blob: caeb25ada84583f12a796b3a4902d8049c2d1be9 [file] [log] [blame]
env GO111MODULE=on
# A test in the module's root package should work.
cd a/
cp go.mod.empty go.mod
go test
stdout PASS
cp go.mod.empty go.mod
go list -deps
! stdout ^testing$
# list all should include test dependencies, like testing
cp go.mod.empty go.mod
go list all
stdout ^testing$
stdout ^$
stdout ^$
# list -deps -tests should also include testing
# but not deps of tests of deps (
go list -deps -test
stdout ^testing$
stdout ^$
! stdout ^$
# list -test all should succeed
cp go.mod.empty go.mod
go list -test all
stdout '^testing'
cp go.mod.empty go.mod
go test
stdout PASS
# A test with the "_test" suffix in the module root should also work.
cd ../b/
go test
stdout PASS
# A test with the "_test" suffix of a *package* with a "_test" suffix should
# even work (not that you should ever do that).
cd ../c_test
go test
stdout PASS
cd ../d_test
go test
stdout PASS
-- a/go.mod.empty --
-- a/a.go --
package a
-- a/a_test.go --
package a
import "testing"
import _ ""
func Test(t *testing.T) {}
-- b/go.mod --
-- b/b.go --
package b
-- b/b_test.go --
package b_test
import "testing"
func Test(t *testing.T) {}
-- c_test/go.mod --
-- c_test/umm.go --
// Package c_test is the non-test package for its import path!
package c_test
-- c_test/c_test_test.go --
package c_test_test
import "testing"
func Test(t *testing.T) {}
-- d_test/go.mod --
// Package d is an ordinary package in a deceptively-named directory.
-- d_test/d.go --
package d
-- d_test/d_test.go --
package d_test
import "testing"
func Test(t *testing.T) {}
-- e/go.mod --
-- e/wat.go --
// Package e_test is the non-test package for its import path,
// in a deceptively-named directory!
package e_test
-- e/e_test.go --
package e_test_test
import "testing"
func Test(t *testing.T) {}