blob: f746593a3dd3e7343a7a2aac3634507303dd873f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package server
import (
func (s *server) SemanticTokensFull(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.SemanticTokensParams) (*protocol.SemanticTokens, error) {
return s.semanticTokens(ctx, params.TextDocument, nil)
func (s *server) SemanticTokensRange(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.SemanticTokensRangeParams) (*protocol.SemanticTokens, error) {
return s.semanticTokens(ctx, params.TextDocument, &params.Range)
func (s *server) semanticTokens(ctx context.Context, td protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier, rng *protocol.Range) (*protocol.SemanticTokens, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "lsp.Server.semanticTokens", label.URI.Of(td.URI))
defer done()
fh, snapshot, release, err := s.fileOf(ctx, td.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer release()
if snapshot.Options().SemanticTokens {
switch snapshot.FileKind(fh) {
case file.Tmpl:
return template.SemanticTokens(ctx, snapshot, fh.URI())
case file.Go:
return golang.SemanticTokens(ctx, snapshot, fh, rng)
// Not enabled, or unsupported file type: return empty result.
// Returning an empty response is necessary to invalidate
// semantic tokens in VS Code (and perhaps other editors).
// Previously, we returned an error, but that had the side effect
// of noisy "semantictokens are disabled" logs on every keystroke.
// We must return a non-nil Data slice for JSON serialization.
// We do not return an empty field with "omitempty" set,
// as it is not marked optional in the protocol (golang/go#67885).
return &protocol.SemanticTokens{Data: []uint32{}}, nil