blob: bcc551099d06786d3309113d3c668ccd7f49b509 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
var loadID uint64 // atomic identifier for loads
// errNoPackages indicates that a load query matched no packages.
var errNoPackages = errors.New("no packages returned")
// load calls packages.Load for the given scopes, updating package metadata,
// import graph, and mapped files with the result.
// The resulting error may wrap the moduleErrorMap error type, representing
// errors associated with specific modules.
// If scopes contains a file scope there must be exactly one scope.
func (s *Snapshot) load(ctx context.Context, allowNetwork bool, scopes ...loadScope) (err error) {
id := atomic.AddUint64(&loadID, 1)
eventName := fmt.Sprintf("go/packages.Load #%d", id) // unique name for logging
var query []string
var containsDir bool // for logging
var standalone bool // whether this is a load of a standalone file
// Keep track of module query -> module path so that we can later correlate query
// errors with errors.
moduleQueries := make(map[string]string)
for _, scope := range scopes {
switch scope := scope.(type) {
case packageLoadScope:
// The only time we pass package paths is when we're doing a
// partial workspace load. In those cases, the paths came back from
// go list and should already be GOPATH-vendorized when appropriate.
query = append(query, string(scope))
case fileLoadScope:
// Given multiple scopes, the resulting load might contain inaccurate
// information. For example go/packages returns at most one command-line
// arguments package, and does not handle a combination of standalone
// files and packages.
uri := protocol.DocumentURI(scope)
if len(scopes) > 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: load called with multiple scopes when a file scope is present (file: %s)", uri))
fh := s.FindFile(uri)
if fh == nil || s.FileKind(fh) != file.Go {
// Don't try to load a file that doesn't exist, or isn't a go file.
contents, err := fh.Content()
if err != nil {
if isStandaloneFile(contents, s.Options().StandaloneTags) {
standalone = true
query = append(query, uri.Path())
} else {
query = append(query, fmt.Sprintf("file=%s", uri.Path()))
case moduleLoadScope:
modQuery := fmt.Sprintf("%s%c...", scope.dir, filepath.Separator)
query = append(query, modQuery)
moduleQueries[modQuery] = scope.modulePath
case viewLoadScope:
// If we are outside of GOPATH, a module, or some other known
// build system, don't load subdirectories.
if s.view.typ == AdHocView {
query = append(query, "./")
} else {
query = append(query, "./...")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown scope type %T", scope))
switch scope.(type) {
case viewLoadScope, moduleLoadScope:
containsDir = true
if len(query) == 0 {
return nil
sort.Strings(query) // for determinism
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "cache.snapshot.load", tag.Query.Of(query))
defer done()
flags := LoadWorkspace
if allowNetwork {
flags |= AllowNetwork
_, inv, cleanup, err := s.goCommandInvocation(ctx, flags, &gocommand.Invocation{
WorkingDir: s.view.root.Path(),
if err != nil {
return err
// Set a last resort deadline on packages.Load since it calls the go
// command, which may hang indefinitely if it has a bug. golang/go#42132
// and golang/go#42255 have more context.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
cfg := s.config(ctx, inv)
pkgs, err := packages.Load(cfg, query...)
// If the context was canceled, return early. Otherwise, we might be
// type-checking an incomplete result. Check the context directly,
// because go/packages adds extra information to the error.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
// This log message is sought for by TestReloadOnlyOnce.
labels := append(s.Labels(), tag.Query.Of(query), tag.PackageCount.Of(len(pkgs)))
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, eventName, err, labels...)
} else {
event.Log(ctx, eventName, labels...)
if standalone {
// Handle standalone package result.
// In general, this should just be a single "command-line-arguments"
// package containing the requested file. However, if the file is a test
// file, go/packages may return test variants of the command-line-arguments
// package. We don't support this; theoretically we could, but it seems
// unnecessarily complicated.
// Prior to golang/go#64233 we just assumed that we'd get exactly one
// package here. The categorization of bug reports below may be a bit
// verbose, but anticipates that perhaps we don't fully understand
// possible failure modes.
errorf := bug.Errorf
if s.view.typ == GoPackagesDriverView {
errorf = fmt.Errorf // all bets are off
var standalonePkg *packages.Package
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if pkg.ID == "command-line-arguments" {
if standalonePkg != nil {
return errorf("internal error: go/packages returned multiple standalone packages")
standalonePkg = pkg
} else if packagesinternal.GetForTest(pkg) == "" && !strings.HasSuffix(pkg.ID, ".test") {
return errorf("internal error: go/packages returned unexpected package %q for standalone file", pkg.ID)
if standalonePkg == nil {
return errorf("internal error: go/packages failed to return non-test standalone package")
if len(standalonePkg.CompiledGoFiles) > 0 {
pkgs = []*packages.Package{standalonePkg}
} else {
pkgs = nil
if len(pkgs) == 0 {
if err == nil {
err = errNoPackages
return fmt.Errorf("packages.Load error: %w", err)
moduleErrs := make(map[string][]packages.Error) // module path -> errors
filterFunc := s.view.filterFunc()
newMetadata := make(map[PackageID]*metadata.Package)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
// The Go command returns synthetic list results for module queries that
// encountered module errors.
// For example, given a module path a.mod, we'll query for "a.mod/..." and
// the go command will return a package named "a.mod/..." holding this
// error. Save it for later interpretation.
// See golang/go#50862 for more details.
if mod := moduleQueries[pkg.PkgPath]; mod != "" { // a synthetic result for the unloadable module
if len(pkg.Errors) > 0 {
moduleErrs[mod] = pkg.Errors
if !containsDir || s.Options().VerboseOutput {
event.Log(ctx, eventName, append(
// Ignore packages with no sources, since we will never be able to
// correctly invalidate that metadata.
if len(pkg.GoFiles) == 0 && len(pkg.CompiledGoFiles) == 0 {
// Special case for the builtin package, as it has no dependencies.
if pkg.PkgPath == "builtin" {
if len(pkg.GoFiles) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("only expected 1 file for builtin, got %v", len(pkg.GoFiles))
// Skip test main packages.
if isTestMain(pkg, s.view.folder.Env.GOCACHE) {
// Skip filtered packages. They may be added anyway if they're
// dependencies of non-filtered packages.
// TODO(rfindley): why exclude metadata arbitrarily here? It should be safe
// to capture all metadata.
// TODO(rfindley): what about compiled go files?
if allFilesExcluded(pkg.GoFiles, filterFunc) {
buildMetadata(newMetadata, pkg, cfg.Dir, standalone)
// Assert the invariant s.packages.Get(id).m == s.meta.metadata[id].
s.packages.Range(func(id PackageID, ph *packageHandle) {
if s.meta.Packages[id] != {
panic("inconsistent metadata")
// Compute the minimal metadata updates (for Clone)
// required to preserve the above invariant.
var files []protocol.DocumentURI // files to preload
seenFiles := make(map[protocol.DocumentURI]bool)
updates := make(map[PackageID]*metadata.Package)
for _, mp := range newMetadata {
if existing := s.meta.Packages[mp.ID]; existing == nil {
// Record any new files we should pre-load.
for _, uri := range mp.CompiledGoFiles {
if !seenFiles[uri] {
seenFiles[uri] = true
files = append(files, uri)
updates[mp.ID] = mp
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s: updating metadata for %d packages", eventName, len(updates)))
meta := s.meta.Update(updates)
workspacePackages := computeWorkspacePackagesLocked(ctx, s, meta)
s.meta = meta
s.workspacePackages = workspacePackages
// Opt: preLoad files in parallel.
// Requesting files in batch optimizes the underlying filesystem reads.
// However, this is also currently necessary for correctness: populating all
// files in the snapshot is necessary for certain operations that rely on the
// completeness of the file map, e.g. computing the set of directories to
// watch.
// TODO(rfindley, golang/go#57558): determine the set of directories based on
// loaded packages, so that reading files here is not necessary for
// correctness.
s.preloadFiles(ctx, files)
if len(moduleErrs) > 0 {
return &moduleErrorMap{moduleErrs}
return nil
type moduleErrorMap struct {
errs map[string][]packages.Error // module path -> errors
func (m *moduleErrorMap) Error() string {
var paths []string // sort for stability
for path, errs := range m.errs {
if len(errs) > 0 { // should always be true, but be cautious
paths = append(paths, path)
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d modules have errors:\n", len(paths))
for _, path := range paths {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%s:%s\n", path, m.errs[path][0].Msg)
return buf.String()
// buildMetadata populates the updates map with metadata updates to
// apply, based on the given pkg. It recurs through pkg.Imports to ensure that
// metadata exists for all dependencies.
// Returns the metadata.Package that was built (or which was already present in
// updates), or nil if the package could not be built. Notably, the resulting
// metadata.Package may have an ID that differs from pkg.ID.
func buildMetadata(updates map[PackageID]*metadata.Package, pkg *packages.Package, loadDir string, standalone bool) *metadata.Package {
// Allow for multiple ad-hoc packages in the workspace (see #47584).
pkgPath := PackagePath(pkg.PkgPath)
id := PackageID(pkg.ID)
if metadata.IsCommandLineArguments(id) {
var f string // file to use as disambiguating suffix
if len(pkg.CompiledGoFiles) > 0 {
f = pkg.CompiledGoFiles[0]
// If there are multiple files,
// we can't use only the first.
// (Can this happen? #64557)
if len(pkg.CompiledGoFiles) > 1 {
bug.Reportf("unexpected files in command-line-arguments package: %v", pkg.CompiledGoFiles)
return nil
} else if len(pkg.IgnoredFiles) > 0 {
// A file=empty.go query results in IgnoredFiles=[empty.go].
f = pkg.IgnoredFiles[0]
} else {
bug.Reportf("command-line-arguments package has neither CompiledGoFiles nor IgnoredFiles: %#v", "") //*pkg.Metadata)
return nil
id = PackageID(pkg.ID + f)
pkgPath = PackagePath(pkg.PkgPath + f)
// Duplicate?
if existing, ok := updates[id]; ok {
// A package was encountered twice due to shared
// subgraphs (common) or cycles (rare). Although "go
// list" usually breaks cycles, we don't rely on it.
// breakImportCycles in metadataGraph.Clone takes care
// of it later.
return existing
if pkg.TypesSizes == nil {
panic(id + ".TypeSizes is nil")
// Recreate the metadata rather than reusing it to avoid locking.
mp := &metadata.Package{
ID: id,
PkgPath: pkgPath,
Name: PackageName(pkg.Name),
ForTest: PackagePath(packagesinternal.GetForTest(pkg)),
TypesSizes: pkg.TypesSizes,
LoadDir: loadDir,
Module: pkg.Module,
Errors: pkg.Errors,
DepsErrors: packagesinternal.GetDepsErrors(pkg),
Standalone: standalone,
updates[id] = mp
for _, filename := range pkg.CompiledGoFiles {
uri := protocol.URIFromPath(filename)
mp.CompiledGoFiles = append(mp.CompiledGoFiles, uri)
for _, filename := range pkg.GoFiles {
uri := protocol.URIFromPath(filename)
mp.GoFiles = append(mp.GoFiles, uri)
for _, filename := range pkg.IgnoredFiles {
uri := protocol.URIFromPath(filename)
mp.IgnoredFiles = append(mp.IgnoredFiles, uri)
depsByImpPath := make(map[ImportPath]PackageID)
depsByPkgPath := make(map[PackagePath]PackageID)
for importPath, imported := range pkg.Imports {
importPath := ImportPath(importPath)
// It is not an invariant that importPath == imported.PkgPath.
// For example, package "net" imports ""
// which refers to the package whose ID and PkgPath are both
// "vendor/". Notice the ImportMap,
// which maps ImportPaths to PackagePaths:
// $ go list -json net vendor/
// {
// "ImportPath": "net",
// "Name": "net",
// "Imports": [
// "C",
// "vendor/",
// "vendor/",
// ...
// ],
// "ImportMap": {
// "": "vendor/",
// "": "vendor/"
// },
// ...
// }
// {
// "ImportPath": "vendor/",
// "Name": "dnsmessage",
// ...
// }
// (Beware that, for historical reasons, go list uses
// the JSON field "ImportPath" for the package's
// path--effectively the linker symbol prefix.)
// The example above is slightly special to go list
// because it's in the std module. Otherwise,
// vendored modules are simply modules whose directory
// is vendor/ instead of GOMODCACHE, and the
// import path equals the package path.
// But in GOPATH (non-module) mode, it's possible for
// package vendoring to cause a non-identity ImportMap,
// as in this example:
// $ cd $HOME/src
// $ find . -type f
// ./b/b.go
// ./vendor/
// $ cat ./b/b.go
// package b
// import _ ""
// $ cat ./vendor/
// package a
// $ GOPATH=$HOME GO111MODULE=off go list -json ./b | grep -A2 ImportMap
// "ImportMap": {
// "": "vendor/"
// },
// Don't remember any imports with significant errors.
// The len=0 condition is a heuristic check for imports of
// non-existent packages (for which go/packages will create
// an edge to a synthesized node). The heuristic is unsound
// because some valid packages have zero files, for example,
// a directory containing only the file p_test.go defines an
// empty package p.
// TODO(adonovan): clarify this. Perhaps go/packages should
// report which nodes were synthesized.
if importPath != "unsafe" && len(imported.CompiledGoFiles) == 0 {
depsByImpPath[importPath] = "" // missing
// Don't record self-import edges.
// (This simplifies metadataGraph's cycle check.)
if PackageID(imported.ID) == id {
if len(pkg.Errors) == 0 {
bug.Reportf("self-import without error in package %s", id)
dep := buildMetadata(updates, imported, loadDir, false) // only top level packages can be standalone
// Don't record edges to packages with no name, as they cause trouble for
// the importer (golang/go#60952).
// Also don't record edges to packages whose ID was modified (i.e.
// command-line-arguments packages), as encountered in golang/go#66109. In
// this case, we could theoretically keep the edge through dep.ID, but
// since this import doesn't make any sense in the first place, we instead
// choose to consider it invalid.
// However, we do want to insert these packages into the update map
// (buildMetadata above), so that we get type-checking diagnostics for the
// invalid packages.
if dep == nil || dep.ID != PackageID(imported.ID) || imported.Name == "" {
depsByImpPath[importPath] = "" // missing
depsByImpPath[importPath] = PackageID(imported.ID)
depsByPkgPath[PackagePath(imported.PkgPath)] = PackageID(imported.ID)
mp.DepsByImpPath = depsByImpPath
mp.DepsByPkgPath = depsByPkgPath
return mp
// m.Diagnostics is set later in the loading pass, using
// computeLoadDiagnostics.
// computeLoadDiagnostics computes and sets m.Diagnostics for the given metadata m.
// It should only be called during package handle construction in buildPackageHandle.
func computeLoadDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot *Snapshot, mp *metadata.Package) []*Diagnostic {
var diags []*Diagnostic
for _, packagesErr := range mp.Errors {
// Filter out parse errors from go list. We'll get them when we
// actually parse, and buggy overlay support may generate spurious
// errors. (See TestNewModule_Issue38207.)
if strings.Contains(packagesErr.Msg, "expected '") {
pkgDiags, err := goPackagesErrorDiagnostics(ctx, packagesErr, mp, snapshot)
if err != nil {
// There are certain cases where the go command returns invalid
// positions, so we cannot panic or even bug.Reportf here.
event.Error(ctx, "unable to compute positions for list errors", err, tag.Package.Of(string(mp.ID)))
diags = append(diags, pkgDiags...)
// TODO(rfindley): this is buggy: an insignificant change to a modfile
// (or an unsaved modfile) could affect the position of deps errors,
// without invalidating the package.
depsDiags, err := depsErrors(ctx, snapshot, mp)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
// TODO(rfindley): consider making this a bug.Reportf. depsErrors should
// not normally fail.
event.Error(ctx, "unable to compute deps errors", err, tag.Package.Of(string(mp.ID)))
} else {
diags = append(diags, depsDiags...)
return diags
// IsWorkspacePackage reports whether id points to a workspace package in s.
// Currently, the result depends on the current set of loaded packages, and so
// is not guaranteed to be stable.
func (s *Snapshot) IsWorkspacePackage(ctx context.Context, id PackageID) bool {
mg := s.meta
m := mg.Packages[id]
if m == nil {
return false
return isWorkspacePackageLocked(ctx, s, mg, m)
// isWorkspacePackageLocked reports whether p is a workspace package for the
// snapshot s.
// Workspace packages are packages that we consider the user to be actively
// working on. As such, they are re-diagnosed on every keystroke, and searched
// for various workspace-wide queries such as references or workspace symbols.
// See the commentary inline for a description of the workspace package
// heuristics.
// must be held while calling this function.
// TODO(rfindley): remove 'meta' from this function signature. Whether or not a
// package is a workspace package should depend only on the package, view
// definition, and snapshot file source. While useful, the heuristic
// "allFilesHaveRealPackages" does not add that much value and is path
// dependent as it depends on the timing of loads.
func isWorkspacePackageLocked(ctx context.Context, s *Snapshot, meta *metadata.Graph, pkg *metadata.Package) bool {
if metadata.IsCommandLineArguments(pkg.ID) {
// Ad-hoc command-line-arguments packages aren't workspace packages.
// With zero-config gopls (golang/go#57979) they should be very rare, as
// they should only arise when the user opens a file outside the workspace
// which isn't present in the import graph of a workspace package.
// Considering them as workspace packages tends to be racy, as they don't
// deterministically belong to any view.
if !pkg.Standalone {
return false
// If all the files contained in pkg have a real package, we don't need to
// keep pkg as a workspace package.
if allFilesHaveRealPackages(meta, pkg) {
return false
// For now, allow open standalone packages (i.e. go:build ignore) to be
// workspace packages, but this means they could belong to multiple views.
return containsOpenFileLocked(s, pkg)
// If a real package is open, consider it to be part of the workspace.
// TODO(rfindley): reconsider this. In golang/go#66145, we saw that even if a
// View sees a real package for a file, it doesn't mean that View is able to
// cleanly diagnose the package. Yet, we do want to show diagnostics for open
// packages outside the workspace. Is there a better way to ensure that only
// the 'best' View gets a workspace package for the open file?
if containsOpenFileLocked(s, pkg) {
return true
// Apply filtering logic.
// Workspace packages must contain at least one non-filtered file.
filterFunc := s.view.filterFunc()
uris := make(map[protocol.DocumentURI]unit) // filtered package URIs
for _, uri := range slices.Concat(pkg.CompiledGoFiles, pkg.GoFiles) {
if !strings.Contains(string(uri), "/vendor/") && !filterFunc(uri) {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
if len(uris) == 0 {
return false // no non-filtered files
// For non-module views (of type GOPATH or AdHoc), or if
// expandWorkspaceToModule is unset, workspace packages must be contained in
// the workspace folder.
// For module views (of type GoMod or GoWork), packages must in any case be
// in a workspace module (enforced below).
if !s.view.moduleMode() || !s.Options().ExpandWorkspaceToModule {
folder := s.view.folder.Dir.Path()
inFolder := false
for uri := range uris {
if pathutil.InDir(folder, uri.Path()) {
inFolder = true
if !inFolder {
return false
// In module mode, a workspace package must be contained in a workspace
// module.
if s.view.moduleMode() {
var modURI protocol.DocumentURI
if pkg.Module != nil {
modURI = protocol.URIFromPath(pkg.Module.GoMod)
} else {
// golang/go#65816: for std and cmd, Module is nil.
// Fall back to an inferior heuristic.
if len(pkg.CompiledGoFiles) == 0 {
return false // need at least one file to guess the go.mod file
dir := pkg.CompiledGoFiles[0].Dir()
var err error
modURI, err = findRootPattern(ctx, dir, "go.mod", lockedSnapshot{s})
if err != nil || modURI == "" {
// err != nil implies context cancellation, in which case the result of
// this query does not matter.
return false
_, ok := s.view.workspaceModFiles[modURI]
return ok
return true // an ad-hoc package or GOPATH package
// containsOpenFileLocked reports whether any file referenced by m is open in
// the snapshot s.
// must be held while calling this function.
func containsOpenFileLocked(s *Snapshot, mp *metadata.Package) bool {
uris := map[protocol.DocumentURI]struct{}{}
for _, uri := range mp.CompiledGoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
for _, uri := range mp.GoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
for uri := range uris {
fh, _ := s.files.get(uri)
if _, open := fh.(*overlay); open {
return true
return false
// computeWorkspacePackagesLocked computes workspace packages in the
// snapshot s for the given metadata graph. The result does not
// contain intermediate test variants.
// must be held while calling this function.
func computeWorkspacePackagesLocked(ctx context.Context, s *Snapshot, meta *metadata.Graph) immutable.Map[PackageID, PackagePath] {
// The provided context is used for reading snapshot files, which can only
// fail due to context cancellation. Don't let this happen as it could lead
// to inconsistent results.
ctx = xcontext.Detach(ctx)
workspacePackages := make(map[PackageID]PackagePath)
for _, mp := range meta.Packages {
if !isWorkspacePackageLocked(ctx, s, meta, mp) {
switch {
case mp.ForTest == "":
// A normal package.
workspacePackages[mp.ID] = mp.PkgPath
case mp.ForTest == mp.PkgPath, mp.ForTest+"_test" == mp.PkgPath:
// The test variant of some workspace package or its x_test.
// To load it, we need to load the non-test variant with -test.
// Notably, this excludes intermediate test variants from workspace
// packages.
assert(!mp.IsIntermediateTestVariant(), "unexpected ITV")
workspacePackages[mp.ID] = mp.ForTest
return immutable.MapOf(workspacePackages)
// allFilesHaveRealPackages reports whether all files referenced by m are
// contained in a "real" package (not command-line-arguments).
// If m is valid but all "real" packages containing any file are invalid, this
// function returns false.
// If m is not a command-line-arguments package, this is trivially true.
func allFilesHaveRealPackages(g *metadata.Graph, mp *metadata.Package) bool {
n := len(mp.CompiledGoFiles)
for _, uri := range append(mp.CompiledGoFiles[0:n:n], mp.GoFiles...) {
for _, id := range g.IDs[uri] {
if !metadata.IsCommandLineArguments(id) {
continue checkURIs
return false
return true
func isTestMain(pkg *packages.Package, gocache string) bool {
// Test mains must have an import path that ends with ".test".
if !strings.HasSuffix(pkg.PkgPath, ".test") {
return false
// Test main packages are always named "main".
if pkg.Name != "main" {
return false
// Test mains always have exactly one GoFile that is in the build cache.
if len(pkg.GoFiles) > 1 {
return false
if !pathutil.InDir(gocache, pkg.GoFiles[0]) {
return false
return true