blob: d947006d0f4e9ca7d3c1a2cd5be4888a7b7f1244 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import { execFile } from 'child_process';
import { window, CancellationToken, TextDocumentContentProvider, Uri } from 'vscode';
import { outputChannel } from './goStatus';
import { getBinPath } from './util';
export class ProfileDocumentContentProvider implements TextDocumentContentProvider {
provideTextDocumentContent(uri: Uri, token: CancellationToken): Promise<string | undefined> {
return this.pprof(uri, token);
private pprof(uri: Uri, token: CancellationToken) {
const goBin = getBinPath('go');
return new Promise<string | undefined>((resolve) => {
const cp = execFile(goBin, ['tool', 'pprof', '-tree', uri.fsPath], async (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err || stderr) {
const m = 'Failed to execute `go tool pprof`';
if (err) outputChannel.appendLine(`${m}: ${err}`);
else outputChannel.append(`${m}:\n${stderr}`);;
await window.showErrorMessage(m);
resolve(void 0);
} else {
token?.onCancellationRequested(() => cp.kill());