| name: Release (golang.go) |
| |
| # The new release workflow is triggered when a new tag on the release |
| # branch is pushed. |
| # |
| # Note: our canonical repository is in go.googlesource.com/vscode-go and tagging |
| # will be done in the canonical repository, and mirrored to the github repository. |
| # A typical workflow is: |
| # |
| # 1. A human operator creates a CL to merge the main dev branch to the 'release' branch. |
| # CI (GCB builder) will test the CL. |
| # 2. The CL is reviewed and merged. This triggers the "Long test workflow" (test-long.yml). |
| # 3. The human operator verifies the "Long test workflow" is green. |
| # Otherwise, fix (fix, cherry-pick, review, commit) on the 'release' branch. |
| # 4. When the 'release' branch reaches to the state ready for the release, |
| # the human operator will tag the commig from the canonical repository. |
| # (https://go-review.googlesource.com/admin/repos/vscode-go,tags) |
| # Stable versions should be in the format of 'vX.X.X' (e.g. v0.15.0) |
| # Release candidates should be in the format of 'vX.X.X-rc.X' (e.g. v0.15.0-rc.1) |
| # 5. The gopherbot will mirror the tag to the GitHub repo, and that push will trigger |
| # the 'Release (golang.go)' workflow specified in this file. |
| # - For stable version release (vX.X.X), check if the package.json has the matching version. |
| # - Packaging using 'vsce package' |
| # - Create a release in GitHub |
| # - Upload the vsix file as an asset of the release |
| # - For stable version release (vX.X.X), upload to the vscode market place |
| |
| on: |
| push: |
| tags: |
| - v* |
| |
| jobs: |
| release: |
| name: create release |
| runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
| if: github.repository == 'golang/vscode-go' |
| |
| steps: |
| - name: Clone repository |
| uses: actions/checkout@v3 |
| |
| - name: Setup Node |
| uses: actions/setup-node@v3 |
| with: |
| node-version: '18' |
| cache: 'npm' |
| |
| - name: get release version |
| id: release_version |
| run: | |
| TAGGED_VERSION="${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\/v/}" |
| |
| if [[ ! "${TAGGED_VERSION}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$ ]]; then |
| echo "Invalid version tag '${TAGGED_VERSION}'" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| WRITTEN_VERSION="$(cat package.json | jq '.version' -r)" |
| |
| if [[ "${TAGGED_VERSION}" == *"-"* ]]; then |
| if [[ ! "${TAGGED_VERSION}" == "${WRITTEN_VERSION}"-rc.* ]]; then |
| echo "Prerelease Tag and Version in package.json are not compatible: '${TAGGED_VERSION}' vs '${WRITTEN_VERSION}'" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| else |
| if [[ "${TAGGED_VERSION}" != "${WRITTEN_VERSION}" ]]; then |
| echo "Release Tag and Version in package.json do not match: '${TAGGED_VERSION}' vs '${WRITTEN_VERSION}'" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| - name: stamp version |
| run: | |
| cat package.json | jq --arg VER "${{ env.EXT_VERSION }}" '.version=$VER' > /tmp/package.json |
| cp /tmp/package.json ./package.json |
| npm ci |
| npm run vscode:prepublish |
| |
| - name: package extension |
| run: npx vsce package -o "./go-${{ env.EXT_VERSION }}.vsix" |
| |
| - name: create release |
| id: create_release |
| uses: actions/create-release@v1 |
| env: |
| GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} |
| with: |
| tag_name: ${{ github.ref }} |
| release_name: Release ${{ env.EXT_VERSION }} |
| draft: false |
| prerelease: ${{env.EXT_ISPREVIEW == 1}} |
| |
| - name: upload release asset |
| uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 |
| env: |
| GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} |
| with: |
| upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} |
| asset_path: ./go-${{ env.EXT_VERSION }}.vsix |
| asset_name: go-${{ env.EXT_VERSION }}.vsix |
| asset_content_type: application/zip |
| |
| - name: publish |
| if: env.EXT_ISPREVIEW != 1 && github.repository == 'golang/vscode-go' |
| run: npx vsce publish -i "./go-${{ env.EXT_VERSION }}.vsix" -p "${{ secrets.VSCE_TOKEN }}" |
| |
| # TODO: check if the commit is in green state. (test-long.yml results) |