blob: 69b3e3f049382ead4240a965dea1bd9f510faa96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
errors ""
// pkg contains the type information needed by the source package.
type pkg struct {
m *metadata
mode source.ParseMode
goFiles []*source.ParsedGoFile
compiledGoFiles []*source.ParsedGoFile
diagnostics []*source.Diagnostic
imports map[packagePath]*pkg
version *module.Version
typeErrors []types.Error
types *types.Package
typesInfo *types.Info
typesSizes types.Sizes
hasListOrParseErrors bool
hasTypeErrors bool
// Declare explicit types for package paths, names, and IDs to ensure that we
// never use an ID where a path belongs, and vice versa. If we confused these,
// it would result in confusing errors because package IDs often look like
// package paths.
type (
packageID string
packagePath string
packageName string
// Declare explicit types for files and directories to distinguish between the two.
type (
fileURI span.URI
moduleLoadScope string
viewLoadScope span.URI
func (p *pkg) ID() string {
return string(
func (p *pkg) Name() string {
return string(
func (p *pkg) PkgPath() string {
return string(p.m.pkgPath)
func (p *pkg) CompiledGoFiles() []*source.ParsedGoFile {
return p.compiledGoFiles
func (p *pkg) File(uri span.URI) (*source.ParsedGoFile, error) {
for _, cgf := range p.compiledGoFiles {
if cgf.URI == uri {
return cgf, nil
for _, gf := range p.goFiles {
if gf.URI == uri {
return gf, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("no parsed file for %s in %v", uri,
func (p *pkg) GetSyntax() []*ast.File {
var syntax []*ast.File
for _, pgf := range p.compiledGoFiles {
syntax = append(syntax, pgf.File)
return syntax
func (p *pkg) GetTypes() *types.Package {
return p.types
func (p *pkg) GetTypesInfo() *types.Info {
return p.typesInfo
func (p *pkg) GetTypesSizes() types.Sizes {
return p.typesSizes
func (p *pkg) IsIllTyped() bool {
return p.types == nil || p.typesInfo == nil || p.typesSizes == nil
func (p *pkg) ForTest() string {
return string(p.m.forTest)
func (p *pkg) GetImport(pkgPath string) (source.Package, error) {
if imp := p.imports[packagePath(pkgPath)]; imp != nil {
return imp, nil
// Don't return a nil pointer because that still satisfies the interface.
return nil, errors.Errorf("no imported package for %s", pkgPath)
func (p *pkg) MissingDependencies() []string {
// We don't invalidate metadata for import deletions, so check the package
// imports via the *types.Package. Only use metadata if p.types is nil.
if p.types == nil {
var md []string
for i := range p.m.missingDeps {
md = append(md, string(i))
return md
var md []string
for _, pkg := range p.types.Imports() {
if _, ok := p.m.missingDeps[packagePath(pkg.Path())]; ok {
md = append(md, pkg.Path())
return md
func (p *pkg) Imports() []source.Package {
var result []source.Package
for _, imp := range p.imports {
result = append(result, imp)
return result
func (p *pkg) Version() *module.Version {
return p.version
func (p *pkg) HasListOrParseErrors() bool {
return p.hasListOrParseErrors
func (p *pkg) HasTypeErrors() bool {
return p.hasTypeErrors