blob: 14d38a0c7bd63e295ec1e15e1a2a47e6509bf311 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import stream = require('stream');
import { DebugProtocol } from 'vscode-debugprotocol';
// DapClient implements a simple client for the DAP protocol.
// It's initialized with a pair of streams that the caller creats and enables
// sending and receiving DAP messages over these streams.
// After calling connect():
// - For sending messages call send().
// - For receiving messages, subscibe to events this class emits.
// - 'event', 'respones', 'request' - each carrying an appropriate
// DebugProtocol type as an argument.
export class DAPClient extends EventEmitter {
private static readonly TWO_CRLF = '\r\n\r\n';
private outputStream: stream.Writable;
private rawData = Buffer.alloc(0);
private contentLength: number = -1;
constructor() {
public send(req: any): void {
const json = JSON.stringify(req);
this.outputStream.write(`Content-Length: ${Buffer.byteLength(json, 'utf8')}\r\n\r\n${json}`, 'utf8');
// Connect this client to a server, which is represented by read and write
// streams. Before this method is called, send() won't work and no messages
// from the server will be delivered.
protected connect(readable: stream.Readable, writable: stream.Writable): void {
this.outputStream = writable;
readable.on('data', (data: Buffer) => {
// Implements parsing of the DAP protocol. We cannot use ProtocolClient
// from the vscode-debugadapter package, because it's not exported and
// is not meant for external usage.
// See
private handleData(data: Buffer): void {
this.rawData = Buffer.concat([this.rawData, data]);
while (true) {
if (this.contentLength >= 0) {
if (this.rawData.length >= this.contentLength) {
const message = this.rawData.toString('utf8', 0, this.contentLength);
this.rawData = this.rawData.slice(this.contentLength);
this.contentLength = -1;
if (message.length > 0) {
continue; // there may be more complete messages to process
} else {
const idx = this.rawData.indexOf(DAPClient.TWO_CRLF);
if (idx !== -1) {
const header = this.rawData.toString('utf8', 0, idx);
const lines = header.split('\r\n');
for (const line of lines) {
const pair = line.split(/: +/);
if (pair[0] === 'Content-Length') {
this.contentLength = +pair[1];
this.rawData = this.rawData.slice(idx + DAPClient.TWO_CRLF.length);
private dispatch(body: string): void {
const rawData = JSON.parse(body);
if (rawData.type === 'event') {
const event = <DebugProtocol.Event>rawData;
this.emit('event', event);
} else if (rawData.type === 'response') {
const response = <DebugProtocol.Response>rawData;
this.emit('response', response);
} else if (rawData.type === 'request') {
const request = <DebugProtocol.Request>rawData;
this.emit('request', request);
} else {
throw new Error(`unknown message ${JSON.stringify(rawData)}`);