blob: a35408310e109b41457a66038e2545c6c8a675be [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
angular.module('tour.values', []).
// List of modules with description and lessons in it.
value('tableOfContents', [{
'id': 'mechanics',
'title': 'Using the tour',
'description': '<p>Welcome to a tour of the <a href="">Go programming language</a>. The tour covers the most important features of the language, mainly:</p>',
'lessons': ['welcome']
}, {
'id': 'basics',
'title': 'Basics',
'description': '<p>The starting point, learn all the basics of the language.</p><p>Declaring variables, calling functions, and all the things you need to know before moving to the next lessons.</p>',
'lessons': ['basics', 'flowcontrol', 'moretypes']
}, {
'id': 'methods',
'title': 'Methods and interfaces',
'description': '<p>Learn how to define methods on types, how to declare interfaces, and how to put everything together.</p>',
'lessons': ['methods']
}, {
'id': 'concurrency',
'title': 'Concurrency',
'description': '<p>Go provides concurrency features as part of the core language.</p><p>This module goes over goroutines and channels, and how they are used to implement different concurrency patterns.</p>',
'lessons': ['concurrency']
// translation
value('translation', {
'off': 'off',
'on': 'on',
'syntax': 'Syntax-Highlighting',
'lineno': 'Line-Numbers',
'reset': 'Reset Slide',
'format': 'Format Source Code',
'kill': 'Kill Program',
'run': 'Run',
'compile': 'Compile and Run',
'more': 'Options',
'toc': 'Table of Contents',
'prev': 'Previous',
'next': 'Next',
'waiting': 'Waiting for remote server...',
'errcomm': 'Error communicating with remote server.',
// Config for codemirror plugin
value('ui.config', {
codemirror: {
mode: 'text/x-go',
matchBrackets: true,
lineNumbers: true,
autofocus: true,
indentWithTabs: true,
lineWrapping: true,
extraKeys: {
'Shift-Enter': function() {
'Ctrl-Enter': function() {
'PageDown': function() {
return false;
'PageUp': function() {
return false;