blob: ac9c4f44f289a7702c6605d3ae7c4600f60dd218 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
/* Services */
angular.module('', []).
// Internationalization
factory('I18n', ['Translation',
function(Translation) {
return {
L: function(key) {
if (Translation[key]) {
return Translation[key]
return "(no translation for " + key + ")";
// Running code
factory('Run', function() {
return function(code, output, options) {
window.transport.Run(code, PlaygroundOutput(output), options);
// Formatting code
factory('Fmt', ['$http',
function($http) {
return function(body) {
var params = $.param({
'body': body
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
return $'/fmt', params, {
headers: headers
// Editor context service, kept through the whole app.
factory('editor', function() {
var ctx = {
syntax: false,
toggleSyntax: function() {
ctx.syntax = !ctx.syntax
paint: function() {
var mode = ctx.syntax && 'text/x-go' || 'text/x-go-comment';
// Wait for codemirror to start.
var set = function() {
if ($('.CodeMirror').length > 0) {
cm = $('.CodeMirror')[0].CodeMirror;
if (cm.getOption('mode') == mode) {
cm.setOption('mode', mode);
window.setTimeout(set, 10);
return ctx;
// Table of contents management and navigation
factory('TOC', ['$http', '$q', 'TableOfContents',
function($http, $q, TableOfContents) {
var modules = TableOfContents;
var lessons = {};
var waitingFor = 0;
var prevLesson = function(id) {
var mod = lessons[id].module;
var idx = mod.lessons.indexOf(id);
if (idx < 0) return '';
if (idx > 0) return mod.lessons[idx - 1];
idx = modules.indexOf(mod);
if (idx <= 0) return '';
mod = modules[idx - 1];
return mod.lessons[mod.lessons.length - 1];
var nextLesson = function(id) {
var mod = lessons[id].module;
var idx = mod.lessons.indexOf(id);
if (idx < 0) return '';
if (idx + 1 < mod.lessons.length) return mod.lessons[idx + 1];
idx = modules.indexOf(mod);
if (idx < 0 || modules.length <= idx + 1) return '';
mod = modules[idx + 1];
return mod.lessons[0];
function(data) {
lessons =;
for (var m = 0; m < modules.length; m++) {
var module = modules[m];
module.lesson = {};
for (var l = 0; l < modules[m].lessons.length; l++) {
var lessonName = module.lessons[l];
var lesson = lessons[lessonName];
lesson.module = module;
module.lesson[lessonName] = lesson;
}, function(error) {
console.error('error loading lesson ', lesson, ': ', error);
var moduleQ = $q.defer();
var lessonQ = $q.defer();
return {
modules: moduleQ.promise,
lessons: lessonQ.promise,
prevLesson: prevLesson,
nextLesson: nextLesson