathToFolder } from './goPackages';
import { getTestFlags, goTest, showTestOutput, TestConfig } from './testUtils';
import { getGoConfig } from './util';
let gutterSvgs: { [key: string]: string };
let decorators: {
type: string;
coveredGutterDecorator: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType;
uncoveredGutterDecorator: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType;
coveredHighlightDecorator: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType;
uncoveredHighlightDecorator: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType;
let decoratorConfig: {
[key: string]: any;
type: string;
coveredHighlightColor: string;
uncoveredHighlightColor: string;
coveredGutterStyle: string;
uncoveredGutterStyle: string;
// a list of modified, unsaved go files with actual code edits (rather than comment edits)
let modifiedFiles: {
[key: string]: boolean;
} = {};
* Initializes the decorators used for Code coverage.
* @param ctx The extension context
export function initCoverageDecorators(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
// Initialize gutter svgs
gutterSvgs = {
blockred: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-blockred.svg'),
blockgreen: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-blockgreen.svg'),
blockblue: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-blockblue.svg'),
blockyellow: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-blockyellow.svg'),
slashred: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-slashred.svg'),
slashgreen: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-slashgreen.svg'),
slashblue: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-slashblue.svg'),
slashyellow: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-slashyellow.svg'),
verticalred: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-vertred.svg'),
verticalgreen: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-vertgreen.svg'),
verticalblue: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-vertblue.svg'),
verticalyellow: ctx.asAbsolutePath('images/gutter-vertyellow.svg')
// Update the coverageDecorator in User config, if they are using the old style.
const goConfig = getGoConfig();
const inspectResult = goConfig.inspect('coverageDecorator');
if (inspectResult) {
if (typeof inspectResult.globalValue === 'string') {
{ type: inspectResult.globalValue },
if (typeof inspectResult.workspaceValue === 'string') {
{ type: inspectResult.workspaceValue },
if (typeof inspectResult.workspaceFolderValue === 'string') {
{ type: inspectResult.workspaceValue },
// Update the decorators
* Updates the decorators used for Code coverage.
* @param coverageDecoratorConfig The coverage decorated as configured by the user
export function updateCodeCoverageDecorators(coverageDecoratorConfig: any) {
// These defaults are chosen to be distinguishable in nearly any color scheme (even Red)
// as well as by people who have difficulties with color perception.
// (how do these relate the defaults in package.json?)
// and where do the defaults actually come from? (raised as issue #256)
decoratorConfig = {
type: 'highlight',
coveredHighlightColor: 'rgba(64,128,128,0.5)',
uncoveredHighlightColor: 'rgba(128,64,64,0.25)',
coveredGutterStyle: 'blockblue',
uncoveredGutterStyle: 'slashyellow'
// Update from configuration
if (typeof coverageDecoratorConfig === 'string') {
decoratorConfig.type = coverageDecoratorConfig;
} else {
for (const k in coverageDecoratorConfig) {
if (coverageDecoratorConfig.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
decoratorConfig[k] = coverageDecoratorConfig[k];
function setDecorators() {
decorators = {
type: decoratorConfig.type,
coveredGutterDecorator: vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
gutterIconPath: gutterSvgs[decoratorConfig.coveredGutterStyle]
uncoveredGutterDecorator: vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
gutterIconPath: gutterSvgs[decoratorConfig.uncoveredGutterStyle]
coveredHighlightDecorator: vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
backgroundColor: decoratorConfig.coveredHighlightColor
uncoveredHighlightDecorator: vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
backgroundColor: decoratorConfig.uncoveredHighlightColor
* Disposes decorators so that the current coverage is removed from the editor.
function disposeDecorators() {
if (decorators) {
interface CoverageData {
uncoveredRange: vscode.Range[];
coveredRange: vscode.Range[];
let coverageData: { [key: string]: CoverageData } = {}; // actual file path to the coverage data.
let isCoverageApplied: boolean = false;
* Clear the coverage on all files
function clearCoverage() {
coverageData = {};
isCoverageApplied = false;
* Extract the coverage data from the given cover profile & apply them on the files in the open editors.
* @param coverProfilePath Path to the file that has the cover profile data
* @param packageDirPath Absolute path of the package for which the coverage was calculated
* @param testDir Directory to execute go list in, when there is no workspace, for some tests
export function applyCodeCoverageToAllEditors(coverProfilePath: string, testDir?: string): Promise<void> {
const v = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const coveragePath = new Map<string, CoverageData>(); // <filename> from the cover profile to the coverage data.
// Clear existing coverage files
// collect the packages named in the coverage file
const seenPaths = new Set<string>();
// for now read synchronously and hope for no errors
const contents = fs.readFileSync(coverProfilePath).toString();
contents.split('\n').forEach((line) => {
// go test coverageprofile generates output:
// filename:StartLine.StartColumn,EndLine.EndColumn Hits CoverCount
// where the filename is either the import path + '/' + base file name, or
// the actual file path (either absolute or starting with .)
// See
// The first line will be like "mode: set" which we will ignore.
const parse = line.match(/([^:]+)\:([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\,([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\s([\d]+)\s([\d]+)/);
if (!parse) { return; }
const lastSlash = parse[1].lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlash !== -1) {
seenPaths.add(parse[1].slice(0, lastSlash));
// and fill in coveragePath
const coverage = coveragePath.get(parse[1]) || { coveredRange: [], uncoveredRange: [] };
const range = new vscode.Range(
// Start Line converted to zero based
parseInt(parse[2], 10) - 1,
// Start Column converted to zero based
parseInt(parse[3], 10) - 1,
// End Line converted to zero based
parseInt(parse[4], 10) - 1,
// End Column converted to zero based
parseInt(parse[5], 10) - 1
// If is Covered (CoverCount > 0)
if (parseInt(parse[7], 10) > 0) {
} else {
coveragePath.set(parse[1], coverage);
getImportPathToFolder([...seenPaths], testDir)
.then((pathsToDirs) => {
createCoverageData(pathsToDirs, coveragePath);
} catch (e) {
return v;
function createCoverageData(
pathsToDirs: Map<string, string>,
coveragePath: Map<string, CoverageData>) {
coveragePath.forEach((cd, ip) => {
const lastSlash = ip.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlash === -1) { // malformed
console.log(`invalid entry: ${ip}`);
const importPath = ip.slice(0, lastSlash);
let fileDir = importPath;
if (path.isAbsolute(importPath)) {
// This is the true file path.
} else if (importPath.startsWith('.')) {
fileDir = path.resolve(fileDir);
} else {
// This is the package import path.
// we need to look up `go list` output stored in pathsToDir.
fileDir = pathsToDirs.get(importPath) || importPath;
const file = fileDir + path.sep + ip.slice(lastSlash + 1);
setCoverageDataByFilePath(file, cd);
* Set the object that holds the coverage data for given file path.
* @param filePath
* @param data
function setCoverageDataByFilePath(filePath: string, data: CoverageData) {
if (filePath.startsWith('_')) {
filePath = filePath.substr(1);
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
const parts = filePath.split('/');
if (parts.length) {
filePath = parts.join(path.sep);
coverageData[filePath] = data;
* Apply the code coverage highlighting in given editor
* @param editor
export function applyCodeCoverage(editor: vscode.TextEditor) {
if (!editor || editor.document.languageId !== 'go' || editor.document.fileName.endsWith('_test.go')) {
const cfg = getGoConfig(editor.document.uri);
const coverageOptions = cfg['coverageOptions'];
for (const filename in coverageData) {
if (editor.document.uri.fsPath.endsWith(filename)) {
isCoverageApplied = true;
const cd = coverageData[filename];
if (coverageOptions === 'showCoveredCodeOnly' || coverageOptions === 'showBothCoveredAndUncoveredCode') {
decorators.type === 'gutter'
? decorators.coveredGutterDecorator
: decorators.coveredHighlightDecorator,
if (coverageOptions === 'showUncoveredCodeOnly' || coverageOptions === 'showBothCoveredAndUncoveredCode') {
decorators.type === 'gutter'
? decorators.uncoveredGutterDecorator
: decorators.uncoveredHighlightDecorator,
* Listener for file save that clears potential stale coverage data.
* Local cache tracks files with changes outside of comments to determine
* files for which the save event can cause stale coverage data.
* @param e TextDocument
export function removeCodeCoverageOnFileSave(e: vscode.TextDocument) {
if (e.languageId !== 'go' || !isCoverageApplied) {
if (vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.every((editor) => editor.document !== e)) {
if (modifiedFiles[e.fileName]) {
modifiedFiles = {}; // reset the list of modified files
* Listener for file change that tracks files with changes outside of comments
* to determine files for which an eventual save can cause stale coverage data.
* @param e TextDocumentChangeEvent
export function trackCodeCoverageRemovalOnFileChange(e: vscode.TextDocumentChangeEvent) {
if (e.document.languageId !== 'go' || !e.contentChanges.length || !isCoverageApplied) {
if (vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.every((editor) => editor.document !== e.document)) {
if (isPartOfComment(e)) {
modifiedFiles[e.document.fileName] = true;
* If current editor has Code coverage applied, then remove it.
* Else run tests to get the coverage and apply.
export async function toggleCoverageCurrentPackage() {
const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
if (!editor) {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('No editor is active.');
if (isCoverageApplied) {
const goConfig = getGoConfig();
const cwd = path.dirname(editor.document.uri.fsPath);
const testFlags = getTestFlags(goConfig);
const isMod = await isModSupported(editor.document.uri);
const testConfig: TestConfig = {
dir: cwd,
flags: testFlags,
background: true,
applyCodeCoverage: true
return goTest(testConfig).then((success) => {
if (!success) {
export function isPartOfComment(e: vscode.TextDocumentChangeEvent): boolean {
return e.contentChanges.every((change) => {
// We cannot be sure with using just regex on individual lines whether a multi line change is part of a comment or not
// So play it safe and treat it as not a comment
if (!change.range.isSingleLine || change.text.includes('\n')) {
return false;
const text = e.document.lineAt(change.range.start).text;
const idx ='//');
return idx > -1 && idx <= change.range.start.character;
// These routines enable testing without starting an editing session.
export function coverageFilesForTest(): { [key: string]: CoverageData; } {
return coverageData;
export function initForTest() {
if (!decoratorConfig) {
// this code is unnecessary except for testing, where there may be no workspace
// nor the normal flow of initializations
const x = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
if (!gutterSvgs) {
gutterSvgs = { x };
decoratorConfig = {
type: 'highlight',
coveredHighlightColor: x,
uncoveredHighlightColor: x,
coveredGutterStyle: x,
uncoveredGutterStyle: x