You can set up a development environment for debugging the extension during extension development.

Building and Debugging the extension

Ensure you have node installed. Clone the repo, run npm install and open a development instance of Code.

git clone
cd vscode-go
npm install
code .

Make sure the window.openFoldersInNewWindow setting is not "on".

You can now go to the Debug viewlet (Ctrl+Shift+D) and select Launch Extension then hit run (F5).

This will open a new VS Code window which will have the title [Extension Development Host]. In this window, open any folder with Go code.

In the original VS Code window, you can now add breakpoints which will be hit when you use any of the the plugin's features in the second window.

If you make edits in the extension .ts files, just reload (cmd-r) the [Extension Development Host] instance of Code to load in the new extension code. The debugging instance will automatically reattach.

To debug the debugger, see the debugAdapter readme.

Running the tests

To run the tests locally, open the Debug viewlet (Ctrl+Shift+D), select Launch Tests, then hit run (F5)

Sideloading the extension

After making changes to the extension, you might want to test it end to end instead of running it in debug mode. To do this, you can sideload the extension. This can be done by preparing the extension and loading it directly.

  1. npm install -g vsce to make sure you have vsce installed globally
  2. git clone to clone the repo if you havent already done so
  3. cd vscode-go
  4. npm install to install dependencies if you havent already done so
  5. vsce package to build the package. This will generate a file with extension vsix
  6. Run the command Extensions: Install from VSIX..., choose the vsix file generated in the previous step

Use the beta version of this extension

If you want to help with testing the next update to this extension or you want to use the latest features that arent released yet, its easy to do so. Please see Use the beta version of the Go extension