blob: e1f0dc23c996d5363faf94ef5524994edba0fde7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package lsp
import (
func (s *Server) codeAction(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.CodeActionParams) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
snapshot, fh, ok, release, err := s.beginFileRequest(ctx, params.TextDocument.URI, source.UnknownKind)
defer release()
if !ok {
return nil, err
uri := fh.URI()
// Determine the supported actions for this file kind.
kind := snapshot.View().FileKind(fh)
supportedCodeActions, ok := snapshot.View().Options().SupportedCodeActions[kind]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no supported code actions for %v file kind", kind)
// The Only field of the context specifies which code actions the client wants.
// If Only is empty, assume that the client wants all of the non-explicit code actions.
var wanted map[protocol.CodeActionKind]bool
// Explicit Code Actions are opt-in and shouldn't be returned to the client unless
// requested using Only.
// TODO: Add other CodeLenses such as GoGenerate, RegenerateCgo, etc..
explicit := map[protocol.CodeActionKind]bool{
protocol.GoTest: true,
if len(params.Context.Only) == 0 {
wanted = supportedCodeActions
} else {
wanted = make(map[protocol.CodeActionKind]bool)
for _, only := range params.Context.Only {
for k, v := range supportedCodeActions {
if only == k || strings.HasPrefix(string(k), string(only)+".") {
wanted[k] = wanted[k] || v
wanted[only] = wanted[only] || explicit[only]
if len(supportedCodeActions) == 0 {
return nil, nil // not an error if there are none supported
if len(wanted) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no supported code action to execute for %s, wanted %v", uri, params.Context.Only)
var codeActions []protocol.CodeAction
switch kind {
case source.Mod:
if diagnostics := params.Context.Diagnostics; len(diagnostics) > 0 {
diags, err := mod.ModDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, fh)
if source.IsNonFatalGoModError(err) {
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
udiags, err := mod.ModUpgradeDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, fh)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vdiags, err := mod.ModVulnerabilityDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, fh)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(suzmue): Consider deduping upgrades from ModUpgradeDiagnostics and ModVulnerabilityDiagnostics.
quickFixes, err := codeActionsMatchingDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, diagnostics, append(append(diags, udiags...), vdiags...))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
codeActions = append(codeActions, quickFixes...)
case source.Go:
// Don't suggest fixes for generated files, since they are generally
// not useful and some editors may apply them automatically on save.
if source.IsGenerated(ctx, snapshot, uri) {
return nil, nil
diagnostics := params.Context.Diagnostics
// First, process any missing imports and pair them with the
// diagnostics they fix.
if wantQuickFixes := wanted[protocol.QuickFix] && len(diagnostics) > 0; wantQuickFixes || wanted[protocol.SourceOrganizeImports] {
importEdits, importEditsPerFix, err := source.AllImportsFixes(ctx, snapshot, fh)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "imports fixes", err, tag.File.Of(fh.URI().Filename()))
// Separate this into a set of codeActions per diagnostic, where
// each action is the addition, removal, or renaming of one import.
if wantQuickFixes {
for _, importFix := range importEditsPerFix {
fixes := importDiagnostics(importFix.Fix, diagnostics)
if len(fixes) == 0 {
codeActions = append(codeActions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: importFixTitle(importFix.Fix),
Kind: protocol.QuickFix,
Edit: protocol.WorkspaceEdit{
DocumentChanges: documentChanges(fh, importFix.Edits),
Diagnostics: fixes,
// Send all of the import edits as one code action if the file is
// being organized.
if wanted[protocol.SourceOrganizeImports] && len(importEdits) > 0 {
codeActions = append(codeActions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: "Organize Imports",
Kind: protocol.SourceOrganizeImports,
Edit: protocol.WorkspaceEdit{
DocumentChanges: documentChanges(fh, importEdits),
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
pkg, err := snapshot.PackageForFile(ctx, fh.URI(), source.TypecheckFull, source.WidestPackage)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgDiagnostics, err := snapshot.DiagnosePackage(ctx, pkg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
analysisDiags, err := source.Analyze(ctx, snapshot, pkg, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fileDiags := append(pkgDiagnostics[uri], analysisDiags[uri]...)
// Split diagnostics into fixes, which must match incoming diagnostics,
// and non-fixes, which must match the requested range. Build actions
// for all of them.
var fixDiags, nonFixDiags []*source.Diagnostic
for _, d := range fileDiags {
if len(d.SuggestedFixes) == 0 {
var isFix bool
for _, fix := range d.SuggestedFixes {
if fix.ActionKind == protocol.QuickFix || fix.ActionKind == protocol.SourceFixAll {
isFix = true
if isFix {
fixDiags = append(fixDiags, d)
} else {
nonFixDiags = append(nonFixDiags, d)
fixActions, err := codeActionsMatchingDiagnostics(ctx, snapshot, diagnostics, fixDiags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
codeActions = append(codeActions, fixActions...)
for _, nonfix := range nonFixDiags {
// For now, only show diagnostics for matching lines. Maybe we should
// alter this behavior in the future, depending on the user experience.
if !protocol.Intersect(nonfix.Range, params.Range) {
actions, err := codeActionsForDiagnostic(ctx, snapshot, nonfix, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
codeActions = append(codeActions, actions...)
if wanted[protocol.RefactorExtract] {
fixes, err := extractionFixes(ctx, snapshot, pkg, uri, params.Range)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
codeActions = append(codeActions, fixes...)
if wanted[protocol.GoTest] {
fixes, err := goTest(ctx, snapshot, uri, params.Range)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
codeActions = append(codeActions, fixes...)
// Unsupported file kind for a code action.
return nil, nil
var filtered []protocol.CodeAction
for _, action := range codeActions {
if wanted[action.Kind] {
filtered = append(filtered, action)
return filtered, nil
func (s *Server) getSupportedCodeActions() []protocol.CodeActionKind {
allCodeActionKinds := make(map[protocol.CodeActionKind]struct{})
for _, kinds := range s.session.Options().SupportedCodeActions {
for kind := range kinds {
allCodeActionKinds[kind] = struct{}{}
var result []protocol.CodeActionKind
for kind := range allCodeActionKinds {
result = append(result, kind)
sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
return result[i] < result[j]
return result
func importFixTitle(fix *imports.ImportFix) string {
var str string
switch fix.FixType {
case imports.AddImport:
str = fmt.Sprintf("Add import: %s %q", fix.StmtInfo.Name, fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath)
case imports.DeleteImport:
str = fmt.Sprintf("Delete import: %s %q", fix.StmtInfo.Name, fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath)
case imports.SetImportName:
str = fmt.Sprintf("Rename import: %s %q", fix.StmtInfo.Name, fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath)
return str
func importDiagnostics(fix *imports.ImportFix, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic) (results []protocol.Diagnostic) {
for _, diagnostic := range diagnostics {
switch {
// "undeclared name: X" may be an unresolved import.
case strings.HasPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "undeclared name: "):
ident := strings.TrimPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "undeclared name: ")
if ident == fix.IdentName {
results = append(results, diagnostic)
// "undefined: X" may be an unresolved import at Go 1.20+.
case strings.HasPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "undefined: "):
ident := strings.TrimPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "undefined: ")
if ident == fix.IdentName {
results = append(results, diagnostic)
// "could not import: X" may be an invalid import.
case strings.HasPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "could not import: "):
ident := strings.TrimPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "could not import: ")
if ident == fix.IdentName {
results = append(results, diagnostic)
// "X imported but not used" is an unused import.
// "X imported but not used as Y" is an unused import.
case strings.Contains(diagnostic.Message, " imported but not used"):
idx := strings.Index(diagnostic.Message, " imported but not used")
importPath := diagnostic.Message[:idx]
if importPath == fmt.Sprintf("%q", fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath) {
results = append(results, diagnostic)
return results
func extractionFixes(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, pkg source.Package, uri span.URI, rng protocol.Range) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
if rng.Start == rng.End {
return nil, nil
fh, err := snapshot.GetFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, pgf, err := source.GetParsedFile(ctx, snapshot, fh, source.NarrowestPackage)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting file for Identifier: %w", err)
srng, err := pgf.Mapper.RangeToSpanRange(rng)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
puri := protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri)
var commands []protocol.Command
if _, ok, methodOk, _ := source.CanExtractFunction(pgf.Tok, srng, pgf.Src, pgf.File); ok {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand("Extract function", command.ApplyFixArgs{
URI: puri,
Fix: source.ExtractFunction,
Range: rng,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
if methodOk {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand("Extract method", command.ApplyFixArgs{
URI: puri,
Fix: source.ExtractMethod,
Range: rng,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
if _, _, ok, _ := source.CanExtractVariable(srng, pgf.File); ok {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand("Extract variable", command.ApplyFixArgs{
URI: puri,
Fix: source.ExtractVariable,
Range: rng,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
for i := range commands {
actions = append(actions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: commands[i].Title,
Kind: protocol.RefactorExtract,
Command: &commands[i],
return actions, nil
func documentChanges(fh source.VersionedFileHandle, edits []protocol.TextEdit) []protocol.DocumentChanges {
return []protocol.DocumentChanges{
TextDocumentEdit: &protocol.TextDocumentEdit{
TextDocument: protocol.OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{
Version: fh.Version(),
TextDocumentIdentifier: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(fh.URI()),
Edits: edits,
func codeActionsMatchingDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, pdiags []protocol.Diagnostic, sdiags []*source.Diagnostic) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
for _, sd := range sdiags {
var diag *protocol.Diagnostic
for _, pd := range pdiags {
if sameDiagnostic(pd, sd) {
diag = &pd
if diag == nil {
diagActions, err := codeActionsForDiagnostic(ctx, snapshot, sd, diag)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, diagActions...)
return actions, nil
func codeActionsForDiagnostic(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, sd *source.Diagnostic, pd *protocol.Diagnostic) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
for _, fix := range sd.SuggestedFixes {
var changes []protocol.DocumentChanges
for uri, edits := range fix.Edits {
fh, err := snapshot.GetVersionedFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
changes = append(changes, protocol.DocumentChanges{
TextDocumentEdit: &protocol.TextDocumentEdit{
TextDocument: protocol.OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{
Version: fh.Version(),
TextDocumentIdentifier: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(fh.URI()),
Edits: edits,
action := protocol.CodeAction{
Title: fix.Title,
Kind: fix.ActionKind,
Edit: protocol.WorkspaceEdit{
DocumentChanges: changes,
Command: fix.Command,
if pd != nil {
action.Diagnostics = []protocol.Diagnostic{*pd}
actions = append(actions, action)
return actions, nil
func sameDiagnostic(pd protocol.Diagnostic, sd *source.Diagnostic) bool {
return pd.Message == strings.TrimSpace(sd.Message) && // extra space may have been trimmed when converting to protocol.Diagnostic
protocol.CompareRange(pd.Range, sd.Range) == 0 && pd.Source == string(sd.Source)
func goTest(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, uri span.URI, rng protocol.Range) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
fh, err := snapshot.GetFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fns, err := source.TestsAndBenchmarks(ctx, snapshot, fh)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var tests, benchmarks []string
for _, fn := range fns.Tests {
if !protocol.Intersect(fn.Rng, rng) {
tests = append(tests, fn.Name)
for _, fn := range fns.Benchmarks {
if !protocol.Intersect(fn.Rng, rng) {
benchmarks = append(benchmarks, fn.Name)
if len(tests) == 0 && len(benchmarks) == 0 {
return nil, nil
cmd, err := command.NewTestCommand("Run tests and benchmarks", protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri), tests, benchmarks)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []protocol.CodeAction{{
Title: cmd.Title,
Kind: protocol.GoTest,
Command: &cmd,
}}, nil