Gopls: Using Helix

Configuring gopls to work with Helix is rather straightforward. Install gopls, and then add it to the PATH variable. If it is in the PATH variable, Helix will be able to detect it automatically.

The documentation explaining how to install the default language servers for Helix can be found here

Installing gopls

The first step is to install gopls on your machine. You can follow installation instructions here.

Setting your path to include gopls

Set your PATH environment variable to point to gopls. If you used go install to download gopls, it should be in $GOPATH/bin. If you don't have GOPATH set, you can use go env GOPATH to find it.

Additional information

You can find more information about how to set up the LSP formatter here.

It is possible to use hx --health go to see that the language server is properly set up.


The settings for gopls can be configured in the languages.toml file. The official Helix documentation for this can be found here

Configuration pertaining to gopls should be in the table language-server.gopls.

How to set flags

To set flags, add them to the args array in the language-server.gopls section of the languages.toml file.

How to set LSP configuration

Configuration options can be set in the language-server.gopls.config section of the languages.toml file, or in the config key of the language-server.gopls section of the languages.toml file.

A minimal config example

In the ~/.config/helix/languages.toml file, the following snippet would set up gopls with a logfile located at /tmp/gopls.log and enable staticcheck.

command = "gopls"
args = ["-logfile=/tmp/gopls.log",  "serve"]
"ui.diagnostic.staticcheck" = true