Dlv DAP - Delve's native DAP implementation

Delve's native DAP implementation is now available to be used to debug Go programs.

This debug adapter runs in a separate go process, which is spawned by VS Code when you debug Go code. Since dlv dap is under active development, we need the Delve built at master to get all recent updates. The Go extension currently maintains this unstable version of Delve separately from the stable version (dlv), and installs it as dlv-dap.

Please see the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) to understand how the Debug Adapter acts as an intermediary between VS Code and the debugger (Delve).

Follow along with golang/vscode-go#23 and the project dashboard for updates on the implementation.


How to use dlv dap

You can choose which debug adapter to use with the "debugAdapter" field in your launch.json configuration. Most settings will continue to work with in "dlv-dap" debugAdapter mode except a few caveats. If you do not already have a launch.json, select create a launch.json file from the debug pane and choose an initial Go debug configuration.

In your launch configuration, set the "debugAdapter" field to be "dlv-dap". For example, a launch configuration for a file would look like:

    "name": "Launch file",
    "type": "go",
    "request": "launch",
    "mode": "auto",
    "program": "${file}",
    "debugAdapter": "dlv-dap"

To switch back to the legacy adapter, set "debugAdapter" to "legacy".

Updating dlv dap

The easiest way is to use the "Go: Install/Update Tools" command from the command palette (⇧+⌘+P or Ctrl+Shift+P). The command will show dlv-dap in the tool list. Select it, and the extension will build the tool at master.

If you want to install it manually, go get with the following command and rename it to dlv-dap.

$ GO111MODULE=on GOBIN=/tmp/ go get github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv@master
$ mv /tmp/dlv $GOPATH/bin/dlv-dap

Features and Caveats

Dlv DAP implementation offers the following advantages:

The following features are still under development.

  • Stop/pause/restart while the debugged program is running does not work.
  • Cannot be used with debug test codelens.
  • Support for "dlvFlags" attributes in launch configuration is not available.
  • dlvLoadConfig to configure max string/bytes length in "go.delveConfig" does not work.
  • Remote debugging is not supported.

Reporting issues

The VS Code Go maintainers are reachable via the issue tracker and the #vscode-dev channel in the Gophers Slack. Please reach out on Slack with questions, suggestions, or ideas. If you have trouble getting started on an issue, we'd be happy to give pointers and advice.

Please report issues in our issue tracker with the following information.

  • go version
  • go version -m dlv-dap
  • Instruction to reproduce the issue (code snippets, launch.json, screenshot)


Code location

The core part of Delve DAP implementation is in the service/dap package. Follow Delve project‘s contribution guideline to send PRs. Code for integration with the Go extension is mostly in src/goDebugFactory.ts and tests are in test/integration/goDebug.test.ts. Please take a look at VS Code Go project’s contribution guideline to learn about how to prepare a change and send it for review.


For simple launch cases, build the delve binary, and configure "go.alternateTools" setting.

"go.alternateTools": {
    "dlv-dap": <path_to_your_delve>

Set logOutput and showLog attributes in launch.json to enable logging and DAP message tracing.

    "name": "Launch file",
    "type": "go",
    "request": "launch",
    "debugAdapter": "dlv-dap",
    "showLog": true,
    "logOutput": "dap"

If you are having issues with seeing logs and or suspect problems in extension's integration, you can start Delve DAP server from a separate terminal and configure the extension to directly connect to it.

$ dlv-dap dap --listen=:12345 --log-output=dap
    "name": "Launch file",
    "type": "go",
    "request": "launch",
    "debugAdapter": "dlv-dap",
    "port": 12345