blob: 75263839a241d29f761bfca6bfc38da04413ade8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Incomplete std lib sources on Android.
//go:build !android
// +build !android
package importgraph_test
import (
_ "crypto/hmac" // just for test, below
const this = ""
func TestBuild(t *testing.T) {
exported := packagestest.Export(t, packagestest.GOPATH, []packagestest.Module{
{Name: "", Files: packagestest.MustCopyFileTree(".")}})
defer exported.Cleanup()
var gopath string
for _, env := range exported.Config.Env {
eq := strings.Index(env, "=")
if eq == 0 {
// We sometimes see keys with a single leading "=" in the environment on Windows.
// TODO(#49886): What is the correct way to parse them in general?
eq = strings.Index(env[1:], "=") + 1
if eq < 0 {
t.Fatalf("invalid variable in exported.Config.Env: %q", env)
k := env[:eq]
v := env[eq+1:]
if k == "GOPATH" {
gopath = v
if os.Getenv(k) == v {
defer func(prev string, prevOK bool) {
if !prevOK {
if err := os.Unsetenv(k); err != nil {
} else {
if err := os.Setenv(k, prev); err != nil {
if err := os.Setenv(k, v); err != nil {
t.Logf("%s=%s", k, v)
if gopath == "" {
t.Fatal("Failed to fish GOPATH out of env: ", exported.Config.Env)
var buildContext = build.Default
buildContext.GOPATH = gopath
buildContext.Dir = exported.Config.Dir
forward, reverse, errs := importgraph.Build(&buildContext)
for path, err := range errs {
t.Errorf("%s: %s", path, err)
if t.Failed() {
// Log the complete graph before the errors, so that the errors are near the
// end of the log (where we expect them to be).
nodePrinted := map[string]bool{}
printNode := func(direction string, from string) {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s[%q]", direction, from)
if nodePrinted[key] {
nodePrinted[key] = true
var g importgraph.Graph
switch direction {
case "forward":
g = forward
case "reverse":
g = reverse
t.Fatalf("bad direction: %q", direction)
var pkgs []string
for pkg := range g[from] {
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
t.Logf("\t%s", pkg)
if testing.Verbose() {
printNode("forward", this)
printNode("reverse", this)
// Test direct edges.
// We throw in crypto/hmac to prove that external test files
// (such as this one) are inspected.
for _, p := range []string{"go/build", "testing", "crypto/hmac"} {
if !forward[this][p] {
printNode("forward", this)
t.Errorf("forward[%q][%q] not found", this, p)
if !reverse[p][this] {
printNode("reverse", p)
t.Errorf("reverse[%q][%q] not found", p, this)
// Test non-existent direct edges
for _, p := range []string{"errors", "reflect"} {
if forward[this][p] {
printNode("forward", this)
t.Errorf("unexpected: forward[%q][%q] found", this, p)
if reverse[p][this] {
printNode("reverse", p)
t.Errorf("unexpected: reverse[%q][%q] found", p, this)
// Test Search is reflexive.
if !forward.Search(this)[this] {
printNode("forward", this)
t.Errorf("irreflexive: forward.Search(importgraph)[importgraph] not found")
if !reverse.Search(this)[this] {
printNode("reverse", this)
t.Errorf("irrefexive: reverse.Search(importgraph)[importgraph] not found")
// Test Search is transitive. (There is no direct edge to these packages.)
for _, p := range []string{"errors", "reflect", "unsafe"} {
if !forward.Search(this)[p] {
printNode("forward", this)
t.Errorf("intransitive: forward.Search(importgraph)[%s] not found", p)
if !reverse.Search(p)[this] {
printNode("reverse", p)
t.Errorf("intransitive: reverse.Search(%s)[importgraph] not found", p)
// Test strongly-connected components. Because A's external
// test package can depend on B, and vice versa, most of the
// standard libraries are mutually dependent when their external
// tests are considered.
// For any nodes x, y in the same SCC, y appears in the results
// of both forward and reverse searches starting from x
if !forward.Search("fmt")["io"] ||
!forward.Search("io")["fmt"] ||
!reverse.Search("fmt")["io"] ||
!reverse.Search("io")["fmt"] {
printNode("forward", "fmt")
printNode("forward", "io")
printNode("reverse", "fmt")
printNode("reverse", "io")
t.Errorf("fmt and io are not mutually reachable despite being in the same SCC")