tree: 1f5df55fe29bec3988eff7c531bd5c9f7226c1e1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. go.ts

Generate Go types for the LSP protocol


  1. Make sure node is installed.
  • As explained at the [node site]( Node)
  • You may need node install @types/node for the node runtime types
  1. Install the typescript compiler, with node install typescript.
  2. Make sure tsc and node are in your execution path.
  3. Get the typescript code for the jsonrpc protocol with git clone vscode-lanuageserver-node.git


tsc go.ts && node go.js [-d dir] [-o out.go]

and for simple checking

gofmt -w out.go && golint out.go && go build out.go

-d dir names the directory into which the vscode-languageserver-node repository was cloned. It defaults to $(HOME).

-o out.go says where the generated go code goes. It defaults to /tmp/tsprotocol.go.

(The output file cannot yet be used to build gopls. That will be fixed in a future CL.)


go.ts uses the Typescript compiler's API, which is [introduced]( API) in their wiki.