blob: d56f523ed6f6d1311d80d5bf993d8e1c92a55b4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package packagestest
import (
// GOPATH is the exporter that produces GOPATH layouts.
// Each "module" is put in it's own GOPATH entry to help test complex cases.
// Given the two files
// You would get the directory layout
// /sometemporarydirectory
// ├── repoa
// │ └── src
// │ └──
// │ └── repoa
// │ └── a
// │ └── a.go
// └── repob
// └── src
// └──
// └── repob
// └── b
// └── b.go
// GOPATH would be set to
// /sometemporarydirectory/repoa;/sometemporarydirectory/repob
// and the working directory would be
// /sometemporarydirectory/repoa/src
var GOPATH = gopath{}
func init() {
All = append(All, GOPATH)
type gopath struct{}
func (gopath) Name() string {
return "GOPATH"
func (gopath) Filename(exported *Exported, module, fragment string) string {
return filepath.Join(gopathDir(exported, module), "src", module, fragment)
func (gopath) Finalize(exported *Exported) error {
exported.Config.Env = append(exported.Config.Env, "GO111MODULE=off")
gopath := ""
for module := range exported.written {
if gopath != "" {
gopath += string(filepath.ListSeparator)
dir := gopathDir(exported, module)
gopath += dir
if module == exported.primary {
exported.Config.Dir = filepath.Join(dir, "src")
exported.Config.Env = append(exported.Config.Env, "GOPATH="+gopath)
return nil
func gopathDir(exported *Exported, module string) string {
dir := path.Base(module)
if versionSuffixRE.MatchString(dir) {
dir = path.Base(path.Dir(module)) + "_" + dir
return filepath.Join(exported.temp, dir)