blob: ebdd13ba0f99ce7a6c32edeb7507c9a3998e712e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import { Memento, TestItem, Uri } from 'vscode';
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { getTempFilePath } from '../util';
import { GoTestResolver } from './resolve';
export type ProfilingOptions = { kind?: Kind['id'] };
const optionsMemento = 'testProfilingOptions';
const defaultOptions: ProfilingOptions = { kind: 'cpu' };
export class GoTestProfiler {
private readonly lastRunFor = new Map<string, Run>();
constructor(private readonly resolver: GoTestResolver, private readonly workspaceState: Memento) {}
get options() {
return this.workspaceState.get<ProfilingOptions>(optionsMemento) || defaultOptions;
set options(v: ProfilingOptions) {
this.workspaceState.update(optionsMemento, v);
preRun(options: ProfilingOptions, items: TestItem[]): string[] {
const kind = Kind.get(options.kind);
if (!kind) {
items.forEach((x) => this.lastRunFor.delete(;
return [];
const flags = [];
const run = new Run(items, kind);
items.forEach((x) => this.lastRunFor.set(, run));
return flags;
postRun() {
// Update the list of tests that have profiles.
vscode.commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'go.profiledTests', Array.from(this.lastRunFor.keys()));
hasProfileFor(id: string): boolean {
return this.lastRunFor.has(id);
async configure(): Promise<ProfilingOptions | undefined> {
const { kind } = await vscode.window.showQuickPick( => ({ label: x.label, kind: x })),
title: 'Profile'
if (!kind) return;
return {
async showProfiles(item: TestItem) {
const { query: kind, fragment: name } = Uri.parse(;
if (kind !== 'test' && kind !== 'benchmark' && kind !== 'example') {
await vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Selected item is not a test, benchmark, or example');
const run = this.lastRunFor.get(;
if (!run) {
await vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`${name} was not profiled the last time it was run`);
class Kind {
private static byID = new Map<string, Kind>();
static get(id: string): Kind | undefined {
return this.byID.get(id);
static get all() {
return Array.from(this.byID.values());
private constructor(
public readonly id: 'cpu' | 'mem' | 'mutex' | 'block',
public readonly label: string,
public readonly flag: string
) {
Kind.byID.set(id, this);
static readonly CPU = new Kind('cpu', 'CPU', '--cpuprofile');
static readonly Memory = new Kind('mem', 'Memory', '--memprofile');
static readonly Mutex = new Kind('mutex', 'Mutex', '--mutexprofile');
static readonly Block = new Kind('block', 'Block', '--blockprofile');
class Run {
private static nextID = 0;
public readonly when = new Date();
public readonly id = Run.nextID++;
public readonly file: File;
constructor(public readonly targets: TestItem[], kind: Kind) {
this.file = new File(this, kind);
class File {
constructor(public readonly run: Run, public readonly kind: Kind) {}
get name() {
return `profile-${}.${}.prof`;
get flag(): string {
return `${this.kind.flag}=${getTempFilePath(}`;
get uri(): Uri {
return Uri.from({ scheme: 'go-tool-pprof', path: getTempFilePath( });
async show() {
await vscode.window.showTextDocument(this.uri);