blob: 3cbe3529ead3af81f23c5ae776798959b02c8363 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package mod provides core features related to go.mod file
// handling for use by Go editors and tools.
package mod
import (
// Diagnostics returns diagnostics for the modules in the workspace.
// It waits for completion of type-checking of all active packages.
func Diagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot) (map[span.URI][]*source.Diagnostic, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "mod.Diagnostics", source.SnapshotLabels(snapshot)...)
defer done()
return collectDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, ModDiagnostics)
// UpgradeDiagnostics returns upgrade diagnostics for the modules in the
// workspace with known upgrades.
func UpgradeDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot) (map[span.URI][]*source.Diagnostic, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "mod.UpgradeDiagnostics", source.SnapshotLabels(snapshot)...)
defer done()
return collectDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, ModUpgradeDiagnostics)
// VulnerabilityDiagnostics returns vulnerability diagnostics for the active modules in the
// workspace with known vulnerabilites.
func VulnerabilityDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot) (map[span.URI][]*source.Diagnostic, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "mod.VulnerabilityDiagnostics", source.SnapshotLabels(snapshot)...)
defer done()
return collectDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, ModVulnerabilityDiagnostics)
func collectDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, diagFn func(context.Context, source.Snapshot, source.FileHandle) ([]*source.Diagnostic, error)) (map[span.URI][]*source.Diagnostic, error) {
reports := make(map[span.URI][]*source.Diagnostic)
for _, uri := range snapshot.ModFiles() {
fh, err := snapshot.GetFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reports[fh.URI()] = []*source.Diagnostic{}
diagnostics, err := diagFn(ctx, snapshot, fh)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, d := range diagnostics {
fh, err := snapshot.GetFile(ctx, d.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reports[fh.URI()] = append(reports[fh.URI()], d)
return reports, nil
// ModDiagnostics waits for completion of type-checking of all active
// packages, then returns diagnostics from diagnosing the packages in
// the workspace and from tidying the go.mod file.
func ModDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, fh source.FileHandle) (diagnostics []*source.Diagnostic, err error) {
pm, err := snapshot.ParseMod(ctx, fh)
if err != nil {
if pm == nil || len(pm.ParseErrors) == 0 {
return nil, err
return pm.ParseErrors, nil
// Packages in the workspace can contribute diagnostics to go.mod files.
// TODO(rfindley): Try to avoid type checking all packages in the workspace here,
// for every go.mod file. If gc_details is enabled, it looks like this could lead to extra
// go command invocations (as gc details is not memoized).
active, err := snapshot.ActiveMetadata(ctx)
if err != nil && !source.IsNonFatalGoModError(err) {
event.Error(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("workspace packages: diagnosing %s", pm.URI), err)
if err == nil {
// Type-check packages in parallel and gather list/parse/type errors.
// (This may be the first operation after the initial metadata load
// to demand type-checking of all active packages.)
ids := make([]source.PackageID, len(active))
for i, meta := range active {
ids[i] = meta.ID
pkgs, err := snapshot.TypeCheck(ctx, source.TypecheckFull, ids...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, pkg.DiagnosticsForFile(fh.URI())...)
tidied, err := snapshot.ModTidy(ctx, pm)
if err != nil && !source.IsNonFatalGoModError(err) {
event.Error(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("tidy: diagnosing %s", pm.URI), err)
if err == nil {
for _, d := range tidied.Diagnostics {
if d.URI != fh.URI() {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, d)
return diagnostics, nil
// ModUpgradeDiagnostics adds upgrade quick fixes for individual modules if the upgrades
// are recorded in the view.
func ModUpgradeDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, fh source.FileHandle) (upgradeDiagnostics []*source.Diagnostic, err error) {
pm, err := snapshot.ParseMod(ctx, fh)
if err != nil {
// Don't return an error if there are parse error diagnostics to be shown, but also do not
// continue since we won't be able to show the upgrade diagnostics.
if pm != nil && len(pm.ParseErrors) != 0 {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
upgrades := snapshot.View().ModuleUpgrades(fh.URI())
for _, req := range pm.File.Require {
ver, ok := upgrades[req.Mod.Path]
if !ok || req.Mod.Version == ver {
rng, err := pm.Mapper.OffsetRange(req.Syntax.Start.Byte, req.Syntax.End.Byte)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Upgrade to the exact version we offer the user, not the most recent.
title := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", upgradeCodeActionPrefix, ver)
cmd, err := command.NewUpgradeDependencyCommand(title, command.DependencyArgs{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(fh.URI()),
AddRequire: false,
GoCmdArgs: []string{req.Mod.Path + "@" + ver},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
upgradeDiagnostics = append(upgradeDiagnostics, &source.Diagnostic{
URI: fh.URI(),
Range: rng,
Severity: protocol.SeverityInformation,
Source: source.UpgradeNotification,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%v can be upgraded", req.Mod.Path),
SuggestedFixes: []source.SuggestedFix{source.SuggestedFixFromCommand(cmd, protocol.QuickFix)},
return upgradeDiagnostics, nil
const upgradeCodeActionPrefix = "Upgrade to "
// ModVulnerabilityDiagnostics adds diagnostics for vulnerabilities in individual modules
// if the vulnerability is recorded in the view.
func ModVulnerabilityDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, fh source.FileHandle) (vulnDiagnostics []*source.Diagnostic, err error) {
pm, err := snapshot.ParseMod(ctx, fh)
if err != nil {
// Don't return an error if there are parse error diagnostics to be shown, but also do not
// continue since we won't be able to show the vulnerability diagnostics.
if pm != nil && len(pm.ParseErrors) != 0 {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
fromGovulncheck := true
vs := snapshot.View().Vulnerabilities(fh.URI())[fh.URI()]
if vs == nil && snapshot.View().Options().Vulncheck == source.ModeVulncheckImports {
vs, err = snapshot.ModVuln(ctx, fh.URI())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fromGovulncheck = false
if vs == nil || len(vs.Vulns) == 0 {
return nil, nil
suggestRunOrResetGovulncheck, err := suggestGovulncheckAction(fromGovulncheck, fh.URI())
if err != nil {
// must not happen
return nil, err // TODO: bug report
type modVuln struct {
mod *govulncheck.Module
vuln *govulncheck.Vuln
vulnsByModule := make(map[string][]modVuln)
for _, vuln := range vs.Vulns {
for _, mod := range vuln.Modules {
vulnsByModule[mod.Path] = append(vulnsByModule[mod.Path], modVuln{mod, vuln})
for _, req := range pm.File.Require {
vulns := vulnsByModule[req.Mod.Path]
if len(vulns) == 0 {
// note: req.Syntax is the line corresponding to 'require', which means
// req.Syntax.Start can point to the beginning of the "require" keyword
// for a single line require (e.g. "require v0.0.0").
start := req.Syntax.Start.Byte
if len(req.Syntax.Token) == 3 {
start += len("require ")
rng, err := pm.Mapper.OffsetRange(start, req.Syntax.End.Byte)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Map affecting vulns to 'warning' level diagnostics,
// others to 'info' level diagnostics.
// Fixes will include only the upgrades for warning level diagnostics.
var warningFixes, infoFixes []source.SuggestedFix
var warning, info []string
var relatedInfo []source.RelatedInformation
for _, mv := range vulns {
mod, vuln := mv.mod, mv.vuln
// It is possible that the source code was changed since the last
// govulncheck run and information in the `vulns` info is stale.
// For example, imagine that a user is in the middle of updating
// problematic modules detected by the govulncheck run by applying
// quick fixes. Stale diagnostics can be confusing and prevent the
// user from quickly locating the next module to fix.
// Ideally we should rerun the analysis with the updated module
// dependencies or any other code changes, but we are not yet
// in the position of automatically triggerring the analysis
// (govulncheck can take a while). We also don't know exactly what
// part of source code was changed since `vulns` was computed.
// As a heuristic, we assume that a user upgrades the affecting
// module to the version with the fix or the latest one, and if the
// version in the require statement is equal to or higher than the
// fixed version, skip generating a diagnostic about the vulnerability.
// Eventually, the user has to rerun govulncheck.
if mod.FixedVersion != "" && semver.IsValid(req.Mod.Version) && semver.Compare(mod.FixedVersion, req.Mod.Version) <= 0 {
if !vuln.IsCalled() {
info = append(info, vuln.OSV.ID)
} else {
warning = append(warning, vuln.OSV.ID)
relatedInfo = append(relatedInfo, listRelatedInfo(ctx, snapshot, vuln)...)
// Upgrade to the exact version we offer the user, not the most recent.
if fixedVersion := mod.FixedVersion; semver.IsValid(fixedVersion) && semver.Compare(req.Mod.Version, fixedVersion) < 0 {
cmd, err := getUpgradeCodeAction(fh, req, fixedVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, err // TODO: bug report
sf := source.SuggestedFixFromCommand(cmd, protocol.QuickFix)
if !vuln.IsCalled() {
infoFixes = append(infoFixes, sf)
} else {
warningFixes = append(warningFixes, sf)
if len(warning) == 0 && len(info) == 0 {
// Add an upgrade for module@latest.
// TODO(suzmue): verify if latest is the same as fixedVersion.
latest, err := getUpgradeCodeAction(fh, req, "latest")
if err != nil {
return nil, err // TODO: bug report
sf := source.SuggestedFixFromCommand(latest, protocol.QuickFix)
if len(warningFixes) > 0 {
warningFixes = append(warningFixes, sf)
if len(infoFixes) > 0 {
infoFixes = append(infoFixes, sf)
if len(warning) > 0 {
warningFixes = append(warningFixes, suggestRunOrResetGovulncheck)
vulnDiagnostics = append(vulnDiagnostics, &source.Diagnostic{
URI: fh.URI(),
Range: rng,
Severity: protocol.SeverityWarning,
Source: source.Vulncheck,
Message: getVulnMessage(req.Mod.Path, warning, true, fromGovulncheck),
SuggestedFixes: warningFixes,
Related: relatedInfo,
if len(info) > 0 {
infoFixes = append(infoFixes, suggestRunOrResetGovulncheck)
vulnDiagnostics = append(vulnDiagnostics, &source.Diagnostic{
URI: fh.URI(),
Range: rng,
Severity: protocol.SeverityInformation,
Source: source.Vulncheck,
Message: getVulnMessage(req.Mod.Path, info, false, fromGovulncheck),
SuggestedFixes: infoFixes,
Related: relatedInfo,
// TODO(hyangah): place this diagnostic on the `go` directive or `toolchain` directive
// after
const diagnoseStdLib = false
if diagnoseStdLib {
// Add standard library vulnerabilities.
stdlibVulns := vulnsByModule["stdlib"]
if len(stdlibVulns) == 0 {
return vulnDiagnostics, nil
// Put the standard library diagnostic on the module declaration.
rng, err := pm.Mapper.OffsetRange(pm.File.Module.Syntax.Start.Byte, pm.File.Module.Syntax.End.Byte)
if err != nil {
return vulnDiagnostics, nil // TODO: bug report
stdlib := stdlibVulns[0].mod.FoundVersion
var warning, info []string
var relatedInfo []source.RelatedInformation
for _, mv := range stdlibVulns {
vuln := mv.vuln
stdlib = mv.mod.FoundVersion
if !vuln.IsCalled() {
info = append(info, vuln.OSV.ID)
} else {
warning = append(warning, vuln.OSV.ID)
relatedInfo = append(relatedInfo, listRelatedInfo(ctx, snapshot, vuln)...)
if len(warning) > 0 {
fixes := []source.SuggestedFix{suggestRunOrResetGovulncheck}
vulnDiagnostics = append(vulnDiagnostics, &source.Diagnostic{
URI: fh.URI(),
Range: rng,
Severity: protocol.SeverityWarning,
Source: source.Vulncheck,
Message: getVulnMessage(stdlib, warning, true, fromGovulncheck),
SuggestedFixes: fixes,
Related: relatedInfo,
if len(info) > 0 {
fixes := []source.SuggestedFix{suggestRunOrResetGovulncheck}
vulnDiagnostics = append(vulnDiagnostics, &source.Diagnostic{
URI: fh.URI(),
Range: rng,
Severity: protocol.SeverityInformation,
Source: source.Vulncheck,
Message: getVulnMessage(stdlib, info, false, fromGovulncheck),
SuggestedFixes: fixes,
Related: relatedInfo,
return vulnDiagnostics, nil
// suggestGovulncheckAction returns a code action that suggests either run govulncheck
// for more accurate investigation (if the present vulncheck diagnostics are based on
// analysis less accurate than govulncheck) or reset the existing govulncheck result
// (if the present vulncheck diagnostics are already based on govulncheck run).
func suggestGovulncheckAction(fromGovulncheck bool, uri span.URI) (source.SuggestedFix, error) {
if fromGovulncheck {
resetVulncheck, err := command.NewResetGoModDiagnosticsCommand("Reset govulncheck result", command.ResetGoModDiagnosticsArgs{
URIArg: command.URIArg{URI: protocol.DocumentURI(uri)},
DiagnosticSource: string(source.Vulncheck),
if err != nil {
return source.SuggestedFix{}, err
return source.SuggestedFixFromCommand(resetVulncheck, protocol.QuickFix), nil
vulncheck, err := command.NewRunGovulncheckCommand("Run govulncheck to verify", command.VulncheckArgs{
URI: protocol.DocumentURI(uri),
Pattern: "./...",
if err != nil {
return source.SuggestedFix{}, err
return source.SuggestedFixFromCommand(vulncheck, protocol.QuickFix), nil
func getVulnMessage(mod string, vulns []string, used, fromGovulncheck bool) string {
var b strings.Builder
if used {
switch len(vulns) {
case 1:
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%v has a vulnerability used in the code: %v.", mod, vulns[0])
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%v has vulnerabilities used in the code: %v.", mod, strings.Join(vulns, ", "))
} else {
if fromGovulncheck {
switch len(vulns) {
case 1:
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%v has a vulnerability %v that is not used in the code.", mod, vulns[0])
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%v has known vulnerabilities %v that are not used in the code.", mod, strings.Join(vulns, ", "))
} else {
switch len(vulns) {
case 1:
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%v has a vulnerability %v.", mod, vulns[0])
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%v has known vulnerabilities %v.", mod, strings.Join(vulns, ", "))
return b.String()
func listRelatedInfo(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, vuln *govulncheck.Vuln) []source.RelatedInformation {
var ri []source.RelatedInformation
for _, m := range vuln.Modules {
for _, p := range m.Packages {
for _, c := range p.CallStacks {
if len(c.Frames) == 0 {
entry := c.Frames[0]
pos := entry.Position
if pos.Filename == "" {
continue // token.Position Filename is an optional field.
uri := span.URIFromPath(pos.Filename)
startPos := protocol.Position{
Line: uint32(pos.Line) - 1,
// We need to read the file contents to precisesly map
// token.Position (pos) to the UTF16-based column offset
// protocol.Position requires. That can be expensive.
// We need this related info to just help users to open
// the entry points of the callstack and once the file is
// open, we will compute the precise location based on the
// open file contents. So, use the beginning of the line
// as the position here instead of precise UTF16-based
// position computation.
Character: 0,
ri = append(ri, source.RelatedInformation{
URI: uri,
Range: protocol.Range{
Start: startPos,
End: startPos,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("[%v] %v -> %v.%v", vuln.OSV.ID, entry.Name(), p.Path, c.Symbol),
return ri
func formatMessage(v *govulncheck.Vuln) string {
details := []byte(v.OSV.Details)
// Remove any new lines that are not preceded or followed by a new line.
for i, r := range details {
if r == '\n' && i > 0 && details[i-1] != '\n' && i+1 < len(details) && details[i+1] != '\n' {
details[i] = ' '
return strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(string(details), "\n\n", "\n\n ", -1))
// href returns the url for the vulnerability information.
// Eventually we should retrieve the url embedded in the osv.Entry.
// While is under development, this always returns
// the page in
func href(vuln *osv.Entry) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("", vuln.ID)
func getUpgradeCodeAction(fh source.FileHandle, req *modfile.Require, version string) (protocol.Command, error) {
cmd, err := command.NewUpgradeDependencyCommand(upgradeTitle(version), command.DependencyArgs{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(fh.URI()),
AddRequire: false,
GoCmdArgs: []string{req.Mod.Path + "@" + version},
if err != nil {
return protocol.Command{}, err
return cmd, nil
func upgradeTitle(fixedVersion string) string {
title := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", upgradeCodeActionPrefix, fixedVersion)
return title
// SelectUpgradeCodeActions takes a list of code actions for a required module
// and returns a more selective list of upgrade code actions,
// where the code actions have been deduped. Code actions unrelated to upgrade
// are deduplicated by the name.
func SelectUpgradeCodeActions(actions []protocol.CodeAction) []protocol.CodeAction {
if len(actions) <= 1 {
return actions // return early if no sorting necessary
var others []protocol.CodeAction
seen := make(map[string]bool)
set := make(map[string]protocol.CodeAction)
for _, action := range actions {
if strings.HasPrefix(action.Title, upgradeCodeActionPrefix) {
set[action.Command.Title] = action
} else if !seen[action.Command.Title] {
seen[action.Command.Title] = true
others = append(others, action)
var upgrades []protocol.CodeAction
for _, action := range set {
upgrades = append(upgrades, action)
// Sort results by version number, latest first.
// There should be no duplicates at this point.
sort.Slice(upgrades, func(i, j int) bool {
vi, vj := getUpgradeVersion(upgrades[i]), getUpgradeVersion(upgrades[j])
return vi == "latest" || (vj != "latest" && semver.Compare(vi, vj) > 0)
// Choose at most one specific version and the latest.
if getUpgradeVersion(upgrades[0]) == "latest" {
return append(upgrades[:2], others...)
return append(upgrades[:1], others...)
func getUpgradeVersion(p protocol.CodeAction) string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(p.Title, upgradeCodeActionPrefix)