src/goFillStruct: remove Go: Fill struct command

VSCode's `editor.action.codeAction` provides a unified way
of accessing refactoring features, including "fill struct".

Gopls returns the appropriate fill struct options based on
the selection or cursor position when invoked with

"args": {
  "kind": 'refactor.rewrite',

We no longer require a separate fillstruct tool.

Delete the 'fill struct' tests. I hoped we could move these
tests to the gopls integration test, but it turned out
that is more complicated than I thought.

- Starting a VS Code editor instance is costly, so our integration
test starts the editor only once and restarts the gopls instances
for each test suite or test case.

- VSCode does not expose a way to close text document explicitly
by design. We can close visible editors, tabs, or tab groups
and make them disappear (as many stackoverflow posts suggest),
but VSCode keeps open text documents internally for some time
(and some hard-coded eviction age limit like 3minutes).


- As a result, when a new Gopls instance starts, the editor
(LSP client) sends didOpen messages for the documents open
for previous testing. These documents belong to different
modules, and Gopls considers this misconfiguration.

- Fill struct is implemented as diagnostics. When we trigger
code action requests, Gopls tries to compute diagnostics first.
Unfortunately, gopls thinks the workspace is misconfigured,
produces various diagnostics about all the documents we've
ever opened in our integration test, and fails to suggest
or run fill struct action before timeout.

We can consider
- wait for gopls to support multiple-modules setup (aka
zero config gopls). That will handle the left-over files better.
- rearrange the test dataset to be in one workspace (,
or a single module),
- arrange the integration test to work on a copied test data
and clean up used files at the end of every test. Still unclear
how quickly VSCode detects deleted files and invalidates the
contents in memory though, or
- arrange the lsp client middleware to hijack didOpen notification
and filter out messages about unwanted files during testing.

But given that the extension doesn't do anything special
beyond invoking the codeaction, I am not sure if we need to add
more complexity right now if the future gopls can handle this
better. So, I am dropping the tests now.

Fixes golang/vscode-go#2107

Change-Id: Ib5659274ae6bd7d25c7b3cdd432f2d5c17e0e30d
TryBot-Result: kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <>
Reviewed-by: Suzy Mueller <>
16 files changed
tree: de8fe34d9fb55db328533263893e5937bea75d2a
  1. .github/
  2. .vscode/
  3. build/
  4. docs/
  5. languages/
  6. media/
  7. snippets/
  8. src/
  9. syntaxes/
  10. test/
  11. third_party/
  12. tools/
  13. typings/
  14. .editorconfig
  15. .eslintignore
  16. .eslintrc.json
  17. .gitignore
  18. .prettierrc.js
  19. .prettierrc.json
  20. .vscodeignore
  23. codereview.cfg
  24. go.mod
  25. go.sum
  27. package-lock.json
  28. package.json
  31. tsconfig.json

Go for Visual Studio Code


The VS Code Go extension provides rich language support for the Go programming language.


  • Visual Studio Code 1.75 or newer (or editors compatible with VS Code 1.75+ APIs)
  • Go 1.18 or newer

Quick Start

Welcome! 👋🏻
Whether you are new to Go or an experienced Go developer, we hope this extension fits your needs and enhances your development experience.

  1. Install Go 1.18 or newer if you haven't already.

  2. Install the VS Code Go extension.

  3. Open any directory or workspace containing Go code to automatically activate the extension. The Go status bar appears in the bottom left corner of the window and displays your Go version.

  4. The extension depends on go, gopls, dlv and other optional tools. If any of the dependencies are missing, the ⚠️ Analysis Tools Missing warning is displayed. Click on the warning to download dependencies.

    See the tools documentation for a complete list of tools the extension depends on.

You are ready to Go :-)    🎉🎉🎉

What's next

If you are new to Go, this article provides the overview on Go code organization and basic go commands. Watch “Getting started with VS Code Go” for an explanation of how to build your first Go application using VS Code Go.

Feature highlights

  • IntelliSense - Results appear for symbols as you type.
  • Code navigation - Jump to or peek at a symbol's declaration.
  • Code editing - Support for saved snippets, formatting and code organization, and automatic organization of imports.
  • Diagnostics - Build, vet, and lint errors shown as you type or on save.
  • Enhanced support for testing and debugging

See the full feature breakdown for more details.

In addition to integrated editing features, the extension provides several commands for working with Go files. You can access any of these by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P on Linux/Windows and Cmd+Shift+P on Mac), and then typing in the command name. See the full list of commands provided by this extension.

⚠️ Note: the default syntax highlighting for Go files is provided by a TextMate rule embedded in VS Code, not by this extension.

For better syntax highlighting, we recommend enabling semantic highlighting by turning on Gopls' ui.semanticTokens setting. "gopls": { "ui.semanticTokens": true }

Setting up your workspace

The VS Code Go extension supports both GOPATH and Go modules modes.

Go modules are used to manage dependencies in recent versions of Go. Modules replace the GOPATH-based approach to specifying which source files are used in a given build, and they are the default build mode in go1.16+. We highly recommend Go development in module mode. If you are working on existing projects, please consider migrating to modules.

Unlike the traditional GOPATH mode, module mode does not require the workspace to be located under GOPATH nor to use a specific structure. A module is defined by a directory tree of Go source files with a go.mod file in the tree's root directory.

Your project may involve one or more modules. If you are working with multiple modules or uncommon project layouts, you will need to configure your workspace by using Workspace Folders. See the Supported workspace layouts documentation for more information.

Preview version

If you'd like to get early access to new features and bug fixes, you can use the nightly build of this extension. Learn how to install it in by reading the Go Nightly documentation.


We welcome your contributions and thank you for working to improve the Go development experience in VS Code. If you would like to help work on the VS Code Go extension, see our contribution guide to learn how to build and run the VS Code Go extension locally and contribute to the project.

Code of Conduct

This project follows the Go Community Code of Conduct. If you encounter a conduct-related issue, please mail
