blob: 2816e2ec92492283b58ace26902ba3e9c3b10f5c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import cp = require('child_process');
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from 'path';
import sinon = require('sinon');
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { extensionId } from '../../src/const';
// FakeOutputChannel is a fake output channel used to buffer
// the output of the tested language client in an in-memory
// string array until cleared.
class FakeOutputChannel implements vscode.OutputChannel {
public name = 'FakeOutputChannel';
public show = sinon.fake(); // no-empty
public hide = sinon.fake(); // no-empty
public dispose = sinon.fake(); // no-empty
private buf = [] as string[];
public append = (v: string) => this.enqueue(v);
public appendLine = (v: string) => this.enqueue(v);
public clear = () => { this.buf = []; };
public toString = () => {
return this.buf.join('\n');
private enqueue = (v: string) => {
if (this.buf.length > 1024) { this.buf.shift(); }
// Env is a collection of test related variables
// that define the test environment such as vscode workspace.
class Env {
// Currently gopls requires a workspace and does not work in a single-file mode.
// Code in test environment does not support dynamically adding folders.
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
// So, when we start the gopls tests, we start the test extension host with a
// dummy workspace, ${projectDir}/test/gopls/testfixtures/src/workspace
// (see test/runTest.ts and launch.json).
// Then copy necessary files to the workspace using Env.reset() from the
// fixturesRoot directory.
public workspaceDir: string;
public fixturesRoot: string;
public extension: vscode.Extension<any>;
private fakeOutputChannel: FakeOutputChannel;
constructor(projectDir: string) {
if (!projectDir) {'project directory cannot be determined');
this.workspaceDir = path.resolve(projectDir, 'test/gopls/testfixtures/src/workspace');
this.fixturesRoot = path.resolve(projectDir, 'test/fixtures');
this.extension = vscode.extensions.getExtension(extensionId);
this.fakeOutputChannel = new FakeOutputChannel();
// Ensure the vscode extension host is configured as expected.
const workspaceFolder = path.resolve(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath);
if (this.workspaceDir !== workspaceFolder) {`specified workspaceDir: ${this.workspaceDir} does not match the workspace folder: ${workspaceFolder}`);
public flushTrace(print: boolean) {
if (print) {
public async setup() {
// stub the language server's output channel to intercept the trace.
sinon.stub(vscode.window, 'createOutputChannel')
.callThrough().withArgs('gopls (server)').returns(this.fakeOutputChannel);
await this.reset();
await this.extension.activate();
await sleep(2000); // allow the language server to start.
// TODO(hyangah): find a better way to check the language server's status.
// I thought I'd check the languageClient.onReady(),
// but couldn't make it working yet.
public teardown() {
public async reset(fixtureDirName?: string) { // name of the fixtures subdirectory to use.
try {
// clean everything except the .gitignore file
// needed to keep the empty directory in vcs.
await fs.readdir(this.workspaceDir).then((files) => {
return Promise.all(
files.filter((filename) => filename !== '.gitignore' && filename !== '.vscode').map((file) => {
fs.remove(path.resolve(this.workspaceDir, file));
if (!fixtureDirName) {
const src = path.resolve(this.fixturesRoot, fixtureDirName);
const dst = this.workspaceDir;
await fs.copy(src, dst, { recursive: true });
} catch (err) {;
// openDoc opens the file in the workspace with the given path (paths
// are the path elements of a file).
public async openDoc(...paths: string[]) {
const uri = vscode.Uri.file(path.resolve(this.workspaceDir, ...paths));
const doc = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri);
return { uri, doc };
async function sleep(ms: number) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
suite('Go Extension Tests With Gopls', function () {
const projectDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..');
const env = new Env(projectDir);
suiteSetup(async () => {
await env.setup();
suiteTeardown(async () => { await env.reset(); });
this.afterEach(function () {
// Note: this shouldn't use () => {...}. Arrow functions do not have 'this'.
// I don't know why but this.currentTest.state does not have the expected value when
// used with teardown.
env.flushTrace(this.currentTest.state === 'failed');
test('HoverProvider', async () => {
await env.reset('gogetdocTestData');
const { uri, doc } = await env.openDoc('test.go');
// TODO(hyangah): find a way to wait for the language server to complete processing.
const testCases: [string, vscode.Position, string | null, string | null][] = [
// [new vscode.Position(3,3), '/usr/local/go/src/fmt'],
['keyword', new vscode.Position(0, 3), null, null], // keyword
['inside a string', new vscode.Position(23, 14), null, null], // inside a string
['just a }', new vscode.Position(20, 0), null, null], // just a }
['inside a number', new vscode.Position(28, 16), null, null], // inside a number
['func main()', new vscode.Position(22, 5), 'func main()', null],
['import "math"', new vscode.Position(40, 23), 'package math', '`math` on'],
['func Println()', new vscode.Position(19, 6), 'func fmt.Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)', 'Println formats '],
['func print()', new vscode.Position(23, 4), 'func print(txt string)', 'This is an unexported function ']
const promises = ([name, position, expectedSignature, expectedDoc]) => {
const hovers = await vscode.commands.executeCommand(
'vscode.executeHoverProvider', uri, position) as vscode.Hover[];
if (expectedSignature === null && expectedDoc === null) {
assert.equal(hovers.length, 0, `check hovers over ${name} failed: unexpected non-empty hover message.`);
const hover = hovers[0];
assert.equal(hover.contents.length, 1, `check hovers over ${name} failed: unexpected number of hover messages.`);
const gotMessage = (<vscode.MarkdownString>hover.contents[0]).value;
gotMessage.includes('```go\n' + expectedSignature + '\n```')
&& (!expectedDoc || gotMessage.includes(expectedDoc)),
`check hovers over ${name} failed: got ${gotMessage}`);
return Promise.all(promises);
test('Completion middleware', async () => {
await env.reset('gogetdocTestData');
const { uri } = await env.openDoc('test.go');
const testCases: [string, vscode.Position, string][] = [
['fmt.<>', new vscode.Position(19, 5), 'Formatter'],
for (const [name, position, wantFilterText] of testCases) {
let list: vscode.CompletionList<vscode.CompletionItem>;
// Query completion items. We expect the hard coded filter text hack
// has been applied and gopls returns an incomplete list by default
// to avoid reordering by vscode. But, if the query is made before
// gopls is ready, we observed that gopls returns an empty result
// as a complete result, and vscode returns a general completion list instead.
// Retry a couple of times if we see a complete result as a workaround.
// (
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
list = await vscode.commands.executeCommand(
'vscode.executeCompletionItemProvider', uri, position) as vscode.CompletionList;
if (list.isIncomplete) {
await sleep(100);
console.log(`${new Date()}: retrying...`);
// Confirm that the hardcoded filter text hack has been applied.
if (!list.isIncomplete) {`gopls should provide an incomplete list by default`);
// TODO(rstambler): For some reason, the filter text gets deleted
// from the first item. I can't reproduce this outside of the test
// suite.
for (let i = 1; i < list.items.length; i++) {
const item = list.items[i];
assert.equal(item.filterText, wantFilterText, `${uri}:${name} failed, unexpected filter text (got ${item.filterText}, want ${wantFilterText})`);
for (const item of list.items) {
if (item.kind === vscode.CompletionItemKind.Method || item.kind === vscode.CompletionItemKind.Function) {
assert.ok(item.command, `${uri}:${name}: expected command associated with ${item.label}, found none`);