blob: e7f8469d13d16ca1fc91ccdf7b135f4c86939116 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package diff computes differences between files or strings.
package diff
import (
// TODO(adonovan): switch to []byte throughout.
// But make clear that the operation is defined on runes, not bytes.
// Also:
// - delete LineEdits? (used only by Unified and test)
// - delete Lines (unused except by its test)
// An Edit describes the replacement of a portion of a file.
type Edit struct {
Start, End int // byte offsets of the region to replace
New string // the replacement
// SortEdits orders edits by their start offset. The sort is stable
// so that edits with the same start offset will not be reordered.
func SortEdits(edits []Edit) {
sort.SliceStable(edits, func(i int, j int) bool {
return edits[i].Start < edits[j].Start
// Apply applies a sequence of edits to the src buffer and
// returns the result. It may panic or produce garbage if the edits
// are overlapping, out of bounds of src, or out of order.
// TODO(adonovan): this function must not panic if the edits aren't
// consistent with src, or with each other---especially when fed
// information from an untrusted source. It should probably be
// defensive against bad input and report an error in any of the above
// situations.
func Apply(src string, edits []Edit) string {
SortEdits(edits) // TODO(adonovan): move to caller? What's the contract? Don't mutate arguments.
var out strings.Builder
// TODO(adonovan): opt: preallocate correct final size
// by scanning the list of edits. (This can be done
// in the same pass as detecting inconsistent edits.)
last := 0
for _, edit := range edits {
start := edit.Start
if start > last {
last = start
last = edit.End
if last < len(src) {
return out.String()
// LineEdits expands and merges a sequence of edits so that each
// resulting edit replaces one or more complete lines.
// It may panic or produce garbage if the edits
// are overlapping, out of bounds of src, or out of order.
// TODO(adonovan): see consistency note at Apply.
// We could hide this from the API so that we can enforce
// the precondition... but it seems like a reasonable feature.
func LineEdits(src string, edits []Edit) []Edit {
SortEdits(edits) // TODO(adonovan): is this necessary? Move burden to caller?
// Do all edits begin and end at the start of a line?
// TODO(adonovan): opt: is this fast path necessary?
// (Also, it complicates the result ownership.)
for _, edit := range edits {
if edit.Start >= len(src) || // insertion at EOF
edit.Start > 0 && src[edit.Start-1] != '\n' || // not at line start
edit.End > 0 && src[edit.End-1] != '\n' { // not at line start
goto expand
return edits // aligned
expanded := make([]Edit, 0, len(edits)) // a guess
prev := edits[0]
// TODO(adonovan): opt: start from the first misaligned edit.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: avoid quadratic cost of string += string.
for _, edit := range edits[1:] {
between := src[prev.End:edit.Start]
if !strings.Contains(between, "\n") {
// overlapping lines: combine with previous edit.
prev.New += between + edit.New
prev.End = edit.End
} else {
// non-overlapping lines: flush previous edit.
expanded = append(expanded, expandEdit(prev, src))
prev = edit
return append(expanded, expandEdit(prev, src)) // flush final edit
// expandEdit returns edit expanded to complete whole lines.
func expandEdit(edit Edit, src string) Edit {
// Expand start left to start of line.
// (delta is the zero-based column number of of start.)
start := edit.Start
if delta := start - 1 - strings.LastIndex(src[:start], "\n"); delta > 0 {
edit.Start -= delta
edit.New = src[start-delta:start] + edit.New
// Expand end right to end of line.
// (endCol is the zero-based column number of end.)
end := edit.End
if endCol := end - 1 - strings.LastIndex(src[:end], "\n"); endCol > 0 {
if nl := strings.IndexByte(src[end:], '\n'); nl < 0 {
edit.End = len(src) // extend to EOF
} else {
edit.End = end + nl + 1 // extend beyond \n
edit.New += src[end:edit.End]
return edit