vendor/cmd/go: fix a bad merge from CL 117235

Apparently I need to learn to trust Gerrit less. It showed the correct diff, I
pressed Submit, and when I went to rebase the change was in the wrong place.

Updates golang/go#25501.

Change-Id: I85dfc9b57090bdd8ac888e705175c5397938405e
Reviewed-by: Russ Cox <>
diff --git a/vendor/cmd/go/vgo_test.go b/vendor/cmd/go/vgo_test.go
index de99473..34a8c71 100644
--- a/vendor/cmd/go/vgo_test.go
+++ b/vendor/cmd/go/vgo_test.go
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
 	defer tg.cleanup()
-	tg.setenv("HOME", tg.path("."))
+	tg.setenv(homeEnvName(), tg.path("."))
 	tg.must(os.MkdirAll(tg.path("x"), 0777))
 	tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/x.go"), []byte(`
 		package x
@@ -353,6 +353,8 @@
 	defer tg.cleanup()
+	tg.setenv(homeEnvName(), tg.path("."))
 	// Testing that on Windows the path x/Gopkg.lock turning into x\Gopkg.lock does not confuse converter.
 	tg.must(os.MkdirAll(tg.path("x"), 0777))
 	tg.must(ioutil.WriteFile(tg.path("x/Gopkg.lock"), []byte(`