blob: 3770a735ff8a7688fce2c30842f12b55e69326fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package server
import (
// fileDiagnostics holds the current state of published diagnostics for a file.
type fileDiagnostics struct {
publishedHash file.Hash // hash of the last set of diagnostics published for this URI
mustPublish bool // if set, publish diagnostics even if they haven't changed
// Orphaned file diagnostics are not necessarily associated with any *View
// (since they are orphaned). Instead, keep track of the modification ID at
// which they were orphaned (see server.lastModificationID).
orphanedAt uint64 // modification ID at which this file was orphaned.
orphanedFileDiagnostics []*cache.Diagnostic
// Files may have their diagnostics computed by multiple views, and so
// diagnostics are organized by View. See the documentation for update for more
// details about how the set of file diagnostics evolves over time.
byView map[*cache.View]viewDiagnostics
// viewDiagnostics holds a set of file diagnostics computed from a given View.
type viewDiagnostics struct {
snapshot uint64 // snapshot sequence ID
version int32 // file version
diagnostics []*cache.Diagnostic
// common types; for brevity
type (
viewSet = map[*cache.View]unit
diagMap = map[protocol.DocumentURI][]*cache.Diagnostic
// hashDiagnostic computes a hash to identify a diagnostic.
// The hash is for deduplicating within a file,
// so it need not incorporate d.URI.
func hashDiagnostic(d *cache.Diagnostic) file.Hash {
h := sha256.New()
for _, t := range d.Tags {
fmt.Fprintf(h, "tag: %s\n", t)
for _, r := range d.Related {
fmt.Fprintf(h, "related: %s %s %s\n", r.Location.URI, r.Message, r.Location.Range)
fmt.Fprintf(h, "code: %s\n", d.Code)
fmt.Fprintf(h, "codeHref: %s\n", d.CodeHref)
fmt.Fprintf(h, "message: %s\n", d.Message)
fmt.Fprintf(h, "range: %s\n", d.Range)
fmt.Fprintf(h, "severity: %s\n", d.Severity)
fmt.Fprintf(h, "source: %s\n", d.Source)
if d.BundledFixes != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(h, "fixes: %s\n", *d.BundledFixes)
var hash [sha256.Size]byte
return hash
func sortDiagnostics(d []*cache.Diagnostic) {
sort.Slice(d, func(i int, j int) bool {
a, b := d[i], d[j]
if r := protocol.CompareRange(a.Range, b.Range); r != 0 {
return r < 0
if a.Source != b.Source {
return a.Source < b.Source
return a.Message < b.Message
func (s *server) diagnoseChangedViews(ctx context.Context, modID uint64, lastChange map[*cache.View][]protocol.DocumentURI, cause ModificationSource) {
// Collect views needing diagnosis.
needsDiagnosis := maps.Keys(s.viewsToDiagnose)
// Diagnose views concurrently.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, v := range needsDiagnosis {
v := v
snapshot, release, err := v.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
// The View is shut down. Unlike below, no need to check
// s.needsDiagnosis[v], since the view can never be diagnosed.
delete(s.viewsToDiagnose, v)
// Collect uris for fast diagnosis. We only care about the most recent
// change here, because this is just an optimization for the case where the
// user is actively editing a single file.
uris := lastChange[v]
if snapshot.Options().DiagnosticsTrigger == settings.DiagnosticsOnSave && cause == FromDidChange {
// The user requested to update the diagnostics only on save.
// Do not diagnose yet.
go func(snapshot *cache.Snapshot, uris []protocol.DocumentURI) {
defer release()
defer wg.Done()
s.diagnoseSnapshot(ctx, snapshot, uris, snapshot.Options().DiagnosticsDelay)
// Only remove v from s.viewsToDiagnose if the context is not cancelled.
// This ensures that the snapshot was not cloned before its state was
// fully evaluated, and therefore avoids missing a change that was
// irrelevant to an incomplete snapshot.
// See the documentation for s.viewsToDiagnose for details.
if ctx.Err() == nil && s.viewsToDiagnose[v] <= modID {
delete(s.viewsToDiagnose, v)
}(snapshot, uris)
// Diagnose orphaned files for the session.
orphanedFileDiagnostics, err := s.session.OrphanedFileDiagnostics(ctx)
if err == nil {
err = s.updateOrphanedFileDiagnostics(ctx, modID, orphanedFileDiagnostics)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
event.Error(ctx, "warning: while diagnosing orphaned files", err)
// diagnoseSnapshot computes and publishes diagnostics for the given snapshot.
// If delay is non-zero, computing diagnostics does not start until after this
// delay has expired, to allow work to be cancelled by subsequent changes.
// If changedURIs is non-empty, it is a set of recently changed files that
// should be diagnosed immediately, and onDisk reports whether these file
// changes came from a change to on-disk files.
// If the provided context is cancelled, diagnostics may be partially
// published. Therefore, the provided context should only be cancelled if there
// will be a subsequent operation to make diagnostics consistent. In general,
// if an operation creates a new snapshot, it is responsible for ensuring that
// snapshot (or a subsequent snapshot in the same View) is eventually
// diagnosed.
func (s *server) diagnoseSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, changedURIs []protocol.DocumentURI, delay time.Duration) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "Server.diagnoseSnapshot", snapshot.Labels()...)
defer done()
if delay > 0 {
// 2-phase diagnostics.
// The first phase just parses and type-checks (but
// does not analyze) packages directly affected by
// file modifications.
// The second phase runs after the delay, and does everything.
// We wait a brief delay before the first phase, to allow higher priority
// work such as autocompletion to acquire the type checking mutex (though
// typically both diagnosing changed files and performing autocompletion
// will be doing the same work: recomputing active packages).
const minDelay = 20 * time.Millisecond
select {
case <-time.After(minDelay):
case <-ctx.Done():
if len(changedURIs) > 0 {
diagnostics, err := s.diagnoseChangedFiles(ctx, snapshot, changedURIs)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
event.Error(ctx, "warning: while diagnosing changed files", err, snapshot.Labels()...)
s.updateDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, diagnostics, false)
if delay < minDelay {
delay = 0
} else {
delay -= minDelay
select {
case <-time.After(delay):
case <-ctx.Done():
diagnostics, err := s.diagnose(ctx, snapshot)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
event.Error(ctx, "warning: while diagnosing snapshot", err, snapshot.Labels()...)
s.updateDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, diagnostics, true)
func (s *server) diagnoseChangedFiles(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, uris []protocol.DocumentURI) (diagMap, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "Server.diagnoseChangedFiles", snapshot.Labels()...)
defer done()
toDiagnose := make(map[metadata.PackageID]*metadata.Package)
for _, uri := range uris {
// If the file is not open, don't diagnose its package.
// We don't care about fast diagnostics for files that are no longer open,
// because the user isn't looking at them. Also, explicitly requesting a
// package can lead to "command-line-arguments" packages if the file isn't
// covered by the current View. By avoiding requesting packages for e.g.
// unrelated file movement, we can minimize these unnecessary packages.
if !snapshot.IsOpen(uri) {
// If the file is not known to the snapshot (e.g., if it was deleted),
// don't diagnose it.
if snapshot.FindFile(uri) == nil {
// Don't request type-checking for builtin.go: it's not a real package.
if snapshot.IsBuiltin(uri) {
// Don't diagnose files that are ignored by `go list` (e.g. testdata).
if snapshot.IgnoredFile(uri) {
// Find all packages that include this file and diagnose them in parallel.
meta, err := golang.NarrowestMetadataForFile(ctx, snapshot, uri)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
// TODO(findleyr): we should probably do something with the error here,
// but as of now this can fail repeatedly if load fails, so can be too
// noisy to log (and we'll handle things later in the slow pass).
// golang/go#65801: only diagnose changes to workspace packages. Otherwise,
// diagnostics will be unstable, as the slow-path diagnostics will erase
// them.
if snapshot.IsWorkspacePackage(ctx, meta.ID) {
toDiagnose[meta.ID] = meta
diags, err := snapshot.PackageDiagnostics(ctx, maps.Keys(toDiagnose)...)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
event.Error(ctx, "warning: diagnostics failed", err, snapshot.Labels()...)
return nil, err
// golang/go#59587: guarantee that we compute type-checking diagnostics
// for every compiled package file, otherwise diagnostics won't be quickly
// cleared following a fix.
for _, meta := range toDiagnose {
for _, uri := range meta.CompiledGoFiles {
if _, ok := diags[uri]; !ok {
diags[uri] = nil
return diags, nil
func (s *server) diagnose(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot) (diagMap, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "Server.diagnose", snapshot.Labels()...)
defer done()
// Wait for a free diagnostics slot.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: shouldn't it be the analysis implementation's
// job to de-dup and limit resource consumption? In any case this
// function spends most its time waiting for awaitLoaded, at
// least initially.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case s.diagnosticsSema <- struct{}{}:
defer func() {
var (
diagnosticsMu sync.Mutex
diagnostics = make(diagMap)
// common code for dispatching diagnostics
store := func(operation string, diagsByFile diagMap, err error) {
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
event.Error(ctx, "warning: while "+operation, err, snapshot.Labels()...)
defer diagnosticsMu.Unlock()
for uri, diags := range diagsByFile {
diagnostics[uri] = append(diagnostics[uri], diags...)
// Diagnostics below are organized by increasing specificity:
// > mod > mod upgrade > mod vuln > package, etc.
// Diagnose file.
workReports, workErr := work.Diagnostics(ctx, snapshot)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
store("diagnosing file", workReports, workErr)
// Diagnose go.mod file.
modReports, modErr := mod.ParseDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
store("diagnosing go.mod file", modReports, modErr)
// Diagnose go.mod upgrades.
upgradeReports, upgradeErr := mod.UpgradeDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
store("diagnosing go.mod upgrades", upgradeReports, upgradeErr)
// Diagnose vulnerabilities.
vulnReports, vulnErr := mod.VulnerabilityDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
store("diagnosing vulnerabilities", vulnReports, vulnErr)
workspacePkgs, err := snapshot.WorkspaceMetadata(ctx)
if s.shouldIgnoreError(snapshot, err) {
return diagnostics, ctx.Err()
initialErr := snapshot.InitializationError()
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// Don't update initialization status if the context is cancelled.
return nil, ctx.Err()
if initialErr != nil {
store("critical error", initialErr.Diagnostics, nil)
// Show the error as a progress error report so that it appears in the
// status bar. If a client doesn't support progress reports, the error
// will still be shown as a ShowMessage. If there is no error, any running
// error progress reports will be closed.
statusErr := initialErr
if len(snapshot.Overlays()) == 0 {
// Don't report a hanging status message if there are no open files at this
// snapshot.
statusErr = nil
s.updateCriticalErrorStatus(ctx, snapshot, statusErr)
// Diagnose template (.tmpl) files.
tmplReports := template.Diagnostics(snapshot)
// NOTE(rfindley): typeCheckSource is not accurate here.
// (but this will be gone soon anyway).
store("diagnosing templates", tmplReports, nil)
// If there are no workspace packages, there is nothing to diagnose and
// there are no orphaned files.
if len(workspacePkgs) == 0 {
return diagnostics, nil
var wg sync.WaitGroup // for potentially slow operations below
// Maybe run go mod tidy (if it has been invalidated).
// Since go mod tidy can be slow, we run it concurrently to diagnostics.
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
modTidyReports, err := mod.TidyDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot)
store("running go mod tidy", modTidyReports, err)
// Run type checking and go/analysis diagnosis of packages in parallel.
// For analysis, we use the *widest* package for each open file,
// for two reasons:
// - Correctness: some analyzers (e.g. unusedparam) depend
// on it. If applied to a non-test package for which a
// corresponding test package exists, they make assumptions
// that are falsified in the test package, for example that
// all references to unexported symbols are visible to the
// analysis.
// - Efficiency: it may yield a smaller covering set of
// PackageIDs for a given set of files. For example, {x.go,
// x_test.go} is covered by the single package x_test using
// "widest". (Using "narrowest", it would be covered only by
// the pair of packages {x, x_test}, Originally we used all
// covering packages, so {x.go} alone would be analyzed
// twice.)
var (
toDiagnose = make(map[metadata.PackageID]*metadata.Package)
toAnalyze = make(map[metadata.PackageID]*metadata.Package)
// secondary index, used to eliminate narrower packages.
toAnalyzeWidest = make(map[golang.PackagePath]*metadata.Package)
for _, mp := range workspacePkgs {
var hasNonIgnored, hasOpenFile bool
for _, uri := range mp.CompiledGoFiles {
if !hasNonIgnored && !snapshot.IgnoredFile(uri) {
hasNonIgnored = true
if !hasOpenFile && snapshot.IsOpen(uri) {
hasOpenFile = true
if hasNonIgnored {
toDiagnose[mp.ID] = mp
if hasOpenFile {
if prev, ok := toAnalyzeWidest[mp.PkgPath]; ok {
if len(prev.CompiledGoFiles) >= len(mp.CompiledGoFiles) {
// Previous entry is not narrower; keep it.
// Evict previous (narrower) entry.
delete(toAnalyze, prev.ID)
toAnalyze[mp.ID] = mp
toAnalyzeWidest[mp.PkgPath] = mp
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
gcDetailsReports, err := s.gcDetailsDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, toDiagnose)
store("collecting gc_details", gcDetailsReports, err)
// Package diagnostics and analysis diagnostics must both be computed and
// merged before they can be reported.
var pkgDiags, analysisDiags diagMap
// Collect package diagnostics.
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var err error
pkgDiags, err = snapshot.PackageDiagnostics(ctx, maps.Keys(toDiagnose)...)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "warning: diagnostics failed", err, snapshot.Labels()...)
// Get diagnostics from analysis framework.
// This includes type-error analyzers, which suggest fixes to compiler errors.
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var err error
// TODO(rfindley): here and above, we should avoid using the first result
// if err is non-nil (though as of today it's OK).
analysisDiags, err = golang.Analyze(ctx, snapshot, toAnalyze, s.progress)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "warning: analyzing package", err, append(snapshot.Labels(), label.Package.Of(keys.Join(maps.Keys(toDiagnose))))...)
// Merge analysis diagnostics with package diagnostics, and store the
// resulting analysis diagnostics.
for uri, adiags := range analysisDiags {
tdiags := pkgDiags[uri]
var tdiags2, adiags2 []*cache.Diagnostic
combineDiagnostics(tdiags, adiags, &tdiags2, &adiags2)
pkgDiags[uri] = tdiags2
analysisDiags[uri] = adiags2
store("type checking", pkgDiags, nil) // error reported above
store("analyzing packages", analysisDiags, nil) // error reported above
return diagnostics, nil
func (s *server) gcDetailsDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, toDiagnose map[metadata.PackageID]*metadata.Package) (diagMap, error) {
// Process requested gc_details diagnostics.
// TODO(rfindley): This should memoize its results if the package has not changed.
// Consider that these points, in combination with the note below about
// races, suggest that gc_details should be tracked on the Snapshot.
var toGCDetail map[metadata.PackageID]*metadata.Package
for _, mp := range toDiagnose {
if snapshot.WantGCDetails(mp.ID) {
if toGCDetail == nil {
toGCDetail = make(map[metadata.PackageID]*metadata.Package)
toGCDetail[mp.ID] = mp
diagnostics := make(diagMap)
for _, mp := range toGCDetail {
gcReports, err := golang.GCOptimizationDetails(ctx, snapshot, mp)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "warning: gc details", err, append(snapshot.Labels(), label.Package.Of(string(mp.ID)))...)
for uri, diags := range gcReports {
diagnostics[uri] = append(diagnostics[uri], diags...)
return diagnostics, nil
// combineDiagnostics combines and filters list/parse/type diagnostics from
// tdiags with adiags, and appends the two lists to *outT and *outA,
// respectively.
// Type-error analyzers produce diagnostics that are redundant
// with type checker diagnostics, but more detailed (e.g. fixes).
// Rather than report two diagnostics for the same problem,
// we combine them by augmenting the type-checker diagnostic
// and discarding the analyzer diagnostic.
// If an analysis diagnostic has the same range and message as
// a list/parse/type diagnostic, the suggested fix information
// (et al) of the latter is merged into a copy of the former.
// This handles the case where a type-error analyzer suggests
// a fix to a type error, and avoids duplication.
// The use of out-slices, though irregular, allows the caller to
// easily choose whether to keep the results separate or combined.
// The arguments are not modified.
func combineDiagnostics(tdiags []*cache.Diagnostic, adiags []*cache.Diagnostic, outT, outA *[]*cache.Diagnostic) {
// Build index of (list+parse+)type errors.
type key struct {
Range protocol.Range
message string
index := make(map[key]int) // maps (Range,Message) to index in tdiags slice
for i, diag := range tdiags {
index[key{diag.Range, diag.Message}] = i
// Filter out analysis diagnostics that match type errors,
// retaining their suggested fix (etc) fields.
for _, diag := range adiags {
if i, ok := index[key{diag.Range, diag.Message}]; ok {
copy := *tdiags[i]
copy.SuggestedFixes = diag.SuggestedFixes
copy.Tags = diag.Tags
tdiags[i] = &copy
*outA = append(*outA, diag)
*outT = append(*outT, tdiags...)
// mustPublishDiagnostics marks the uri as needing publication, independent of
// whether the published contents have changed.
// This can be used for ensuring gopls publishes diagnostics after certain file
// events.
func (s *server) mustPublishDiagnostics(uri protocol.DocumentURI) {
defer s.diagnosticsMu.Unlock()
if s.diagnostics[uri] == nil {
s.diagnostics[uri] = new(fileDiagnostics)
s.diagnostics[uri].mustPublish = true
const WorkspaceLoadFailure = "Error loading workspace"
// updateCriticalErrorStatus updates the critical error progress notification
// based on err.
// If err is nil, or if there are no open files, it clears any existing error
// progress report.
func (s *server) updateCriticalErrorStatus(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, err *cache.InitializationError) {
defer s.criticalErrorStatusMu.Unlock()
// Remove all newlines so that the error message can be formatted in a
// status bar.
var errMsg string
if err != nil {
errMsg = strings.ReplaceAll(err.MainError.Error(), "\n", " ")
if s.criticalErrorStatus == nil {
if errMsg != "" {
event.Error(ctx, "errors loading workspace", err.MainError, snapshot.Labels()...)
s.criticalErrorStatus = s.progress.Start(ctx, WorkspaceLoadFailure, errMsg, nil, nil)
// If an error is already shown to the user, update it or mark it as
// resolved.
if errMsg == "" {
s.criticalErrorStatus.End(ctx, "Done.")
s.criticalErrorStatus = nil
} else {
s.criticalErrorStatus.Report(ctx, errMsg, 0)
// updateDiagnostics records the result of diagnosing a snapshot, and publishes
// any diagnostics that need to be updated on the client.
func (s *server) updateDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, diagnostics diagMap, final bool) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "Server.publishDiagnostics")
defer done()
defer s.diagnosticsMu.Unlock()
// Before updating any diagnostics, check that the context (i.e. snapshot
// background context) is not cancelled.
// If not, then we know that we haven't started diagnosing the next snapshot,
// because the previous snapshot is cancelled before the next snapshot is
// returned from Invalidate.
// Therefore, even if we publish stale diagnostics here, they should
// eventually be overwritten with accurate diagnostics.
// TODO(rfindley): refactor the API to force that snapshots are diagnosed
// after they are created.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// golang/go#65312: since the set of diagnostics depends on the set of views,
// we get the views *after* locking diagnosticsMu. This ensures that
// updateDiagnostics does not incorrectly delete diagnostics that have been
// set for an existing view that was created between the call to
// s.session.Views() and updateDiagnostics.
viewMap := make(viewSet)
for _, v := range s.session.Views() {
viewMap[v] = unit{}
// updateAndPublish updates diagnostics for a file, checking both the latest
// diagnostics for the current snapshot, as well as reconciling the set of
// views.
updateAndPublish := func(uri protocol.DocumentURI, f *fileDiagnostics, diags []*cache.Diagnostic) error {
current, ok := f.byView[snapshot.View()]
// Update the stored diagnostics if:
// 1. we've never seen diagnostics for this view,
// 2. diagnostics are for an older snapshot, or
// 3. we're overwriting with final diagnostics
// In other words, we shouldn't overwrite existing diagnostics for a
// snapshot with non-final diagnostics. This avoids the race described at
if !ok || current.snapshot < snapshot.SequenceID() || (current.snapshot == snapshot.SequenceID() && final) {
fh, err := snapshot.ReadFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return err
current = viewDiagnostics{
snapshot: snapshot.SequenceID(),
version: fh.Version(),
diagnostics: diags,
if f.byView == nil {
f.byView = make(map[*cache.View]viewDiagnostics)
f.byView[snapshot.View()] = current
return s.publishFileDiagnosticsLocked(ctx, viewMap, uri, current.version, f)
seen := make(map[protocol.DocumentURI]bool)
for uri, diags := range diagnostics {
f, ok := s.diagnostics[uri]
if !ok {
f = new(fileDiagnostics)
s.diagnostics[uri] = f
seen[uri] = true
if err := updateAndPublish(uri, f, diags); err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
} else {
event.Error(ctx, "updateDiagnostics: failed to deliver diagnostics", err, label.URI.Of(uri))
// TODO(rfindley): perhaps we should clean up files that have no diagnostics.
// One could imagine a large operation generating diagnostics for a great
// number of files, after which gopls has to do more bookkeeping into the
// future.
if final {
for uri, f := range s.diagnostics {
if !seen[uri] {
if err := updateAndPublish(uri, f, nil); err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
} else {
event.Error(ctx, "updateDiagnostics: failed to deliver diagnostics", err, label.URI.Of(uri))
// updateOrphanedFileDiagnostics records and publishes orphaned file
// diagnostics as a given modification time.
func (s *server) updateOrphanedFileDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, modID uint64, diagnostics diagMap) error {
views := s.session.Views()
viewSet := make(viewSet)
for _, v := range views {
viewSet[v] = unit{}
defer s.diagnosticsMu.Unlock()
for uri, diags := range diagnostics {
f, ok := s.diagnostics[uri]
if !ok {
f = new(fileDiagnostics)
s.diagnostics[uri] = f
if f.orphanedAt > modID {
f.orphanedAt = modID
f.orphanedFileDiagnostics = diags
// TODO(rfindley): the version of this file is potentially inaccurate;
// nevertheless, it should be eventually consistent, because all
// modifications are diagnosed.
fh, err := s.session.ReadFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := s.publishFileDiagnosticsLocked(ctx, viewSet, uri, fh.Version(), f); err != nil {
return err
// Clear any stale orphaned file diagnostics.
for uri, f := range s.diagnostics {
if f.orphanedAt < modID {
f.orphanedFileDiagnostics = nil
fh, err := s.session.ReadFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := s.publishFileDiagnosticsLocked(ctx, viewSet, uri, fh.Version(), f); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// publishFileDiagnosticsLocked publishes a fileDiagnostics value, while holding s.diagnosticsMu.
// If the publication succeeds, it updates f.publishedHash and f.mustPublish.
func (s *server) publishFileDiagnosticsLocked(ctx context.Context, views viewSet, uri protocol.DocumentURI, version int32, f *fileDiagnostics) error {
// We add a disambiguating suffix (e.g. " [darwin,arm64]") to
// each diagnostic that doesn't occur in the default view;
// see golang/go#65496.
type diagSuffix struct {
diag *cache.Diagnostic
suffix string // "" for default build (or orphans)
// diagSuffixes records the set of view suffixes for a given diagnostic.
diagSuffixes := make(map[file.Hash][]diagSuffix)
add := func(diag *cache.Diagnostic, suffix string) {
h := hashDiagnostic(diag)
diagSuffixes[h] = append(diagSuffixes[h], diagSuffix{diag, suffix})
// Construct the inverse mapping, from diagnostic (hash) to its suffixes (views).
for _, diag := range f.orphanedFileDiagnostics {
add(diag, "")
var allViews []*cache.View
for view, viewDiags := range f.byView {
if _, ok := views[view]; !ok {
delete(f.byView, view) // view no longer exists
if viewDiags.version != version {
continue // a payload of diagnostics applies to a specific file version
allViews = append(allViews, view)
// Only report diagnostics from relevant views for a file. This avoids
// spurious import errors when a view has only a partial set of dependencies
// for a package (golang/go#66425).
// It's ok to use the session to derive the eligible views, because we
// publish diagnostics following any state change, so the set of relevant
// views is eventually consistent.
relevantViews, err := cache.RelevantViews(ctx, s.session, uri, allViews)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(relevantViews) == 0 {
// If we have no preferred diagnostics for a given file (i.e., the file is
// not naturally nested within a view), then all diagnostics should be
// considered valid.
// This could arise if the user jumps to definition outside the workspace.
// There is no view that owns the file, so its diagnostics are valid from
// any view.
relevantViews = allViews
for _, view := range relevantViews {
viewDiags := f.byView[view]
// Compute the view's suffix (e.g. " [darwin,arm64]").
var suffix string
var words []string
if view.GOOS() != runtime.GOOS {
words = append(words, view.GOOS())
if view.GOARCH() != runtime.GOARCH {
words = append(words, view.GOARCH())
if len(words) > 0 {
suffix = fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", strings.Join(words, ","))
for _, diag := range viewDiags.diagnostics {
add(diag, suffix)
// De-dup diagnostics across views by hash, and sort.
var (
hash file.Hash
unique []*cache.Diagnostic
for h, items := range diagSuffixes {
// Sort the items by ascending suffix, so that the
// default view (if present) is first.
// (The others are ordered arbitrarily.)
sort.Slice(items, func(i, j int) bool {
return items[i].suffix < items[j].suffix
// If the diagnostic was not present in
// the default view, add the view suffix.
first := items[0]
if first.suffix != "" {
diag2 := *first.diag // shallow copy
diag2.Message += first.suffix
first.diag = &diag2
h = hashDiagnostic(&diag2) // update the hash
unique = append(unique, first.diag)
// Publish, if necessary.
if hash != f.publishedHash || f.mustPublish {
if err := s.client.PublishDiagnostics(ctx, &protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams{
Diagnostics: toProtocolDiagnostics(unique),
URI: uri,
Version: version,
}); err != nil {
return err
f.publishedHash = hash
f.mustPublish = false
return nil
func toProtocolDiagnostics(diagnostics []*cache.Diagnostic) []protocol.Diagnostic {
reports := []protocol.Diagnostic{}
for _, diag := range diagnostics {
pdiag := protocol.Diagnostic{
// diag.Message might start with \n or \t
Message: strings.TrimSpace(diag.Message),
Range: diag.Range,
Severity: diag.Severity,
Source: string(diag.Source),
Tags: protocol.NonNilSlice(diag.Tags),
RelatedInformation: diag.Related,
Data: diag.BundledFixes,
if diag.Code != "" {
pdiag.Code = diag.Code
if diag.CodeHref != "" {
pdiag.CodeDescription = &protocol.CodeDescription{Href: diag.CodeHref}
reports = append(reports, pdiag)
return reports
func (s *server) shouldIgnoreError(snapshot *cache.Snapshot, err error) bool {
if err == nil { // if there is no error at all
return false
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
return true
// If the folder has no Go code in it, we shouldn't spam the user with a warning.
// TODO(rfindley): surely it is not correct to walk the folder here just to
// suppress diagnostics, every time we compute diagnostics.
var hasGo bool
_ = filepath.Walk(snapshot.Folder().Path(), func(_ string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), ".go") {
return nil
hasGo = true
return errors.New("done")
return !hasGo