blob: fe1c885b87ffb7501b06471b35ef213666c93482 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package server
import (
func (s *server) CodeAction(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.CodeActionParams) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "lsp.Server.codeAction")
defer done()
fh, snapshot, release, err := s.fileOf(ctx, params.TextDocument.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer release()
uri := fh.URI()
// Determine the supported actions for this file kind.
kind := snapshot.FileKind(fh)
supportedCodeActions, ok := snapshot.Options().SupportedCodeActions[kind]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no supported code actions for %v file kind", kind)
if len(supportedCodeActions) == 0 {
return nil, nil // not an error if there are none supported
// The Only field of the context specifies which code actions the client wants.
// If Only is empty, assume that the client wants all of the non-explicit code actions.
want := supportedCodeActions
if len(params.Context.Only) > 0 {
want = make(map[protocol.CodeActionKind]bool)
// Explicit Code Actions are opt-in and shouldn't be
// returned to the client unless requested using Only.
// This mechanim exists to avoid a distracting
// lightbulb (code action) on each Test function.
// These actions are unwanted in VS Code because it
// has Test Explorer, and in other editors because
// the UX of executeCommand is unsatisfactory for tests:
// it doesn't show the complete streaming output.
// See
// for a better solution.
explicit := map[protocol.CodeActionKind]bool{
settings.GoTest: true,
for _, only := range params.Context.Only {
for k, v := range supportedCodeActions {
if only == k || strings.HasPrefix(string(k), string(only)+".") {
want[k] = want[k] || v
want[only] = want[only] || explicit[only]
if len(want) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no supported code action to execute for %s, wanted %v", uri, params.Context.Only)
switch kind {
case file.Mod:
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
fixes, err := s.codeActionsMatchingDiagnostics(ctx, fh.URI(), snapshot, params.Context.Diagnostics, want)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Group vulnerability fixes by their range, and select only the most
// appropriate upgrades.
// TODO(rfindley): can this instead be accomplished on the diagnosis side,
// so that code action handling remains uniform?
vulnFixes := make(map[protocol.Range][]protocol.CodeAction)
for _, fix := range fixes {
for _, diag := range fix.Diagnostics {
if diag.Source == string(cache.Govulncheck) || diag.Source == string(cache.Vulncheck) {
vulnFixes[diag.Range] = append(vulnFixes[diag.Range], fix)
continue searchFixes
actions = append(actions, fix)
for _, fixes := range vulnFixes {
fixes = mod.SelectUpgradeCodeActions(fixes)
actions = append(actions, fixes...)
return actions, nil
case file.Go:
// diagnostic-bundled code actions
// The diagnostics already have a UI presence (e.g. squiggly underline);
// the associated action may additionally show (in VS Code) as a lightbulb.
// Note s.codeActionsMatchingDiagnostics returns only fixes
// detected during the analysis phase. golang.CodeActions computes
// extra changes that can address some diagnostics.
actions, err := s.codeActionsMatchingDiagnostics(ctx, uri, snapshot, params.Context.Diagnostics, want)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// computed code actions (may include quickfixes from diagnostics)
trigger := protocol.CodeActionUnknownTrigger
if k := params.Context.TriggerKind; k != nil { // (some clients omit it)
trigger = *k
moreActions, err := golang.CodeActions(ctx, snapshot, fh, params.Range, params.Context.Diagnostics, want, trigger)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, moreActions...)
// Don't suggest fixes for generated files, since they are generally
// not useful and some editors may apply them automatically on save.
// (Unfortunately there's no reliable way to distinguish fixes from
// queries, so we must list all kinds of queries here.)
if golang.IsGenerated(ctx, snapshot, uri) {
actions = slices.DeleteFunc(actions, func(a protocol.CodeAction) bool {
switch a.Kind {
case settings.GoTest,
return false // read-only query
return true // potential write operation
return actions, nil
// Unsupported file kind for a code action.
return nil, nil
// ResolveCodeAction resolves missing Edit information (that is, computes the
// details of the necessary patch) in the given code action using the provided
// Data field of the CodeAction, which should contain the raw json of a protocol.Command.
// This should be called by the client before applying code actions, when the
// client has code action resolve support.
// This feature allows capable clients to preview and selectively apply the diff
// instead of applying the whole thing unconditionally through workspace/applyEdit.
func (s *server) ResolveCodeAction(ctx context.Context, ca *protocol.CodeAction) (*protocol.CodeAction, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "lsp.Server.resolveCodeAction")
defer done()
// Only resolve the code action if there is Data provided.
var cmd protocol.Command
if ca.Data != nil {
if err := protocol.UnmarshalJSON(*ca.Data, &cmd); err != nil {
return nil, err
if cmd.Command != "" {
params := &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: cmd.Command,
Arguments: cmd.Arguments,
handler := &commandHandler{
s: s,
params: params,
edit, err := command.Dispatch(ctx, params, handler)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ok bool
if ca.Edit, ok = edit.(*protocol.WorkspaceEdit); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve code action %q", ca.Title)
return ca, nil
// codeActionsMatchingDiagnostics creates code actions for the
// provided diagnostics, by unmarshalling actions bundled in the
// protocol.Diagnostic.Data field or, if there were none, by creating
// actions from edits associated with a matching Diagnostic from the
// set of stored diagnostics for this file.
func (s *server) codeActionsMatchingDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, pds []protocol.Diagnostic, want map[protocol.CodeActionKind]bool) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
var unbundled []protocol.Diagnostic // diagnostics without bundled code actions in their Data field
for _, pd := range pds {
bundled := cache.BundledLazyFixes(pd)
if len(bundled) > 0 {
for _, fix := range bundled {
if want[fix.Kind] {
actions = append(actions, fix)
} else {
// No bundled actions: keep searching for a match.
unbundled = append(unbundled, pd)
for _, pd := range unbundled {
for _, sd := range s.findMatchingDiagnostics(uri, pd) {
diagActions, err := codeActionsForDiagnostic(ctx, snapshot, sd, &pd, want)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, diagActions...)
return actions, nil
func codeActionsForDiagnostic(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, sd *cache.Diagnostic, pd *protocol.Diagnostic, want map[protocol.CodeActionKind]bool) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
for _, fix := range sd.SuggestedFixes {
if !want[fix.ActionKind] {
var changes []protocol.DocumentChange
for uri, edits := range fix.Edits {
fh, err := snapshot.ReadFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
change := protocol.DocumentChangeEdit(fh, edits)
changes = append(changes, change)
actions = append(actions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: fix.Title,
Kind: fix.ActionKind,
Edit: protocol.NewWorkspaceEdit(changes...),
Command: fix.Command,
Diagnostics: []protocol.Diagnostic{*pd},
return actions, nil
func (s *server) findMatchingDiagnostics(uri protocol.DocumentURI, pd protocol.Diagnostic) []*cache.Diagnostic {
defer s.diagnosticsMu.Unlock()
var sds []*cache.Diagnostic
for _, viewDiags := range s.diagnostics[uri].byView {
for _, sd := range viewDiags.diagnostics {
sameDiagnostic := (pd.Message == strings.TrimSpace(sd.Message) && // extra space may have been trimmed when converting to protocol.Diagnostic
protocol.CompareRange(pd.Range, sd.Range) == 0 &&
pd.Source == string(sd.Source))
if sameDiagnostic {
sds = append(sds, sd)
return sds
func (s *server) getSupportedCodeActions() []protocol.CodeActionKind {
allCodeActionKinds := make(map[protocol.CodeActionKind]struct{})
for _, kinds := range s.Options().SupportedCodeActions {
for kind := range kinds {
allCodeActionKinds[kind] = struct{}{}
var result []protocol.CodeActionKind
for kind := range allCodeActionKinds {
result = append(result, kind)
sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
return result[i] < result[j]
return result
type unit = struct{}